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How many political parties are there in Sikkim? 

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There is notable vibrancy in Indonesian civil society, while a multitude of political parties contest national and local elections regularly and vigorously.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Sep 1975-Asian Survey
11 Citations
While the Chogyal wanted Sikkim to attain an international stature, several political organizations, and particularly the Sikkim National Congress and the Sikkim Janata Congress, felt that emphasis should be placed on the internal development of the state.
The number of parties directly or indirectly affects other important aspects of how a political system functions, including how long its cabinets last if the system is parliamentary (Lijphart 1984) and how elections translate into "citizen control" of policymakers (Powell 1989).
We offer a new measure of the ideologically cognizable number of political parties/party groupings that is intended to be complementary to the standard approach to counting the effective number of political parties – the Laakso–Taagepera index (1979).
This suggests that only .% of the population are members of political parties.
The rising number of shariah-based by-laws in many districts in which local legislative assemblies are dominated by nationalist or secular parties, the passage of potentially discriminative bills by the national parliament in which nationalist or secular parties predominant, and the weak political response to the case of violence against Ahmadiyah are prime examples of how religion is still a major force in Indonesian politics.
Most explanations for party-voter linkages in rural Pakistan can be grouped into four broad categories: (a) political parties are made up of powerful landlords who use economic power to collect votes from dependent voters; (b) parties are conglomerations of clientelist networks; (c) parties are large aggregations of kinship networks; and (d) parties function by building links with specific types of constituencies across large parts of the country, and voters forge links with political parties based on ideology and party identification.
Journal ArticleDOI
24 Feb 2011-Party Politics
105 Citations
This article shows that even if we stipulate a single definition of both an ethnic group and an ethnic party, there are many reasonable indicators that can be used to classify parties as ethnic, which may generate different counts of ethnic parties.
Perceptions of political parties are found to be multidimensional and issue-oriented.
Thai political parties tend to be ‘electoral parties’ with weak organizations, low policy capacity and vague ideologies.

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