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In this paper we propose the use of a one-class SVM to reduce the computational resources required to perform SVM learning and classification.
The method also circumvents the problem of explicitly discerning SVs in feature space as the SVM formulation does.
The results of experiments show that grid search-based SVM outperforms other optimized SVM approaches with 88.0% accuracy.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Tao Xiong, Vladimir Cherkassky 
27 Dec 2005
1K Citations
We show that existing SVM software can be used to solve the SVM/LDA formulation.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
14 Aug 2009
10 Citations
Experiments demonstrated that the integrated GA-SVM approach is superior compared to conventional SVM applications.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Lipo Wang, Bing Liu, Chunru Wan 
25 Jul 2005
33 Citations
Experiments on benchmark data sets show that the generalization performance of the SVM-GR is comparable to the traditional SVM.
Classification results obtained using one class SVM are superior than classical SVM as advocated by our simulations.
Our analysis shows that the convergence behavior of the linear programming SVM is almost the same as that of the quadratic programming SVM.

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What is effect by cutting classes?
5 answers
Cutting classes has significant negative consequences on academic performance. Research shows that skipping classes harms exam scores, while attending preexam reviews and taking optional quizzes positively impact exam scores. Additionally, weight cutting in sports negatively affects reaction time but has mixed effects on power and accuracy in striking performance. On the other hand, reducing class sizes does not show statistically significant improvements in academic test scores or non-cognitive skills. Addressing class cutting in high schools is crucial, as it often stems from disengagement and alienation, leading to course failure and dropout rates. Schools can combat class cutting by understanding students' concerns, collaborating with them, and engaging in institutional self-scrutiny to create a more supportive environment.
How do machine learning algorithms predict sales in e-commerce platforms?
4 answers
Machine learning algorithms play a crucial role in predicting sales in e-commerce platforms. Various studies have highlighted the significance of utilizing advanced techniques like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) models, and DAE-SVM modelsfor accurate sales forecasting. These algorithms leverage historical data from online trade markets, consider factors like promotion campaigns and product competition, and employ methods such as sentiment analysis in customer reviews to enhance prediction accuracy. By incorporating preprocessing steps, feature selection, and model training, machine learning models can effectively handle diverse data types and provide valuable insights for e-commerce businesses to optimize their marketing strategies and ensure long-term success.
What is the effectiveness of KNN in sentiment analysis compared to other machine learning algorithms?
5 answers
The effectiveness of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) in sentiment analysis has been extensively studied across various domains. In sentiment classification tasks, KNN has shown remarkable performance. Research has demonstrated that KNN, when applied to sentiment analysis tasks, achieved high accuracies ranging from 91% to 98.4%. In comparison to other machine learning algorithms such as Naive Bayes, SVM, Decision Tree, and Random Forest, KNN consistently outperformed them in terms of accuracy, with KNN achieving an accuracy of 98.4% and an AUC score of 98.8%. This highlights the robustness and effectiveness of KNN in sentiment analysis tasks, making it a competitive choice among various machine learning algorithms for sentiment classification.
How to use AI in academic tutoring?
5 answers
To utilize AI in academic tutoring, one can design Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) that incorporate domain knowledge, student models, and pedagogical modules. These systems can present computing concepts and generate problems for students to solve, enhancing their understanding. Additionally, AI can be employed to personalize feedback and customize educational content, aiding in student learning. Implementing AI in programming teaching can provide students with accurate answers and examples, facilitating their learning process. Furthermore, AI can bridge the gap between human lecturers and machines, improving communication and enhancing the educational experience. By leveraging AI technologies like machine learning algorithms, academic institutions can predict future trends in higher education and address challenges faced by faculty and students.
What are the positive impact of Drones in terms of Data Collection for Drone operators?
5 answers
Drones have shown significant positive impacts on data collection for operators. They enable efficient data gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) by serving as mobile sinks, reducing energy consumption and improving overall application performance. Additionally, drones enhance the monitoring of low power IoT WSNs, improving data collection processes by utilizing total flying time effectively and increasing performance by 23% compared to traditional methods. Moreover, drones aid in interpreting sensor data through machine learning methods, enhancing safety in operations and providing resilience against failures in data interpretation and decision-making. Overall, drones play a crucial role in optimizing data collection processes, improving efficiency, and ensuring reliable data interpretation for operators.
How gadgets affect the performance of the students in highschool?
5 answers
Gadgets, particularly smartphones and electronic devices, have a significant impact on high school students' academic performance. Research shows that students often use gadgets during classes, with varying effects on their learning capabilities and performance. Excessive gadget use can lead to dependency, affecting both academic achievement and health status. Machine learning techniques have been employed to analyze the addictiveness of gadgets among students and their impact on academic performance, showcasing the need for monitoring and regulation of gadget usage in educational settings. Positive gadget use can enhance learning capabilities and contribute positively to academic performance, emphasizing the importance of promoting beneficial gadget utilization while curbing negative impacts for improved student outcomes.
What are some common applications of logistic regression, random forest, XGBoost, and decision trees in marketing and customer segmentation?
4 answers
Logistic regression, random forest, XGBoost, and decision trees are widely used in marketing and customer segmentation. Logistic regression is applied in customer segmentation, experimental market selection, and sales area determination. Decision tree ensembles like random forests and XGBoost are popular due to their versatility, accuracy, and computational efficiency, aiding in predicting customer conversions in telemarketing scenarios. In customer segmentation, clustering algorithms like K-means and ensemble techniques involving random forest and gradient boosting are utilized, achieving precision rates of 76.83% and above 90% accuracy, respectively. These algorithms play a crucial role in analyzing customer behaviors, forming clusters, and providing valuable insights for marketing strategies in the e-commerce sector.
How has the development of advanced welding technologies impacted the efficiency and quality of welded products?
5 answers
The development of advanced welding technologies has significantly impacted the efficiency and quality of welded products. These advancements have enabled the welding of advanced engineering alloys using both solid-state and fusion-based techniques, leading to the creation of complex structures with tailored mechanical properties. Research on dissimilar welding has highlighted the importance of selecting appropriate filler metals to avoid issues like gas pores and ensure optimal mechanical properties in the welded joints. Furthermore, the integration of automated in-process nondestructive evaluation (NDE) directly at the point of manufacture has shown promise in enhancing productivity, reducing rework, and improving the overall quality of fabrications in various industrial sectors. Additionally, the application of artificial intelligence algorithms like artificial neural networks (ANN), deep neural networks (DNN), and convolutional neural networks (CNN) has facilitated quality prediction and classification in arc welding processes, further enhancing efficiency and quality control.
What are the potential benefits of sectoral analysis in bankruptcy prediction models?
5 answers
Sectoral analysis in bankruptcy prediction models offers several potential benefits, enhancing the accuracy and applicability of these models across different industries. Firstly, the construction industry, with its unique characteristics and financial risks, demonstrates the necessity for specialized modelling approaches, as general application models may not suffice due to sector-specific variables that significantly impact model characteristics and improve prediction accuracy. Similarly, the financial sector's critical role in economic development and the severe consequences of bankruptcy within it underscore the importance of selecting the most sensitive model for bankruptcy risk assessment, highlighting the sector's unique needs. Moreover, the predictive capacity of bankruptcy models varies across sectors, such as manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and service sectors, indicating that sectoral features and financial indicators behave differently, which can lead to more reliable prediction outcomes when these differences are accounted for. In the health sector, the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) for predicting bankruptcies has shown high classification success, suggesting that sector-specific models can effectively protect stakeholders. The relationship between the probability of default and sector indicators further supports the argument for industry-specific models to improve performance and reduce risk management costs. Additionally, employing different methodologies, such as genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic, has proven effective in various sectors, indicating the potential for tailored approaches to enhance predictive accuracy. Sector-specific threshold values in bankruptcy models have shown high predictive power across different economic sectors, emphasizing the benefits of customized models. The inclusion of expert judgment in the modeling process through a Bayesian framework can also be tailored to specific sectors, offering flexibility and interpretability. The effectiveness of sector-specific analytical tools in predicting bankruptcy in South African companies across diverse industries further illustrates the value of sectoral analysis. Lastly, constructing separate models for each industry allows for the assessment of the vulnerability of industrial economic activities, demonstrating the comprehensive benefits of sectoral analysis in bankruptcy prediction models.
What is the latest thinking in RCPSP problem solutions?
5 answers
The latest advancements in solving the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) involve innovative approaches such as utilizing linear integer programming (LIP) models, feed-forward neural networks, and machine learning classifiers. These methods aim to optimize project duration while considering resource constraints and precedence relationships among activities. The LIP model offers scalability and universality, effectively addressing the specific constraints of the RCPSP problem. On the other hand, neural networks learn based on project parameters to automatically select priority rules for scheduling activities, enhancing efficiency in project management. Additionally, machine learning classifiers have shown promise in improving the quality of solutions for RCPSP by replacing traditional heuristics, leading to a slight decrease in project makespan and indicating potential for further enhancements.
How does traffic optimization affect the flow of vehicles at intersection points?
4 answers
Traffic optimization plays a crucial role in enhancing the flow of vehicles at intersection points. Various strategies such as priority control, traffic light control based on stop lines, and lane connectors are employed to regulate traffic efficiently. Optimization algorithms like genetic algorithms and multi-objective optimization models contribute to improving intersection traffic organization by considering factors like signal light and lane optimization. In future scenarios with connected automated vehicles, optimization-based strategies like autonomous intersection management (AIM) can significantly enhance capacity and reduce delays compared to conventional traffic signal control methods. Additionally, field observations using unmanned aerial vehicles aid in assessing traffic flows comprehensively, optimizing the research process for better traffic management at intersections.