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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
27 Sep 2018
163 Citations
When a user has watched, say, 70 romance movies and 30 action movies, then it is reasonable to expect the personalized list of recommended movies to be comprised of about 70% romance and 30% action movies as well.
This definitive biography reveals that Wilder was, and remains, one of the most influential directors in filmmaking.
Part two, Waging War, 1942-1945, reveals that many movies made from 1942 through 1945 included at least some allusion to World War II.
They offer one possible explanation for why the product lifecycle of many movies is relatively short.
It demonstrates a significant Wilder effect only through the early 1990s, when Wilder himself was Governor of Virginia.
Capacities are infrequently presented and are unrealistic in several of the movies. The clinical picture of dementia portrayed in fictional movies is mild and may be misleading.
He shows how Wilder interwove content and form to produce a sentimental and compelling yet nuanced and believable picture of family life on the agricultural frontier.
Third, we show that the new independent movies account for a growing share of commercially successful movies.
Open accessProceedings Article
29 May 2017
12 Citations
We find that the diversity and popularity of movies in users’ profiles has little impact on the recommendations they receive.

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What is contemporary literature?
5 answers
Contemporary literature encompasses a diverse range of styles, idiolects, and language practices in today's literary landscape, reflecting societal and artistic influences. Authors like Zadie Smith, Ian McEwan, and Salman Rushdie position themselves within a modernist canon to capitalize on cultural capital in the literary market. This literature often addresses current social issues and values, providing readers with insights into contemporary society while drawing on traditional artistic techniques. Writers explore the impact of society and cultural norms on individuals, reflecting the complexities of modern life and the rejection of outdated traditions. Through various genres and audience targets, contemporary literature offers a platform for stylistic experimentation and storytelling that resonates with today's readers.
What approach conducted by china Korea and Malaysia to fight against covid 19?
4 answers
China, Korea, and Malaysia have implemented various strategies to combat COVID-19. China has demonstrated a proactive and systematic approach, leveraging its authoritarian system to effectively control the pandemic. Meanwhile, Korea has focused on extensive testing, contact tracing, and technology-driven solutions to contain the virus spread. In Malaysia, authorities have enforced measures such as travel restrictions, movement control, contact tracing, and the use of digital contact tracing apps to slow down the outbreak. Additionally, Malaysia has emphasized public health diplomacy and cooperation with other countries, like China, to strengthen global health security. These diverse approaches highlight the importance of tailored strategies based on each country's political system, healthcare infrastructure, and cultural context in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why can the technological interventions fail in fighting farm theft?
10 answers
Technological interventions in combating farm theft, while innovative and promising, can encounter several challenges that may lead to their failure. One primary reason is the complexity and high maintenance costs associated with some anti-theft systems, which can be burdensome for farmers to manage and sustain over time. Additionally, the effectiveness of these technologies can be significantly hindered by the lack of internet access and the knowledge on how to use these technologies, especially in rural areas of African countries where 3G/4G network coverage is sparse. Moreover, the practicality of implementing high-tech solutions like DNA technology for livestock identification in South Africa has been elusive for many potential livestock farmers, indicating a gap between the availability of technology and its accessibility or usability by the target population. Similarly, the reliance on surveillance systems and sensor networks for monitoring farm perimeters can be compromised by limitations such as the inability to distinguish between humans and animals or the resolution of images, which may not be sufficient to identify intruders accurately. The effectiveness of technological interventions is also affected by the farmers' attitudes and the police's perspectives towards farm crime prevention. While there is a general acknowledgment of the potential of technology in preventing farm crimes, concerns about the limited police resources and the efficacy of these methods have been raised. Furthermore, the situational crime prevention strategies, although developed for urban environments, suggest that increasing effort, risk, and reducing rewards for offenders through capable guardianship on farms can be challenging to achieve in rural settings. In essence, the failure of technological interventions in fighting farm theft can be attributed to a combination of factors including high costs, technological limitations, accessibility issues, and the broader socio-economic and resource constraints faced by farmers and law enforcement agencies.
Mental health questionnaire on VR or XR devices?
4 answers
Virtual Reality (VR) and Extended Reality (XR) technologies offer innovative ways to administer mental health questionnaires. VR can enhance assessment by providing immersive environments for questionnaire administration. XR, including VR, can revolutionize mental health treatment by offering safe spaces for therapy and self-exploration. Studies have shown that VR can improve decision-making in healthcare and aid in diagnosing mental disorders. Additionally, research indicates that questionnaires administered by virtual humans in VR scenarios are practically equivalent to self-administered ones, suggesting the feasibility of using VR for questionnaire delivery. Therefore, utilizing mental health questionnaires on VR or XR devices can offer personalized, engaging, and effective assessment tools for individuals seeking mental health support.
Is there any cosmetical peptide with more than 20 amino acids?
5 answers
Yes, there are cosmetic peptides with more than 20 amino acids. However, shorter peptides (<20 amino acids) lacking disulfide bonds are preferred for their antimicrobial activity, ease of synthesis, and compatibility with large-scale production. For instance, a peptide with 3 to 10 amino acids, such as Pal-K(Ac)GH or Pal-K(Ac)HG, is used in cosmetic treatments like anti-aging and skin firming. Additionally, peptide type composition cosmetics contain various peptides like yeast peptide, oligopeptide-1, and oligopeptide-3, which contribute to repairing skin damage, reducing fine lines, and promoting skin growth. While longer peptides exist, the focus in cosmetics often leans towards shorter peptides for their specific benefits and ease of formulation.
What is the historical context of the phrase "as almas do povo negro Du Bois"?
5 answers
The historical context of the phrase "as almas do povo negro Du Bois" is deeply rooted in the cultural and social dynamics of Afro-Brazilian communities, particularly in relation to the carnival traditions of Rio de Janeiro in the early 20th century. This phrase reflects a complex interplay between the legitimation and restriction of Afro-Brazilian cultural elements within broader societal discourses. Furthermore, the term "caboclo identity" emerged along the Negro river in Brazil as a result of interactions between Brazilian society and indigenous groups, shaping the cultural landscape of the region. Additionally, W. E. B. Du Bois's evolving engagement with African history marked a shift towards appreciating non-European civilizations, challenging notions of racial inferiority and emphasizing the importance of diverse cultural heritages.
What is the starting point of Generation Alpha?
5 answers
The starting point of Generation Alpha is a topic of discussion that lacks concrete scientific evidence, as highlighted in a study focusing on generational logic and knowledge. This study emphasizes that while Generation X, Y, and Z have been described, the concept of Generation Alpha is still in the process of being established, with no scientific proof of its existence. Despite this, there are insights into the characteristics and needs of this potential generation, aiding child servants, teachers, and parents in educating and nurturing them. Additionally, the dental profession is considering the needs of Generation Alpha in providing optimal care for children, indicating a growing awareness of this emerging generation. Moreover, the integration of technology and play, particularly through gamification, is being explored to enhance early years education for Generation Alpha.
What is the history of abbasid caliphate?
5 answers
The Abbasid Caliphate, following the Umayyad rule, initially consolidated power by eliminating influential figures like Abu Moslem and the Barmakids, leading to unrest in Khorāsān. The caliphs indulged in lavish celebrations, with a focus on music and poetry, causing financial strain on the empire. Scholarly works like El-Hibri's study provide a comprehensive analysis of Abbasid history, covering themes from revolution to decline, highlighting the authoritarian nature of the caliphate and its eventual downfall, including factors like the Mongol invasion. Abu Bakr al-Suli, a polymath at the Abbasid court, contributed significantly to Arabic literature through his poetry and chancery work, offering a unique perspective on the era. These diverse aspects characterize the complex history of the Abbasid Caliphate, marked by power struggles, cultural richness, and scholarly contributions.
What is the role of occupational therapists in promoting parental engagement among parents of children with DCD?
5 answers
Occupational therapists play a crucial role in promoting parental engagement among parents of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). By utilizing family-centered approaches like parent-mediated occupational therapy, therapists aim to enhance child participation and social interactions within the home and community. Additionally, strategies such as Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC) focus on coaching parents to facilitate children's participation in various life situations, including community activities, thus improving their overall quality of life. The integration of best practice principles, such as the Phoenix Theory of Parent Attendance and Adlerian Play Therapy, further emphasizes the importance of family engagement during therapy sessions, highlighting the need for a systematic approach to involve families in the intervention process. Through these methods, occupational therapists can empower parents, strengthen therapeutic skills, and enhance the relationship between the child and their caregivers.
How does the concept of fitrah manasiah relate to the principles of the community in QS Al-Hujuraat?
4 answers
The concept of fitrah manasiah, which refers to the innate disposition and conscience of individuals, is closely related to the principles of the community outlined in QS Al-Hujuraat. According to various studies, including those by Srifariyati et al. and Surahman, the concept of fitrah emphasizes the importance of trust, fairness, and justice in leadership. This aligns with the principles of the community in QS Al-Hujuraat, which emphasize respect, cooperation, and justice among community members. The fitrah manasiah concept underscores the idea that individuals should uphold moral values and fulfill their responsibilities within the community, reflecting the principles advocated in QS Al-Hujuraat for harmonious communal living.
How can the design of a survey instrument affect the motivation of young people in a gym setting?
5 answers
The design of a survey instrument can significantly impact the motivation of young people in a gym setting. By understanding the cognitive processes involved in survey response, such as comprehension, retrieval, judgment, and response, survey developers can anticipate and mitigate respondents' tendencies to satisfice, where they settle for suboptimal answers due to low motivation. Additionally, incorporating autonomy support in survey design can enhance student motivation, as seen in educational settings. Furthermore, in the context of physical activities like sports, technology can play a crucial role in motivating young adults by helping them track progress towards specific goals, which are key motivational factors for their participation. Therefore, a well-designed survey instrument that considers cognitive processes, autonomy support, and technological support can enhance the motivation of young individuals in a gym setting.