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It is suggested that the tension between cohesion and autonomization introduced by globalization is a central dynamic at work in the contemporary EU.
Accordingly, globalization should be promoted.
The region has emerged as both the site upon which the global acts upon the EU, and the level at which the EU has determined that the processes of globalization can best be accommodated.
In this way, it is argued that economic globalization emerged in the EU as a debate on the nature and future of Europe.
Globalization is a contributing factor.
It explains the pattern of similarity and variation in terms of the interplay between globalization pressures, the policy transfer effects of EU institutions, and the domestic institutional environment.
Journal ArticleDOI
Cameron Graham, Dean Neu 
01 Dec 2003-Accounting Forum
78 Citations
We argue that if globalization is to be useful as a theoretical construct, then detailed research is required into the concrete and specific mechanisms that constitute globalization.
At the country level, the national degree of globalization is associated positively with the communitarian pole and negatively with the cosmopolitan pole in all EU countries.

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