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How does reverse causation affect job satisfaction? 

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There is a direct positive influence of compensation and empowerment to job satisfaction.
Thus, reciprocal or reversed causation might account for part of the association between JDC/JDCS dimensions and job-related well-being.
The effect this has on worker job satisfaction then is different depending on whether perceived job loss occurs (or not) when job openings are scarce or when job openings are plentiful.
In previous research on unemployment, conflicting evidence has been found for a 'reverse causation interpretation', indicating that prolonged unemployment is a consequence of psychological distress instead of the reverse.
Results indicated that job dissatisfaction predicts subsequent perceived overqualification rather than the reverse.
The results revealed that all three independent factors are correlated with job satisfaction.
The findings revealed there are factors that significantly contribute to job satisfaction.
In addition, an examination of longitudinal studies suggested that the causal relationship from SWB to job satisfaction was stronger than the causal relationship from job satisfaction to SWB.
The results of these experiments raise serious questions about the previous causal interpretations for job characteristics—job satisfaction correlations based on cross-sectional, self-report data.
The results indicated an association between job satisfaction and causality attributions for the accident occurrence.

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10 answers
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