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A new software engineering educational model is proposed in order to more efficiently close the gap between industry software engineering needs and academic software engineering education.
The fact that there is a steadily increasing number of software engineering degree programs in colleges and universities throughout the world indicates that a greater (although still far from unanimous) acceptance of software engineering as a separate discipline of study.
This report is unique and valuable, especially for software engineering education, which goes beyond the discipline-specific limits of computer science curricula.
The results of the course show that this type of software engineering course gives students a more realistic experience than traditional software engineering courses.
This paper suggests specific areas of business competencies that should be integrated into the software engineering curriculum.
Key findings showed that the universities viewed software engineering largely as a specialization of computer science, that faculty size is generally small with few dedicated professors, and that new master's programs continue to start despite the decrease in computer science majors over the past few years.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Thomas J. Ostrand, Elaine J. Weyuker 
07 Nov 2010
12 Citations
We identify a number of skills that every software engineering student and faculty should have learned, and also propose that education for future software engineers should include significant exposure to real systems, preferably through hands-on training via internships at software-producing firms.

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How does the level of happiness impact the performance of IT professionals?
5 answers
The level of happiness significantly impacts the performance of IT professionals. Research suggests that happy software developers tend to perform better than unhappy ones. Positive psychology interventions, such as focusing on happiness and subjective well-being, have been shown to enhance academic performance and engagement in various contexts. Additionally, the quality of work life, which includes elements like job performance and employee satisfaction, plays a crucial role in shaping organizational outcomes and productivity. However, it is essential to note that toxic positivity in the workplace can have adverse effects, leading to fatigue and decreased performance levels. Therefore, fostering a positive work environment that prioritizes happiness and well-being can significantly contribute to the success and productivity of IT professionals.
What is agentic pattern?
5 answers
An agentic pattern refers to a pattern that emerges through the interactions and dynamics of agents within a system. In the context of agent-oriented software engineering, agentic patterns are design solutions that address common problems within the realm of software development, particularly in the agent-oriented paradigm. These patterns are crucial for improving the quality and efficiency of software development processes by providing structured solutions to recurring issues. Furthermore, in educational settings, agentic patterns can be utilized to facilitate learning processes, such as the group of patterns for learning by mistakes in Computer Science and Information Technologies. Overall, agentic patterns play a significant role in guiding behaviors, interactions, and problem-solving approaches within various domains, ranging from software engineering to education.
How software robotics will create more jobs than displace?
5 answers
Software robotics is poised to create more jobs than displace by enhancing the capabilities of (re)programming robots during runtime without affecting others, increasing shared bandwidth, and leveraging cloud-based computing technologies. Initiatives like the First Lego League encourage STEM education through robot-building competitions, teaching students formalized processes essential in software engineering projects, thus preparing them for future job opportunities in the field. Additionally, advancements in software robot communication, such as passive robot networks capable of wireless signal communication through electromagnetic induction, offer cost-effective, flexible, and adaptable solutions, creating new job prospects in the software robot communication field. Software engineering bots, with conversational capabilities, can support technical and social activities, fostering human-robot teams that complement each other and potentially lead to increased productivity and job opportunities.
How does constructivism relate to curriculum development, approach and evaluation?
5 answers
Constructivism plays a crucial role in curriculum development, approach, and evaluation by emphasizing active knowledge construction through experiences and reflection. It shifts the focus from a transmission-based curriculum to a transactional one, where learners become constructors of knowledge with teachers facilitating the process. The constructivist approach fosters critical thinking, collaboration, and inquiry-based learning, allowing learners to test ideas, integrate new knowledge, and enhance their development. In terms of evaluation, constructivism involves analyzing the correlation between curriculum and assessment, promoting student-centered methodologies that engage learners in the teaching-learning-evaluation process. By encouraging students to be actively involved in the learning process, constructivism aims to enhance self-evaluation skills and promote meaningful knowledge construction.
How does visualization enhance the effectiveness of computer issue tracking?
5 answers
Visualization plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of computer issue tracking by providing a clear overview of dependencies, detecting inconsistencies, and analyzing patterns within the data. By visualizing issue links and identifying missing connections, developers and project managers can better understand the relationships between different tasks and bugs. Additionally, visual process patterns help in analyzing effort estimation, problem resolution activities, and bug life-cycles, improving the efficiency of the development process. Incorporating geometric transformations into correlation filters based networks through visualization enables better tracking by handling boundary effects and aspect ratio variations, leading to state-of-the-art tracking results. Overall, visualization tools aid in maintaining context, detecting hidden patterns, and facilitating detailed analysis, ultimately improving the management of software projects.
How graph and charts have been used in designs?
5 answers
Graphs and charts have been extensively utilized in various fields for communication and interpretation of complex data. From aiding in pinpointing the source of a cholera outbreak in the 19th century to enhancing the understanding of statistical findings in educational research, visual representations play a crucial role. Moreover, the scientific literature has focused on improving the accessibility of statistical charts and graphs for individuals with low vision and color blindness through approaches like text alternatives, sonification, tactile alternatives, and multimodal alternatives. Integrating charts and graphs into software has become easier with advancements in graphing applications, but selecting the optimal technique remains a challenge. Experts draw on research from cognitive engineering and human-computer interaction to design displays that cater to users' tasks and perceptual limitations.
What are some examples of generative AI-powered tools used for master data analysis?
4 answers
Generative AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and CoPilot are utilized for master data analysis. These tools have shown potential in revolutionizing Statistical Process Control (SPC) practices, learning, and research. Specifically, ChatGPT has been explored for providing code, explaining basic concepts, and creating knowledge related to SPC. While these AI models excel in structured tasks such as translating code and explaining well-known concepts, they face challenges with more nuanced tasks like creating code from scratch or explaining less widely known terms. Despite their efficiency in enhancing productivity for practitioners, educators, and researchers, caution is advised due to the potential for misleading or inaccurate results in the current developmental stages of these generative AI models.
Central question What hardships does students that are newly exposed to technology face in learning Computer programming?
5 answers
Newly exposed students face various hardships in learning computer programming. They often struggle with understanding abstract and logic concepts, leading to demotivation, high failure rates, and class abandonment. Additionally, difficulties related to language comprehension and understanding pose significant challenges for students in assimilating programming topics. A study on information technology students revealed that they have mixed feelings towards learning programming, with positive emotions like excitement and engagement, but also negative feelings of nervousness and confusion due to the perceived difficulty of writing programs. Novice programmers encounter obstacles with programming languages, compilers, and other technical aspects, which if not overcome, can hinder their development of problem-solving and program development skills crucial for their future careers as professional engineers.
How to write cv for network engineer?
5 answers
To write a CV for a network engineer, focus on outlining your skills, experiences, and qualifications relevant to the field. Highlight technical skills like network protocol, program languages, and software engineering. Emphasize your ability to design, implement, maintain, and troubleshoot computer networks. Include any certifications or education levels requested by employers in job advertisements. Additionally, mention your familiarity with internet of things technology and its applications in different industries, showcasing adaptability and specialized knowledge. Ensure your CV reflects what you can offer to a potential employer in terms of network engineering expertise and problem-solving abilities. By aligning your CV with the skills and qualifications sought by employers in the field, you can increase your chances of securing a network engineering position.
How does computer self-efficacy affect an individual's ability to acquire and use internet skills?
5 answers
Computer self-efficacy plays a crucial role in influencing an individual's ability to acquire and use internet skills. Research indicates that computer self-efficacy is positively associated with technology adoption and usage intentions. Studies suggest that individuals with higher computer self-efficacy tend to have a greater belief in their capacity to use computers effectively, both independently and with external support. Moreover, findings reveal that computer self-efficacy can indirectly impact behavioral intentions to use e-commerce platforms through perceived ease of use, highlighting its significance in shaping user behavior in online environments. Additionally, pre-training software self-efficacy has been shown to influence the appropriation of computer-simulated software training systems, emphasizing the importance of self-efficacy in software skill development.
How does the DOD use A.I.?
5 answers
The Department of Defense (DOD) utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various ways. One approach involves adopting key characteristics defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology to instantiate responsible AI. Additionally, the DOD aims to enhance mission operations by reducing human labor through AI and automation, enabling efficient and intelligent task execution. Moreover, in the realm of Irregular Warfare (IW), particularly in Information Operations (IO), the DOD focuses on analyzing and forecasting the effects of IO actions on population sentiment using Modeling and Simulation techniques, seeking scientifically rigorous methods to understand the complex effects of IW and IO. These diverse applications demonstrate the DOD's multifaceted use of AI across different operational domains.