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With the assistance of collecting RSSs from ambient Wi-Fi signals, confining RSSs by directions, and filtering burst noises, our propose scheme can overcome the severe signal fluctuation problem in the building.
Thus, preventing the targeted smartphone from having internet access unless the victim is capable of identifying the attack and manually disable the Wi-Fi features.
An interference mitigation technique is developed that incorporates cognitive radio paradigms allowing Wi-Fi devices to reliably transmit information while a residential MWO is operating.
Although designed and developed to reduce at minimum its radiated emissions, Wi-Fi has to be considered as a potential interfering source for modern instrumentation that often has bandwidth and operating frequencies including the Wi-Fi band.
The result also shows that the proposed approach can better protect the performance of Wi-Fi users, compared to the conventional listen-before-talk scheme.
The results also show that the proposed approach can better protect the performance of Wi-Fi users compared to the conventional listen-before-talk scheme.
In this paper, we present a novel algorithm that solves the problem by using an auto-correlation (AC) function on the Wi-Fi preamble and setting appropriate detection thresholds to infer the number of Wi-Fi BSSs operating on the channel.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach for human identification, which leverages Wi-Fi signals to enable non-intrusive human identification in domestic environments.
By adaptively adjusting the periods of LTE transmissions, Wi-Fi transmissions, and spectrum sensing, different levels of Wi-Fi protection can be achieved.
The method presented in the paper does not require calibration and leverages on existing Wi-Fi signals, while obtaining a percentage of correct discrimination among three levels near to 90%.

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What was the resource conflict within the tesla autopilot project?
5 answers
The resource conflict within the Tesla Autopilot project in the German state of Brandenburg stemmed from procedural conflicts and participation deficits during the settlement of the Gigafactory Tesla. The conflict involved conflicts of interest, values, location, and procedural issues that questioned the acceptance of the planning process. Resource conflicts, in general, are prevalent in project-driven enterprises and can be addressed by establishing evaluation index systems and utilizing multi-level grey comprehensive evaluation methods to prioritize resource allocation based on evaluation values. Additionally, resource conflicts are common in extractive economies globally, where natural resource abundance often leads to violent conflicts and political instability, despite contributing significantly to the global economy. These conflicts are influenced by factors such as hierarchical social relations, conflicting laws, corruption, and governance issues.
How does the choice of communication channel impact the design process for visual designers?
5 answers
The choice of communication channel significantly impacts the design process for visual designers. Visual communication design now requires higher interactivity, diversity, and real-time data transmission, necessitating the optimization of video transmission rates and cache sizes in heterogeneous wireless networks. The evolution of digital media has expanded graphic design beyond print to include network media, influencing traditional visual communication and making designs more vivid and intuitive. Information theory, originally developed for communication channels, is now applied in various scientific and technological fields, aiding in tasks like object viewpoint selection and image segmentation. Understanding the impact of communication channels is crucial, as starting design processes from a technical or business perspective often leads to less successful implementations in cross-channel communication design.
How does the weather affect the signal strength and quality in point-to-point microwave communication systems?
4 answers
Weather conditions play a crucial role in influencing signal strength and quality in point-to-point microwave communication systems. Studies have shown that factors like atmospheric humidity, temperature, and wind speed impact signal intensity. Higher humidity levels can weaken signal strength, while higher temperatures can enhance it. Additionally, weather conditions such as rainfall can lead to packet losses in wireless connectivity systems. To mitigate challenges like interference and protocol sharing in D2D communication, a hybrid band sharing algorithm considering weather parameters like rain and fog has been proposed, showing improved performance under various weather conditions. Overall, understanding and accounting for weather variables are essential in optimizing the performance and reliability of point-to-point microwave communication systems.
What is the mathematical model for 25 Gb/s TDM-PON?
5 answers
The mathematical model for a 25 Gb/s TDM-PON involves stacking two and four 25-Gb/s TDM-PON downstream channels, utilizing an O-band wavelength plan, CW laser with NRZ-OOK format, and achieving a power budget of 31.1 dB. The system supports 32, 64, and 128 users/λ with transmitted powers of 1, 4, and 7 dBm, respectively, successfully transmitting to 512 subscribers over a 20 km reach without amplifiers or FEC. The model mitigates Chromatic Dispersion (CD) and solves the FWM effect by adjusting the transmitted power and wavelength spacing. The system's simplicity lies in using basic components and IM/DD strategy, with future recommendations for FEC and compensation techniques.
What is a regime according to regime theory in international relations?
4 answers
A regime in international relations, as per regime theory, refers to a set of principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures that shape the behavior of international actors on a specific issue. Regime theory predicts the characteristics of stable alluvial channels based on flow, sediment transport, channel resistance, and bank stability. The history of international relations has seen shifts in terminology, with the concept of "international regime" evolving from nineteenth-century international law to a defined notion in American IR in the 1980s. Regime theory has been analyzed in relation to International Relations, focusing on waves of theorization like neo-neo-convergence regime theory, cognitivism, and radical constructivism/post-structuralism. In the context of international spectrum management, regime theory is applied to understand the dynamics between hegemonic countries and decision-making procedures within the International Telecommunication Union.
The financial challenges among grade 11 students?
5 answers
Grade 11 students face significant financial challenges due to a lack of financial education. These challenges are exacerbated by the increasing complexity of the financial landscape and the earlier assumption of financial responsibilities by young people. Additionally, individuals with special needs in this age group encounter unique financial planning obstacles, including navigating complex laws and rules that impact their financial resources. Understanding the contexts and influences, such as peers, families, and advertising, that shape financial decisions is crucial for developing effective financial education policies to empower young Australians to make sound financial decisions. Therefore, addressing the financial challenges among grade 11 students requires comprehensive financial education programs and support systems to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge for financial decision-making.
How to hack wifi?
4 answers
To hack WiFi, various methods and tools can be utilized. Understanding common threats and vulnerabilities associated with wireless networks is crucial. One approach involves exploiting vulnerabilities using Linux tools, which can lead to the hacking process. Additionally, weaknesses in encryption protocols like WEP can be targeted for unauthorized access. It is essential to be aware of silent reconnaissance attacks that can track users without compromising network security. Implementing advanced techniques like Blockchain Technology-Featured Novel Air-Cracking (BTFAT) can enhance WiFi security by detecting malicious tools and improving network defenses. Overall, a comprehensive understanding of WiFi vulnerabilities, encryption weaknesses, and the use of specialized tools is essential for successful WiFi hacking.
Amazon operational resources
5 answers
Amazon utilizes operational resource modeling to analyze application and system performance in various scenarios. This involves creating and training resource models, as well as simulating hypothetical situations using these models. Additionally, Amazon employs a resource management and operation system for cloud computing infrastructure, encompassing resource grade information, life cycles, configurations, and maintenance data. By adjusting computing resources for virtualized operations based on received data and metrics, Amazon ensures efficient utilization of cloud computing resources. Furthermore, Amazon's approach allows for the effective combination of resources among associated devices in an Internet-of-Things platform, enabling seamless operation without direct device interaction and shielding device heterogeneity.
How does Mesos compare to other resource allocation platforms in terms of performance, scalability, and flexibility?
5 answers
Mesos stands out among resource allocation platforms due to its scalability, flexibility, and performance. Mesos offers a highly available and fault-tolerant architecture, supports multi-dimensional resource scheduling, and provides isolation between tasks using Linux containers. It introduces Dominant Resource Fairness (DRF) for fair allocation among heterogeneous workloads. Mesos enables sharing commodity clusters efficiently among diverse frameworks, enhancing cluster utilization and data locality without replication. Additionally, Mesos can be integrated with technologies like IBM EGO to enhance policy capabilities for enterprise data center management, offering features like hierarchical resource structures and dynamic resource allocation policies. This integration allows for improved resource utilization and efficient task performance in Mesos-managed clusters.
The reasons behind the overlap between the knowledge management and human resources ?
5 answers
The overlap between knowledge management (KM) and human resources (HR) stems from their shared focus on organizational success through the effective utilization of human capital and knowledge assets. KM emphasizes the identification, creation, and distribution of knowledge for organizational benefit, while HRM ensures the efficient use of human talent to achieve organizational goals. Both fields recognize organizational knowledge as a valuable asset and emphasize the accumulation, maintenance, and transfer of knowledge and skills throughout the organization. Leadership plays a crucial role in driving knowledge management practices within an organization, with knowledge leaders guiding employees towards effective knowledge sharing, innovation, and continuous improvement. The integration of HR practices with a knowledge focus can enhance an organization's overall knowledge management goals and contribute to sustained success.
Performance measure of a refugee camp?
4 answers
The performance measurement of a refugee camp can encompass various aspects such as self-reliance, sustainability, energy efficiency, indoor comfort, and social impact. Studies highlight the importance of self-reliance among camp dwellers, emphasizing the need for infrastructure and service investments to improve their lives. Additionally, research on sustainable refugee shelters demonstrates significant energy savings and enhanced indoor comfort levels through innovative design and construction methods. Furthermore, the spatial design of refugee camps is considered performative, influencing the formation of the refugee subject and advocating for spatial justice in camp planning. Moreover, the integration of mobile networks and power availability assessments in refugee settlements aids in improving service delivery and access to essential resources for refugees.