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It does not appear realistic for eye care program managers to charge the real cost of cataract surgery at present (about US $70-in Kilimanjaro).
Cost per surgery was $25 for PLLEH, $37 for Arghakhanchi, $54 for Gulmi, and $ 62 for Rampur respectively. The same quality and cost saving cataract surgery can be attained primary eye care centers as base hospital.
Use of therapeutic and generic alternatives could have resulted in cost savings of as much as $118 million, or 70% of the total cost of postoperative eye drops.
Cataract surgery is cost intensive for children with cataract.
Laser cataract surgery, irrespective of potential improvements in visual acuity outcomes and complication rates, is not cost effective at its current cost to patient when compared with cost-effectiveness benchmarks and other medical interventions, including PCS.
Over 36 months, from an ophthalmology cost perspective, there was a 97% probability of selective laser trabeculoplasty as first treatment being more cost-effective than eye drops first at a willingness to pay of £20 000 per quality-adjusted life-year gained.
Cataract surgery in both the first eye and second eye, when analyzed by standard health economic methodologies, is highly cost-effective.
Second-eye cataract surgery is an extremely cost-effective procedure when compared with other interventions across medical specialties.
In an analysis modelling costs and benefits over patients’ expected lifetime, the incremental cost per QALY was £17 299, under conservative assumptions. Second-eye cataract surgery is not likely to be cost-effective in the short term for those with mild visual dysfunction pre-operation.
The cost of cataract surgery per quality-adjusted life year gained was much higher than previously reported and associated with considerable uncertainty.

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How can topological phononic crystals be used to create circulators?
5 answers
Topological phononic crystals offer a promising avenue for creating circulators by leveraging their unique properties. These crystals can be engineered to exhibit topological interface states and edge modes that enable the controlled flow and redirection of acoustic waves, essential for circulator functionality. By adjusting parameters like cavity side length and rotation angle, tunable interface states can be achieved, facilitating robust topological valley transport. The topological robustness of these modes, combined with the ability to control energy flow and partitioning within the crystal lattice, makes them ideal candidates for circulator design. The synergy of mirror symmetry and non-symmorphic glide symmetry in the lattice structure of these phononic crystals further enhances their wave-steering capabilities, enabling functionalities like negative refraction and acoustic interferometers.
What is the relation between green marketing and greenwashing?
10 answers
Green marketing and greenwashing are interconnected concepts within the realm of environmental advertising, with the former aiming to highlight a company's commitment to environmental sustainability, and the latter representing a deceptive practice that can undermine this goal. Green marketing is inherently designed to communicate a company's environmental efforts and sustainable practices to consumers, aiming to improve brand image and consumer attitudes towards products or services by emphasizing ecological benefits. However, the increasing prevalence of greenwashing, where companies exaggerate or misrepresent the environmental benefits of their products, poses a significant challenge to the integrity of green marketing efforts. The relationship between these two concepts is complex. On one hand, green marketing seeks to leverage consumer demand for environmentally friendly products, as evidenced by corporations' active promotion of their environmental initiatives on social media. On the other hand, the phenomenon of greenwashing emerges as a byproduct of these marketing efforts, with companies often investing more in creating a green image rather than implementing genuine sustainable practices, particularly noted in industries such as fashion. This deceptive practice not only misleads consumers but also impacts brand credibility and trust, as perceived greenwashing negatively affects both directly and indirectly through increased green skepticism. Moreover, the effectiveness of green marketing can be diminished by greenwashing, as consumers become more adept at detecting such practices, potentially leading to a general skepticism towards environmental claims made by brands. Research has shown that greenwashing can indirectly affect green brand equity through mediators like green brand image and green trust, with consumer concern for the environment moderating these relationships. Furthermore, the legal framework, such as the Law of Repression of Unfair Competition, is being scrutinized for its adequacy in regulating misleading environmental advertising, indicating a growing recognition of the need to address greenwashing within the context of green marketing. In summary, while green marketing and greenwashing are intrinsically linked, the latter represents a significant risk to the credibility and effectiveness of environmental advertising efforts. It underscores the importance of transparency, non-deception, and genuine sustainable practices in maintaining the integrity of green marketing initiatives.
Who is Lacan?
5 answers
Jacques Lacan was a prominent French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst known for developing a unique metapsychology blending Freudian concepts with structural linguistics. He introduced the idea of the unconscious as a structured entity composed of interconnected signifiers based on metaphor and metonymy. Lacan's work encompassed three registers of existence - the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real - shedding light on normal and psychopathological mental functioning. His theoretical contributions included defining structural diagnostic categories, exploring the concepts of need, demand, desire, and introducing the notion of le sinthome. Lacan's ideas were controversial, with varying interpretations by his followers and critics, such as Francois Roustang, Stuart Schneiderman, and Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, who delved into Lacan's teachings, humor, ethical perspectives, and influences from thinkers like Heidegger, Levi-Strauss, and Kojeve.
What is the role of crosstalk between different post-translational modifications in lung cancer pathogenesis?
5 answers
Crosstalk between different post-translational modifications (PTMs) plays a crucial role in lung cancer pathogenesis. Studies have shown that proteins in lung cancer cells undergo various PTMs like phosphorylation, methylation, and acetylation, which collectively regulate cell signaling pathways. This intricate network of PTMs influences key cellular processes such as stem-like properties maintenance, gene expression control, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung cancer cells. The interplay between PTMs can lead to the activation or inhibition of critical proteins involved in oncogenic signaling pathways, highlighting potential drug targets for combination therapies in lung cancer treatment. Understanding the crosstalk between different PTMs provides insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying lung cancer progression and offers avenues for developing targeted therapeutic approaches to combat this disease.
What is the role of chromatin remodellers?
5 answers
Chromatin remodellers play crucial roles in various biological processes such as transcription, DNA replication, repair, and genome stability. These complexes, including SWI/SNF, ATRX, and HELLS, utilize ATP hydrolysis to modify chromatin structure by repositioning nucleosomes, facilitating access to DNA-interacting proteins, and regulating gene expression. SWI/SNF complexes are essential for cell fate reprogramming, response to environmental cues, and disease prevention. ATRX is involved in depositing histone variants, chromatin remodeling, and DNA damage response, particularly in cancers like glioma. HELLS, a SNF2 ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler, is critical for DNA repair, genome stability, and cancer pathways. Overall, chromatin remodellers are pivotal in maintaining genomic integrity, regulating gene expression, and responding to cellular stresses, highlighting their significance in various biological processes.
What is the relationship between discinese escapular and pain?
4 answers
Discinesia escapular, characterized by imbalanced scapular movement during upper limb motions, is linked to shoulder joint injuries. Studies on swimmers found a high prevalence of scapular dyskinesis, often accompanied by shoulder pain. Similarly, in surfers, scapular dyskinesis was prevalent, but no direct correlation with pain or reduced quality of life was observed. Analyzing scapular movement through three-dimensional kinematic analysis proved successful in quantifying deviations in dyskinesis, aiding in tailored rehabilitation protocols for shoulder conditions. Notably, self-efficacy was found to influence pain behaviors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, indicating a psychological aspect in pain manifestation. Therefore, while scapular dyskinesis is commonly associated with shoulder pain in specific athletic populations, its relationship with pain can be influenced by various factors, including psychological aspects like self-efficacy.
How to eliminate chromium vi in construction water?
5 answers
To eliminate chromium VI (Cr(VI)) from construction water, various effective methods can be employed. One approach involves utilizing nanomaterials like iron-based nanomaterials, which have shown promise in reducing Cr(VI) to the less toxic Cr(III) form in aqueous solutions. Another method involves the use of polyamidoamine hydrogels reinforced with raw silk fibers, which have demonstrated the ability to purify Cr(VI)-contaminated water to levels below 50 ppb, making it suitable for drinkability. Bioremediation techniques using chromate-resistant bacteria like Pseudomonas putida, which possess chromate reductase enzymes, can also be effective in removing Cr(VI) from water sources in a cost-effective and environmentally safe manner. Additionally, a combination of bacterial reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) followed by coagulation-flocculation techniques has shown success in removing chromium contamination from water systems at the laboratory scale.
What are the symptoms of alternaria spp. on roots and crowns of strawberries? strawberry roots and crowns?
6 answers
The symptoms of Alternaria spp. on strawberry roots and crowns are not explicitly detailed in the contexts provided, as the focus of the research primarily centers on other pathogens affecting strawberries. However, by examining the symptoms caused by various fungi on strawberries, we can infer the potential impact of Alternaria spp. based on the general pathology of fungal infections on strawberry plants. For instance, C. pandanicola causes anthracnose crown rot in strawberries, characterized by rapid wilting of the aboveground part, reddish-brown marbled necrosis on the crown, while the roots remain healthy and strong until the plant eventually dies. Similarly, Phytopythium helicoides leads to root and crown rot, with symptoms including yellowing of lower leaves, wilt, blight, and often death, alongside dark brown rot on the roots and crowns. Neopestalotiopsis spp. are known to cause crown and root rot disease in strawberries, with symptoms including necrotic lesions and black discoloration of the crown, root cortex, epidermis, and vascular tissues, resulting in significant plant dieback. Given the symptoms caused by these pathogens, it's plausible that Alternaria spp., when affecting strawberry roots and crowns, could manifest similar symptoms such as discoloration, necrosis, and rot of the affected parts, leading to wilting and potentially the death of the plant. However, it's important to note that the specific symptoms can vary based on the Alternaria species involved and environmental conditions. The contexts provided do not offer direct information on Alternaria spp. affecting strawberry roots and crowns, emphasizing the need for further research to accurately describe these symptoms.
What are the symptoms of alternaria spp. on roots and crowns of strawberries?
7 answers
The question inquires about the symptoms of *Alternaria spp.* on roots and crowns of strawberries, but upon reviewing the provided contexts, it appears that none of the research papers directly discuss *Alternaria spp.* affecting strawberries. Instead, the contexts detail various other pathogens and their impact on strawberry plants, including symptoms, identification, and management strategies for diseases caused by different fungal pathogens such as *Phytopythium helicoides*, *Colletotrichum pandanicola*, *Rhizoctonia spp.*, *Neopestalotiopsis rosae*, *Cylindrocarpon spp.*, and *Fusarium solani*. These pathogens are associated with various symptoms on strawberry plants, including root and crown rot, wilting, necrosis, and discoloration of plant tissues. For instance, *Phytopythium helicoides* causes root necrosis and crown rot, with symptoms including yellowing of lower leaves, wilt, blight, and plant death. *Colletotrichum pandanicola*, part of the *C. gloeosporioides* species complex, leads to crown rot disease with symptoms like rapid withering of the aboveground part, reddish-brown marbled necrosis on the crown, and eventual plant death despite healthy roots. *Rhizoctonia spp.* and *Cylindrocarpon spp.* are associated with root rot symptoms, including mild wilting, root rot, necrosis, and complete drying of plants over time. *Neopestalotiopsis rosae* causes necrotic lesions and black discoloration of the crown, root cortex, epidermis, and vascular tissues, leading to a significant disease incidence. Lastly, *Fusarium solani* is linked to foliage wilt, plant stunting, drying, and death of older leaves, with internal vascular and cortical tissues of plant crowns showing orange to brown discoloration. Therefore, while the provided contexts do not specifically address *Alternaria spp.* on strawberries, they offer comprehensive insights into the symptoms and management of other significant fungal pathogens affecting strawberry plants' roots and crowns.
How does innovation impact the effectiveness of teams?
5 answers
Innovation significantly impacts the effectiveness of teams by influencing various aspects of team dynamics and outcomes. Effective team innovation involves problem construction, idea generation, evaluation, selection, and development, requiring diverse perspectives, efficient idea exchange, and high motivation. Creating high-performing innovation teams is crucial for success, regardless of the organization's size or type, as innovation is essential for responding to market changes and shorter product life cycles. Diversity and inclusion within teams, especially in engineering, enhance organizational potential by leveraging unique perspectives and innovative ideas, leading to increased productivity and employee engagement. Leadership plays a vital role in facilitating the translation of input factors into team processes, ultimately driving innovative outputs and organizational effectiveness.
How does CAR T cell therapy work in the context of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)?
5 answers
CAR T cell therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) involves the use of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells targeting CD19 to modulate the immune response. These engineered T cells are designed to specifically target autoreactive B cells, which play a crucial role in SLE pathogenesis by producing autoantibodies. By depleting CD19+ B cells, CAR T cell therapy aims to reduce autoantibody production and restore immune balance. Studies have shown that autologous CD19 CAR-T cells can effectively induce deep B cell depletion, leading to drug-free remission and long-lasting disease control in severe and refractory SLE patients. This therapy has demonstrated safety, tolerability, and efficacy in preclinical and clinical trials, offering a promising approach for treating SLE by targeting the root cause of the disease.