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(4) Conclusion: these findings reveal how identity constructions in social media predict associated contents and possibly pathways to social change.
Once Despite looking like conventional email, a channelized email address and its related agent allow email users to reliably cut off unwanted correspondents.
These results suggest that to understand how to promote commitment to social change, we need to understand the social forces that promote the formation and internalization of meaningful social identities.
This study contributes to our understanding of social identities and organizational change by illustrating how organizational change may have activated latent social identity faultlines.
In future, i-RSA algorithm can be improved, so that 100% of email can be a public key.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
Dan Boneh, Michael Hamburg 
07 Dec 2008
260 Citations
Broadcast HIBE solves a natural problem having to do with identity-based encrypted email.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
07 Aug 2017
59 Citations
Our findings provide new insights about how people interact with enterprise email and have implications for the design of the next generation of email clients.
This can minimize variations in email use and in so doing is likely to leverage email use.
We recommend the use of an email system unconnected to the employer's email system.

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How do tourism observatories gather data on visitor behavior and preferences?
5 answers
Tourism observatories utilize various technologies and methodologies to gather data on visitor behavior and preferences. One approach involves the use of radiofrequency scanner technology and Wi-Fi mobility tracking devices to monitor tourists' movements. Additionally, the integration of social media data, such as geotagged Twitter messages, and mobile positioning data (MPD) enables the identification of tourist attractions and visitor peaks in specific areas. Furthermore, the analysis of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on social networking and online review sites helps in understanding consumer feedback and detecting fake reviews in the tourism sector. By combining these technologies and data sources, tourism observatories can obtain comprehensive insights into tourist activities, preferences, and the impact of events on tourism flows.
Why use surveys to collect data?
5 answers
Surveys are utilized to collect data due to their versatility in evaluating items, products, employee/customer satisfaction, and aiding research studies. However, challenges like errors in survey data due to various factors exist, emphasizing the importance of ensuring data quality. The precision and accuracy of survey results heavily rely on the representativeness of the sample population, as non-random samples can lead to biased estimates. Ethical considerations are also crucial when conducting surveys to maintain scientific rigor, emphasizing informed consent and scientific integrity in research practices. In essence, surveys serve as valuable tools for gathering information, but meticulous attention to detail is essential to mitigate errors, ensure data quality, and uphold ethical standards in research endeavors.
What is the current state of research on the use of Vitamin C as a treatment for histamine intolerance?
5 answers
Current research indicates that Vitamin C shows promise in managing histamine intolerance. Studies have highlighted Vitamin C's anti-inflammatory properties by reducing histamine levels. Additionally, intravenous administration of Vitamin C has been shown to significantly decrease serum histamine concentrations, particularly in patients with allergic diseases, suggesting a potential therapeutic benefit for conditions associated with elevated histamine levels. However, more scientific evidence is needed to fully define, diagnose, and manage histamine intolerance. Research emphasizes the importance of Vitamin C in modulating histamine levels and its potential as a treatment option for histamine-related conditions, warranting further investigation into its efficacy and mechanisms of action.
What is the definition of tourist intention?
5 answers
Tourist intention refers to the inclination or willingness of individuals to visit a particular destination based on various factors and experiences. It is influenced by factors such as attitudes towards child labor, tourist experiences including comfort, novelty, safety, and beauty, electronic word of mouth (eWOM) impacting travel decisions and city image, as well as push, pull, and perceived security factors affecting tourism intention. Tourist intention is a crucial aspect studied in the tourism industry to understand the behaviors and decisions of travelers, helping destination managers and stakeholders in enhancing visitor experiences and promoting sustainable tourism practices.
How does news have impact on stock market price?
5 answers
News plays a significant role in influencing stock market prices by affecting investor sentiments and market behavior. Studies have shown that different types of news, such as financial news, corporate announcements, and macroeconomic events, can lead to sharp movements in stock prices and increased trading volumes. The sentiment of financial news has been found to have a positive correlation with stock price variations, with the impact being most pronounced on the day of the news release. Furthermore, corporate news, including financial results, mergers and acquisitions, and management appointments, can impact stock prices differently across various sectors, with high-tech and energy sectors showing more positive reactions compared to the financial sector. Predictive models utilizing sentiment analysis of news headlines have also been developed to forecast stock prices, highlighting the importance of news in stock market price movements.
Importance of choosing a strand journeys on shs?
5 answers
Choosing a strand in Senior High School (SHS) is crucial as it impacts students' future educational paths and career choices. Research on sentiment analysis regarding SHS strand selection shows that students often choose a particular strand based on their genuine interest and suitability. Additionally, the process of selecting a strand is a significant decision point that requires respect for students' individual journeys and experiences. Understanding the sentiments and motivations behind students' choices can help school administrators predict and prescribe suitable courses to prevent misalignments in education growth. Implementing a trauma-informed approach during the assessment of students' choices can enhance the overall experience and ensure that their unique backgrounds are considered with care and respect. Ultimately, the choice of a strand in SHS plays a pivotal role in shaping students' academic and professional trajectories.
Do individuals of higher ses have more money?
5 answers
Individuals of higher socioeconomic status (SES) tend to have more money, as indicated by various research findings. Studies have shown that higher-SES individuals are more generous in monetary allocations, express a stronger desire for wealth and status, and are perceived as more trustworthy and receive more money in trust games. Additionally, research highlights that high-SES individuals are often viewed as valuable members of society. These findings collectively suggest a positive correlation between higher SES and financial resources, emphasizing that individuals with higher SES generally possess more money compared to those with lower SES.
How does Culture, society, politics, contribute to the IDENTITY of and individual?
5 answers
Culture, society, and politics play crucial roles in shaping an individual's identity. Cultural influences, such as language, religion, and traditions, set individuals apart and contribute to their sense of self. Social interactions and exposure to diverse cultures can either reinforce existing beliefs or broaden horizons, impacting one's cultural identity and values. Political culture and identification are integral to the formation of individual and collective identities, with political beliefs and activities influencing one's self-concept and social interactions. Identity encompasses social attributes like ethnicity and personal attributes such as personality, with social identity particularly significant for minority groups and migrants. Understanding individual identities is essential for promoting well-being and societal cohesion, emphasizing the interconnectedness of culture, society, politics, and personal identity.
How to use machine learning for social network analysis power and knowledge?
5 answers
Machine learning plays a crucial role in enhancing social network analysis by enabling the extraction of valuable insights and knowledge from vast amounts of data. By utilizing machine learning algorithms, various tasks such as spammer detection, user classification, link prediction, trend analysis, sentiment analysis, and more can be efficiently performed in social network analysis. Network representation learning through neural network models aids in retaining network structures and attribute information, facilitating tasks like classification, anomaly detection, and clustering in social networks. Additionally, machine learning techniques can help in identifying key influencers, evaluating influence propagation, and analyzing the efficiency of nodes in social networks, thereby empowering decision-making processes and knowledge extraction.
What are the different types of artificial intelligence ( like chatbos *cici, Poe.. etc)?
4 answers
Different types of artificial intelligence (AI) include reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-awareness based on their ability to mimic human behaviors. Chatbots, a popular application of AI, utilize Natural Language Processing (NLP) to simulate conversations between users and systems, enhancing human-machine interactions in various domains like science, education, and healthcare. Chatbots aim to understand user inputs accurately for relevant responses, improving efficiency in natural language conversations. Additionally, AI encompasses various subfields such as machine learning, deep learning, robotics, facial recognition, artificial neural networks, and natural learning progression, contributing to the advancement of AI technologies. Overall, AI technologies continue to evolve, offering diverse applications and capabilities in enhancing human-machine interactions and problem-solving across different domains.
In what ways does the introduction of new residents to a neighborhood affect existing social structures and economic dynamics?
5 answers
The introduction of new residents to a neighborhood can have multifaceted impacts on existing social structures and economic dynamics. Research indicates that the arrival of immigrants can lead to changes in neighborhood dynamics, such as increased house prices near mosques without significant residential segregation. Additionally, studies highlight how the influx of newcomers can trigger identity-related experiences for both existing and incoming residents, potentially shaping intergroup perceptions and neighborhood identity. Furthermore, the presence of new residents, particularly in changing socioeconomic environments, can influence mental health outcomes, social capital, and perceptions of neighborhood safety among older residents. Overall, the integration of new residents can bring about shifts in social interactions, economic activities, and community identities within a neighborhood.