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The fast fashion segment which adopted late the social media will have to adapt to the increase impact of social media amongst different types of segments DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p173
Social media use positively predicts total news consumption time.
We demonstrate the application of our novel method that shows clear trends of age differences as well as substantiates previous insights in social media.

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How social media affect market trends?4 answersSocial media has a significant impact on market trends. It provides a platform for people to share their opinions and influences various aspects of life, including marketing and communication. Twitter, in particular, has become a powerful tool for understanding user sentiment and can influence stock symbol trends. The development of technology, especially information technology, has removed barriers of space and geography, giving customers more access to information about products and more choices. Social media platforms, such as Twitter, are becoming predominant over other media platforms because they provide real-time news and updates from around the world. Researchers are increasingly interested in analyzing fluctuations in stock markets using information from microblogs, highlighting the growing attention given to social media in understanding market behavior. Overall, social media plays a crucial role in shaping market trends by providing a platform for sharing opinions, understanding user sentiment, and disseminating real-time information.
How trends form in social media?3 answersTrends in social media form based on various factors. The resonance of the content with users plays a major role in causing trends. Factors such as user activity and number of followers do not strongly contribute to trend creation and propagation. Social media acts as a selective amplifier for content propagated from traditional media sources, which leads to trends. Trends on social media platforms like Twitter are triggered by news, ongoing events, memes, and commemoratives. Trends have the potential to spread messages to a wide group outside of a person's typical social network, making them a powerful means of persuasion.
How has social media evolved over time?3 answersSocial media has evolved significantly over time. It started as a means of exchanging information and has now become a powerful tool for communication and marketing. In the early days, social media platforms competed with each other and targeted the general population. However, there has been a shift towards targeting niche populations and competing for audience time and attention. Social media has also empowered users, allowing them to play an active role in producing and participating in content. The rise of user-generated content has led to the need for context detection and tracking its evolution. Social networks have a strong influence on content networks, and social network properties impact user behavior and engagement. Overall, social media has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and consume information, and it continues to evolve with new platforms and technologies.
How fast does information spread on social media?5 answersStep 1: Answer without citation Information spreads rapidly on social media, with studies showing that it can travel thousands of kilometers in just a few seconds. The speed and scale of information diffusion have been the focus of various research, with some studies exploring the geographical aspect of the spread. Factors such as message content, user characteristics, and the network structure play significant roles in the speed and volume of information dissemination. Additionally, the use of population dynamics and susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) models has provided insights into the rapid propagation of information, especially during events like the Covid-19 epidemic and emergency situations. Furthermore, the dynamical nature of social networks has been found to impact the spread of information, with link rewiring strategies influencing the speed and breadth of information diffusion. Step 3: Answer with citation Information spreads rapidly on social media, with studies showing that it can travel thousands of kilometers in just a few seconds. The speed and scale of information diffusion have been the focus of various research, with some studies exploring the geographical aspect of the spread. Factors such as message content, user characteristics, and the network structure play significant roles in the speed and volume of information dissemination. Additionally, the use of population dynamics and susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) models has provided insights into the rapid propagation of information, especially during events like the Covid-19 epidemic and emergency situations. Furthermore, the dynamical nature of social networks has been found to impact the spread of information, with link rewiring strategies influencing the speed and breadth of information diffusion.
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How does the use of social networks influence individual vehicle driver decision-making processes?
5 answers
The use of social networks influences individual vehicle driver decision-making processes by affecting driving behavior, mobility planning, and transport choices. Research shows that drivers tend to mimic the behavior of passing vehicles, indicating a social effect on driving decisions. Social media impact users' activity and mobility planning decisions, highlighting the influence of social platforms on travel choices. Additionally, social dynamics within vehicular networks can enhance travel experiences by considering interactions between vehicles and their environments. Furthermore, peer attitudes indirectly affect individual choices within social groups, showcasing the subtle yet significant impact of social influence on decision-making processes. Overall, social networks play a crucial role in shaping individual vehicle driver decisions through various channels of influence.
What are some challenges faced by leisure tourism in png? Provide 4 key challenges and solutions.?
5 answers
Leisure tourism in Papua New Guinea (PNG) faces several challenges and potential solutions. Challenges include the negative impacts of tourism activities on the environment, such as ecosystem disruption and increased waste production. Additionally, the absence of tourism during events like the Covid-19 pandemic can lead to significant economic and social losses for indigenous communities heavily reliant on tourism. Furthermore, defining and managing culture tourism can be complex, requiring stakeholder collaboration to protect indigenous resources and the environment. Lastly, threats to media freedom and information in PNG can impact the portrayal of tourism activities, potentially affecting visitor perceptions and interest. Solutions involve sustainable tourism practices, community involvement, education and training in tourism, and safeguarding media independence to promote positive tourism experiences and outcomes.
Describe and provide suitable example to justify how png offering leisure tourism in the country?
5 answers
Papua New Guinea (PNG) offers leisure tourism through various avenues such as community-based tourism (CBT), wildlife tourism, ethnic tourism, and strategic planning for overall tourism development. CBT initiatives in rural PNG villages have shown positive outcomes by integrating tourism with sustainable livelihoods and Melanesian values. Additionally, PNG's rich biodiversity, especially in birds, marine wildlife, and some terrestrial invertebrates, presents significant wildlife tourism potential. Ethnic tourism in PNG showcases cultural experiences and traditions, contributing to the tourism sector's growth. However, challenges like lack of strategic planning and government involvement have hindered PNG's tourism industry growth, emphasizing the need for a strategic approach to tourism development. An example of leisure tourism in PNG is the promotion of bilum art, reflecting the country's unique and unexpected cultural offerings.
What is a paid channel?
5 answers
A paid channel refers to a platform or service where users subscribe and pay to access dynamically changing content. These channels typically involve the user providing payment information to create a subscription, granting them access to exclusive content in real-time. Paid channels can offer a mix of paid and free media items, with users selecting and paying for specific content they wish to consume. In the realm of entertainment marketing, firms utilize paid channels like traditional advertising to tightly control the delivery of messages to consumers, deciding on message content, timing, and expenditure. Payment channels, on the other hand, are a solution in blockchain technology to facilitate faster and more cost-effective transactions, ensuring secure transfers without counterparty risks.
What is the impact of digital rumors on public opinion and election results?
4 answers
Digital rumors have a significant impact on public opinion and election results. Social media platforms play a crucial role in spreading hoaxes and fake news, influencing public perception and shaping political narratives. The manipulation of referenda, elections, and public opinion through digital analytics can confuse people and influence unconscious behaviors, potentially affecting election outcomes. Rumors on social media during the 2016 U.S. presidential election had a notable impact on voters' decisions, with extensive rumor tweets from followers of candidates affecting online discourse. However, exposure to digital fake news may not directly change electoral decisions but can reinforce partisan dispositions, particularly among politically conservative internet users. Overall, digital rumors can sway public opinion and potentially influence election results through the dissemination of misleading information and targeted messaging.
How does class distraction in learning mathematics effect academic performance?
5 answers
Class distractions in learning mathematics, particularly digital distractions, have a significant impact on academic performance. Factors such as self-efficacy, motivation, and interest play crucial roles in academic procrastination, affecting students' ability to focus and complete assignments on time. The use of technology, including smartphones and social media, has been identified as a major source of distraction, leading to reduced cognitive processing capacity and poor academic performance. Strategies to mitigate distractions include raising awareness among students about the negative effects of digital distractions, developing self-control skills, and implementing interventions like technology breaks to reduce multitasking. Addressing distractions effectively is vital for sustaining the use of technology in education and enhancing students' academic outcomes.
How does the use of social networks like twitter influence individual vehicle driving decision-making processes?
5 answers
The use of social networks like Twitter can influence individual vehicle driving decision-making processes by introducing social effects and peer influence on drivers' behavior. Social media platforms can impact users' activity and mobility planning decisions, affecting their choice of transport mode and destination. Additionally, social influence from peers can indirectly affect an individual's decision-making process within a social group, showcasing the significance of attitudes in the individual's social network on their choices. Furthermore, vehicles in intelligent transportation systems can socialize with each other, sharing information and influencing each other's travel behaviors, ultimately enhancing the travel experience for the public.
How does the use of social networks like twitter influence individual vehicle driver decision-making processes?
5 answers
The use of social networks like Twitter can influence individual vehicle driver decision-making processes through social effects and peer influence. Research indicates that drivers may mimic the behavior of passing vehicles, accelerating when a fast-moving vehicle overtakes them. Additionally, social influence from peers can indirectly affect an individual's decision-making process, as peers' attitudes are significantly related to the individual's latent attitude, impacting choices within a social group. Furthermore, vehicles can engage in social interactions while traveling, exchanging information that can enhance the travel experience and influence decision-making, such as choosing different transportation modes based on social behaviors observed in vehicular networks. Overall, social networks play a significant role in shaping individual driver decisions through social interactions and peer influences.
What is female gaze?
4 answers
The female gaze refers to a perspective that portrays women's experiences and viewpoints in art, literature, and media, contrasting the traditional male gaze that objectifies women. It involves showcasing women's agency, desires, and emotions, challenging societal norms and stereotypes. The female gaze has emerged as a response to the objectification and sexualization of women in various forms of media, aiming to empower women and provide a more authentic representation of their lives. Different studies have explored the female gaze in various contexts, such as film, literature, and social media, highlighting its significance in reshaping narratives and challenging dominant patriarchal structures. Through the female gaze, creators and critics aim to offer a more inclusive and diverse portrayal of women's experiences, contributing to the ongoing feminist discourse and cultural evolution.
What is the role of digital communication in shaping the identity of telecommunications companies?
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Digital communication plays a crucial role in shaping the identity of telecommunications companies by influencing how stakeholders perceive and interact with these organizations. Through digital platforms and technologies, telecommunications companies can project their values, services, and corporate culture to a wide audience, impacting their reputation and relationships with customers, employees, and the public. The use of digital media allows for the creation of a visual and global digital identity that helps in identifying the type of content available and the organization providing it. Additionally, digital communication platforms like social networking sites and online communication spaces serve as sites where telecommunications companies can engage with stakeholders, shape their brand image, and manage their online presence, ultimately influencing how their identity is perceived in the digital realm.
What is a personal computer?
5 answers
A personal computer (PC) is a digital device used for computing tasks, typically affordable for home or individual use. It consists of components like a processor, memory, and display, enabling data processing and output generation. PCs have become integral to daily life, providing access to vast knowledge sources. Additionally, advancements have led to innovations like PC terminal equipment connecting mobile phones for real-time image transmission, overcoming traditional communication limitations. Furthermore, PC systems can be utilized in various settings, such as Internet cafes, where manager and user clients interact over a network for calculating and providing usage charges. In essence, a personal computer is a versatile tool that has evolved to cater to diverse computing needs efficiently.