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The influence of this pandemic is great worldwide, impact our everyday lifes.
In our view, the pandemic has accelerated the rate at which the globalization consensus is being defied.
This article argues that to better understand what globalization is and how it affects issues such as global health, we must take a differentiating approach, which focuses on how the multiple processes of globalization are encountered and informed by different social groups and with how these encounters are experienced within particular contexts.

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How did indira gandhi change india's economy?
5 answers
Indira Gandhi played a significant role in changing India's economy by shifting the focus from the agrarian to the industrial sector and from rural to urban development. Her government's attitudinal shift towards supporting private businesses in the early 1980s was a crucial factor in India's economic growth acceleration, even before the formal economic reforms of 1991. This change in approach led to a state-business alliance for economic growth, which influenced investors' psychology and entrepreneurial attitudes, ultimately contributing to India's economic rise. However, post the LPG reforms, there was a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few big business houses, contrary to Gandhi's principles of economic restructuring focused on reducing inequalities.
Why is mitosis important?
5 answers
Mitosis is crucial due to its role in cell division, generating identical daughter cells with the same genetic material. It plays a key part in development, tissue homeostasis, and cell proliferation. Mitosis is tightly regulated to ensure accurate chromosome segregation, preventing genetic imbalances that can lead to diseases like cancer. Understanding mitosis is essential as errors during cell division can increase the risk of oncogenesis, with cancer cells often exhibiting altered mitotic processes. Research into mitosis not only enhances our basic understanding of cell biology but also provides insights into disease pathology, potentially leading to the identification of therapeutic targets for treating cancer and other pathologies related to mitotic dysfunction.
What are the importance of multiparty democracy in Africa with citation??
5 answers
Multiparty democracy in Africa plays a crucial role in shaping human development and political stability. The introduction of multiparty systems in Sub-Saharan Africa has been linked to positive long-term effects on human development, especially when coupled with high levels of social cohesion. Additionally, the presence of multiparty systems has significantly increased across Africa since the 1990s, marking a shift towards more democratic governance structures. While the continent has a history of one-party dominant systems, the transition to multiparty democracy has been associated with improved democratic outcomes and political stability. Therefore, the importance of multiparty democracy in Africa lies in its potential to enhance human development, promote political pluralism, and contribute to sustained democratic progress in the region.
How does regional integration impact economic inequality within countries?
4 answers
Regional economic integration (REI) plays a significant role in shaping economic inequality within countries. Studies across different regions like West Africa, Europe, and ASEAN countries highlight various impacts of integration on income distribution. Research indicates that REI can lead to both reduced income inequalityand increased spatial inequality. While some findings suggest that deeper integration may exacerbate gross income inequality, others emphasize that trade integration can effectively improve income distribution. Moreover, the distribution of gains from integration can influence individuals' support for such policies, with unequally distributed welfare gains potentially undermining integration. Therefore, understanding the diverse effects of regional integration on economic inequality is crucial for policymakers to design inclusive strategies that mitigate disparities and promote sustainable development.
What is the comparative research design according to the author 2019?
4 answers
Comparative research design involves comparing and contrasting different cases to draw meaningful conclusions. It is a process of quantifying correlations between variables by studying various groups under different treatments or circumstances. Comparative studies are crucial in fields like social sciences, health sciences, and humanities, aiding in decision-making and theory-building. Researchers use statistical techniques to establish quantitative comparisons, compare cases theoretically, and examine co-variation. Comparative research design focuses on selecting specific cases and determining the comparative logics driving case selection, contributing significantly to theory evaluation and knowledge advancement. It is essential for researchers to carefully choose the appropriate research design that aligns with their objectives and preferences to generate the desired conclusions.
How does the perception of cultural identity vary among different age groups within the youth population?
4 answers
The perception of cultural identity among different age groups within the youth population varies significantly. Cultural identity plays a crucial role in youths' lives, acting as either an asset or a danger depending on personal and social circumstances. Studies have shown that cultural identity is closely linked to psychosocial well-being, with factors such as age, gender, cultural background, and migration status influencing levels of cultural identity among youth. The youth, being more prone to change and symbolizing popular culture, are frequently accepting new values and cultural patterns, shaping their cultural identity in a dynamic manner. Efforts to help youth achieve a positive cultural identity emphasize creating safe contexts for exploring their identities, highlighting the importance of understanding and respecting diverse cultures.
How much the religion influences the society?
5 answers
Religion significantly influences society in various ways. It acts as a crucial factor in shaping social norms, values, and relationships. The impact of religion on society is evident through its role in socialization, education, providing psychological support, and contributing to the overall well-being of individuals within a community. In international relations, religion is increasingly recognized as a vital element that can foster harmony and understanding among different societies and cultures, transcending boundaries and playing a significant role in global politics. Studies show that civilization and Christian values play a substantial role in shaping societies, contributing significantly to societal development and character formation. Furthermore, religion has a positive influence on social relationships, impacting mental health, physical health, and interpersonal interactions, ultimately benefiting society as a whole. The complex phenomenon of the social influence of religion in contemporary society underscores the importance of understanding religious freedom, practices, and attitudes towards social issues.
What are the most effective strategies for business success in the current global market?
4 answers
In the current global market, effective strategies for business success include implementing go-to-market strategies, utilizing benchmarking techniques to outperform competitors, adapting to technological advancements and globalization, developing a custom-fit internationalization strategy, and aligning with liberal democratic and economic values. These strategies involve focusing on global marketing, improving service quality and productivity, analyzing external changes, and enhancing management processes. Benchmarking aids in optimizing activities by comparing with top-performing companies, while internationalization strategies and intercultural management are crucial for entering foreign markets successfully. Moreover, embracing liberal democratic values and economic freedom can guide businesses towards sustainable growth and success in the global arena.
How does the ENRM literature discuss social cohesion, mental health and livelihoods in terms of relational values?
5 answers
The Environmental and Natural Resource Management (ENRM) literature delves into the concept of social cohesion by emphasizing its multidimensional nature, including social relations, identification with the community, and orientation towards the common good. Furthermore, it explores how individuals value their occupations and lifestyles in relation to the relationships they engage in, highlighting the importance of relational values in sustainable agriculture initiatives. Additionally, the literature connects social cohesion to mental health and well-being, indicating that high social cohesion positively impacts subjective well-being across different socio-economic groups. This holistic approach underscores the significance of relational values in shaping social interactions, mental health outcomes, and livelihood perspectives within the ENRM discourse.
What is the recommended dynamic share rate for direct shear test on clay soil?
5 answers
The recommended dynamic shear rate for direct shear testing on clay soil can vary based on the specific study. Research by Ramadhani et al. suggests that the addition of sand to clay soil can decrease shear strength, with the value of cohesion decreasing as the sand content increases. On the other hand, Kuo and Bolton found that the behaviour of natural cores from deep-ocean sediments during direct shear tests was influenced by the structure of the soil, displaying significant randomness, especially at faster speeds. Additionally, Naufal et al. demonstrated that mixing claystone with slaked lime at 6% resulted in increased cohesion and internal friction angle, enhancing the material's strength. Therefore, the optimal dynamic shear rate may depend on the specific composition and conditions of the clay soil being tested.
What are the implications of internet inaccessibility on remote learning and virtual classrooms?
5 answers
Internet inaccessibility poses significant challenges for remote learning and virtual classrooms. Students with limited access to the internet face difficulties in downloading/uploading materials, experiencing disruptions during synchronous lectures, and encountering stress and frustration, potentially leading to a desire to drop out of school. This limited access can widen educational disparities between students with full and limited internet access, impacting motivation, self-efficacy, and emotional well-being. Moreover, inadequate internet access affects academic performance, especially in high school students, with improvements in internet/computer access correlating with better outcomes. Efforts to enhance internet infrastructure and provide necessary support for students with limited access are crucial to ensure equitable access to education.