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The proposed evidence-based quantitative approach has shown promising results in studying employee productivity during a work from home scenario.
Results show how both information technology investment and Internet usage at work have a positive impact on workplace productivity.
Results indicate that Work-from-Home concept was taken positively by the people.
Home autonomy and home workload strengthened the positive relationship between seeking resources at work and at home.
The seven productivity dimensions that emerged from this study show promise in providing 1) a theoretical basis for understanding the knowledge and abilities associated with RN productivity in the home health setting, 2) a description of nurse inputs in a home health services productivity model, and 3) a reality-based measurement tool that has utility in managing RN productivity in home health care.

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Work from home?5 answersWork from home has become a new practice in government institutions, including the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT). The implementation of work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the working hours and responsibilities of civil servants. In the case of Kemendes PDTT, the economic dimension shows a reduction in employee expenses due to the absence of travel and meeting-related costs. The use of technology has increased among civil servants, leading to an increase in technological knowledge. However, the social dimension has been affected negatively, as limited mobility and lack of visits to villages have resulted in reduced interaction with the community. The research also highlights the impact of commute distance on the employment prospects of low-wage workers, with long commutes leading to lower earnings. Improved access to local jobs increases the likelihood of finding employment for welfare recipients.
Are workers more productive at home?4 answersWorkers' productivity at home varies depending on the circumstances. Research suggests that for roughly two-thirds of employees, working from home increases productivity by making better use of time and reducing travel. However, the impact of working from home on productivity can be influenced by various factors. Non-mandatory work-from-home arrangements have been shown to have positive effects on productivity and performance. On the other hand, when working from home becomes mandatory or external factors like the COVID-19 pandemic are at play, the overall impacts on productivity can be less positive and even detrimental. Factors such as poor work-from-home setups and communication difficulties have been identified as reasons for productivity losses. Additionally, technical issues, such as less efficiency of online communication technologies, can contribute to a decrease in productivity. Therefore, while working from home can enhance productivity for many employees, it is important to consider the specific circumstances and address potential challenges to optimize productivity in a remote work environment.
What benefits working from home affect employee productivity?5 answersWorking from home has been found to have several benefits that can affect employee productivity. These benefits include flexible work schedules, improved employee well-being, reduced stress levels, and better work-life balance. Additionally, the use of digital technology has enabled the increase in work from home arrangements, allowing employees to make better use of their time and travel, leading to higher performance standards. However, it is important to note that there are also challenges associated with working from home, such as social isolation, distraction, and multitasking, which can potentially impact productivity. Overall, the benefits of working from home on employee productivity outweigh the challenges, and organizations should consider implementing flexible work arrangements to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction.
Introduction about Do employees who work from home are more productive?5 answersEmployees who work from home have been found to be more productive. Studies have shown that working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in increased productivity among employees. Factors such as reduced travel time, time freedom, and the ability to balance work and life contribute to this increased productivity. Additionally, work-life balance, flexibility in time/schedule, and job satisfaction have been identified as mediating factors that positively impact employee productivity in a work-from-home arrangement. However, it is important to note that there are also challenges associated with working from home, such as technical issues and the lack of social interaction. Overall, the evidence suggests that working from home can lead to increased productivity for a majority of employees, making better use of time and resources.
Evidence and examples of do employees who work from home are more productive?5 answersEmployees who work from home have shown increased productivity in multiple studies. For example, a study by Rivera et al. found that work-from-home employees were very productive and experienced advantages such as time freedom and the ability to balance work and life. Another study by Chen et al. found that frequent work from home was associated with less work distraction, greater perceived productivity/engagement, and greater job satisfaction. Bloom et al. conducted an experiment at CTrip and found that home working led to a 13% performance increase, attributed to working more minutes per shift and more calls per minute. Additionally, a literature review by Febriani and Sopiah found that working from home increases productivity for roughly two-thirds of employees by making better use of time and travel. These studies provide evidence and examples that employees who work from home can be more productive.
How can I be productive when working from home?5 answers

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5 answers
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