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Based on several measures, we find that globalization has increased.
This paper asserts that globalization has a positive side as well.
The cultural consequences of globalization are therefore diverse and complex.
Open accessDOI
08 Apr 2016
55 Citations
This confirms the effects of globalization on port regions
These findings support the transformation perspective about globalization and its impacts.

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How has globalization impacted global markets?5 answersGlobalization has had a significant impact on global markets. The increase in global trade and the globalization of markets and production have led to an interdependent and integrated global economic system. While trade globalization has stalled since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), financial globalization has continued to increase, particularly through US dollar hegemony. This has resulted in increased correlation among global equity markets and reduced efficacy of geographic diversification, concentrating exposure to US monetary policy shocks. The implications of globalization on global markets include the need for businesses to adapt to international accounting practices, strategic choices, cultural issues, and political risk factors in various countries. Additionally, globalization has led to comprehensive foreign competition in global markets, increasing international competition. Overall, globalization has transformed global markets by breaking down barriers to trade and investment, increasing interdependence, and presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses and investors.
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Organizational culture significantly impacts employee productivity and job satisfaction. Studies show that a positive organizational culture fosters higher job satisfaction levels, leading to increased employee engagement and performance. The values, attitudes, and assumptions within an organization shape employee behavior and influence job satisfaction. Furthermore, organizational culture influences employee commitment, which in turn enhances job satisfaction and performance. A supportive work culture not only boosts job satisfaction but also improves employee performance by creating a conducive environment for growth and development. Therefore, organizations that prioritize cultivating a positive and engaging culture are more likely to witness enhanced productivity and job satisfaction among their employees.
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Investing in NEOM presents a mix of risks and opportunities related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. NEOM, a smart urban center in Saudi Arabia, aims for environmental sustainability, aligning with global zero-carbon goals. However, challenges arise from the influx of workers and machinery impacting the local environment negatively. ESG investments, including in NEOM, are gaining traction globally, with a focus on long-term financial risks and opportunities for multinational enterprises (MNEs). ESG principles guide companies towards sustainable practices, but risks like greenwashing and ESG rating errors persist due to the lack of standardization. Effective risk management systems are crucial for MNEs to navigate ESG factors successfully, especially in environmental and governance domains. Overall, investing in NEOM with an ESG lens requires careful consideration of these risks and opportunities to ensure sustainable and responsible outcomes.
How has the funding and support for humanities programs changed in the past decade?
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Internal and external factors play crucial roles in driving sustainability practices in businesses and organizations. Internally, factors such as managerial cognition, history of sustainable practices, and level of internationalization influence multinational companies to implement sustainability. Additionally, managers' attitudes, employee involvement, and financial benefits are key motives for organizations to adopt sustainable practices. Externally, factors like regulatory quality, rule of law, and national cultural dimensions impact corporate sustainability practices. Moreover, the interconnectedness between economic, social, and environmental factors, along with authentic communication with stakeholders, are emphasized as essential for successful sustainability implementation. Overall, a combination of internal organizational features, external drivers, and effective knowledge sharing are vital in promoting sustainability within businesses and organizations.
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Proper nutrition during pregnancy is crucial for both maternal and fetal health. It plays a significant role in preventing nutritional imbalances that can interfere with pregnancy. Adequate nutrition during pregnancy is essential to address the increased needs for energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Malnutrition during pregnancy can lead to adverse outcomes such as intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, congenital malformations, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes. Additionally, maternal nutrition during pregnancy has a long-term impact on the future health of the child, influencing the risk of chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cancer. Therefore, educating and supporting pregnant women to make healthy food choices is vital to ensure optimal outcomes for both the mother and the growing fetus.
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4 answers
Religion refers to a broader belief system and set of practices followed by a group of people, while a denomination is a specific subgroup within a religion that shares common beliefs and practices. Religion encompasses various faiths and spiritual traditions, while a denomination is a distinct branch or subgroup within a particular religion, often characterized by specific doctrines or practices. Denominations can have their own organizational structures, leadership, and interpretations of religious teachings, contributing to diversity within a broader religious framework. Additionally, denominations may impact factors like earnings and educational outcomes, as seen in studies analyzing the effects of religious backgrounds on human capital and earnings disparities.
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Cultural diversity significantly influences the design of organizational structures by necessitating the facilitation of difficult conversations for change. Effective management of cultural diversity enhances organizational performance, with components like color blindness, justice, and cultural integration playing crucial roles. Studies show that cultural diversity, encompassing language, religious, and value system diversity, can impact organizational performance indicators like team building, communication, and productivity. In the context of Nigerian organizations, cultural diversity affects employee behavior and organizational performance, emphasizing the need for structures promoting ethical behavior at all levels. Understanding and managing cultural differences are essential in designing organizational structures that promote inclusivity, equity, and improved performance, highlighting the importance of embracing diverse perspectives and fostering a culture of openness and understanding.
Is encountering resistance a common challenge in change management and requires adaptive leadership strategies to navigate successfully?
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Encountering resistance is a prevalent challenge in change management. Resistance can stem from various factors such as fear of the unknown, lack of readiness, and ineffective leadership. To navigate successfully through resistance, adaptive leadership strategies are crucial. Effective leadership with a clear vision, strong support from senior management, and a culture valuing change and innovation are essential. Understanding the emotional and behavioral indicators of resistance, adapting communication styles, and leveraging individual strengths are key approaches to overcoming resistance. Leaders must inspire, communicate effectively, and support employees to ensure successful change implementation. By addressing resistance through adaptive leadership strategies, organizations can enhance their change management outcomes and facilitate smoother transitions.