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We investigate the motivations behind choice of Facebook profile picture. Users tend to choose profile pictures that make them look attractive. Profile picture has an influence on their choice of profile picture. Facebook profile picture reflects user's personality.
The proposed scheme also allows one to continuously change the frequency of the signal.
Prediction of profile changes by the cutting up of profile photographs is unlikely to given an accurate picture of the soft tissue profile response.
Our study supports the theory of collaborative learning through learning from peers as results shows that other's choice of profile pictures affects viewer's own future choice of profile picture.
We show that the signal provides an image very different from the actual surface profile.
Thus, the statistical analysis of profile data should yield a sharp and robust product picture.
Using original data collected among less than 35 years old Facebook users (N = 267), we find that besides the intensity of Facebook use, offline engagement in protest and boycotts has a significant and positive effect on the likelihood to change one's profile picture as part of a campaign.
The effect bears some resemblance to a profile ‘mode change’, but here the effect is gradual and episodic.
Results indicated that users who post a profile picture along with their LinkedIn profile are perceived as more socially attractive and more competent than users who do not post a picture.

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What are the most common reasons why students choose to pursue certain courses in college?
5 answers
Students choose to pursue certain courses in college based on a variety of reasons. Research indicates that students are motivated by factors such as course content relevance to future careers, the potential for higher grades, popularity of professors, recommendations from peers. Additionally, students consider structural constraints, normative expectations, and individual motivations when selecting courses, with STEM courses often chosen for career development, social sciences for interest, and humanities for intellectual broadening. Intrinsic motivations like personal preferences heavily influence course selection, while extrinsic factors such as family tradition or course ease have less impact. Moreover, students in exercise and sport science degrees often choose courses due to their love of sport, desire to help others, and career prospects in physiotherapy or sport science. Motivation, including needs for power, affiliation, and achievement, plays a significant role in students' program choices.
Why has esports grown so popular?
4 answers
Esports has experienced a surge in popularity due to various factors. The rise of side businesses like streaming media and gambling, alongside significant commercialization, has propelled esports to become a dominant form of entertainment and competition globally. The increasing presence of professional gamers in educational institutions, offering scholarships and cash prizes, has also contributed to its popularity. Esports has transitioned from a niche activity to a mainstream form of competitive gaming, with substantial prize pools and a growing audience, rivaling traditional sports in terms of revenue and recognition. The electronic nature of esports allowed it to thrive during the global pandemic, further solidifying its status as an organized sport recognized by major sporting bodies. Despite initial skepticism, esports has captivated millions worldwide, tapping into the human inclination for friendly competition in a safe environment.
How do cultural nuances affect the design and implementation of cross-cultural research studies?
5 answers
Cultural nuances significantly impact the design and implementation of cross-cultural research studies. Researchers emphasize the importance of considering cultural beliefs, traditions, and values when conducting cross-cultural studies to ensure the validity and reliability of findings. Methodological rigor is crucial in cross-cultural personality research, requiring careful consideration of sampling issues, test adaptations, and the integration of emic and etic approaches. Understanding cultural values and interaction patterns is essential, as small differences in initial conditions can lead to significant consequences in cross-cultural interactions. Moreover, the role of culture in shaping societal differences in game behavior highlights the complexity of attributing observed variations solely to cultural influences. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of cultural nuances is vital for designing and executing effective cross-cultural research studies.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using partitional and hierarchical clustering for trip analysis?
10 answers
Partitional and hierarchical clustering methods offer distinct advantages and disadvantages when applied to trip analysis, each catering to specific aspects of transportation and mobility research. Partitional clustering, as seen in the application of smart card data for inferring trip purposes, leverages temporal attributes to cluster passengers, showing considerable improvement in trip purpose inference by focusing on sequences of trips rather than individual trips. This method is advantageous for its ability to handle large datasets efficiently, as demonstrated in the analysis of trajectory clustering and path modelling, where it automatically determines the number of clusters, enhancing performance in trajectory analysis. However, a significant disadvantage is its sensitivity to the initial choice of clusters, which can lead to varying results and potentially overlook the nuanced spatial-temporal dynamics of trip data. Hierarchical clustering, on the other hand, excels in capturing the multi-layered structure of trip data, allowing for a detailed analysis of vehicle networks by establishing clusters of desired sizes, which improves information sharing and Quality of Service (QoS) in data-driven automobile networks. It is particularly effective in identifying spatial regions based on origin-destination pairs, offering insights into connectivity and travel patterns that support infrastructural decision-making. The hierarchical approach also facilitates the prediction of traffic in bike sharing systems by clustering stations to increase the stability of usage and prediction accuracy. However, its disadvantages include a higher computational cost, especially with large datasets, and the complexity of determining the optimal level of the hierarchy to cut the dendrogram for cluster formation. Both clustering methods contribute valuable insights into trip analysis, with partitional clustering offering efficiency and scalability, while hierarchical clustering provides depth and detailed structure. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the trip analysis task, including dataset size, the need for detailed structural insights, and computational resources.
Data collection methods for smart cities?
5 answers
Data collection methods for smart cities encompass various approaches to gather and utilize data efficiently. These methods include utilizing renewable energy sources like energy harvesting for sensor networks, employing de-identification and anonymization techniques to protect privacy in IoT-generated data, implementing fast initial link setup methods and high-capacity data upload platforms for V2X communication, utilizing real data gathering methodologies supported by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for informed decision-making in city transformation, and employing schemes like Active Trust Verification Data Collection (ATVDC) with UAVs for secure and efficient data collection in vehicular delay-tolerant networks. These diverse methods aim to enhance data collection efficiency, privacy protection, decision-making processes, and overall performance in smart city environments.
What is village banking?
5 answers
Village banking is a financial system that plays a crucial role in rural economies by providing access to finance for entrepreneurs and communities. It involves mechanisms like group loans, self-help groups, and savings collections to support economic development and empowerment. In countries like Zambia and Indonesia, village banking platforms have shown significant potential in improving access to financial services for underserved populations. These platforms operate based on principles of transparency, accountability, and participation, aiming to enhance financial inclusion and economic growth in rural areas. The use of village banking has been associated with increased savings, improved living standards, and empowerment of individuals, particularly women, through self-employment opportunities. Overall, village banking serves as a vital tool for poverty alleviation and community development in rural settings.
What is Transtheoretical Model [TTM]?
5 answers
The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) is an integrative model of behavior change that considers various factors influencing the development of disorders like dissociative identity disorder. It has been applied to understand readiness for COVID-19 vaccination, emphasizing decisional balance, self-efficacy, myths, and barriers. TTM has also been utilized to promote lifestyle changes in different health conditions and age groups, including older adults, with a focus on stages of change characteristic of TTM. Despite its popularity, the TTM has faced critiques in health behavior research, prompting a reevaluation of its application and consideration in future research and practice. In the context of exercise interventions, the TTM has been found effective in promoting physical activity behavioral change, emphasizing the importance of understanding its multidimensional nature for intervention development.
How Can i apload pdf in typeset?
5 answers
To upload a PDF in typeset, a method involves uploading the typesetting file along with the corresponding PDF file simultaneously. The system then automatically compares the uploaded PDF file with a signed and issued PDF file to ensure consistency in file formats, improving the efficiency of the check process for the typesetting file. Additionally, an automatic retrogradation method based on the GrabCut method can be utilized in the typesetting process, allowing for the automatic retrogradation of images with different colorful spaces, ensuring correct partition results and providing user-friendly options for adjustments during the retrogradation process. These methods streamline the process of uploading and checking PDF files in typesetting, enhancing overall efficiency and accuracy.
How have cultural and social trends impacted the purchasing decisions of millennials?
4 answers
Cultural and social trends have significantly influenced the purchasing decisions of millennials. Millennials, particularly tech-savvy individuals, heavily rely on technology and social media platforms for product information before making purchases. Reference groups, such as family, friends, influencers, and experts, play a crucial role in shaping millennials' buying behavior on social commerce platforms. Additionally, the millennial generation, being immersed in social media, is greatly influenced by promotional strategies that create interactive links with consumers, impacting their purchase decisions. Factors like product quality and lifestyle have been identified as key influencers on the decision-making process of millennial moms when purchasing baby gear products. Overall, these trends highlight the significant impact of cultural and social factors on the purchasing behavior of millennials in various product categories.
What Is the effectiveness of home gardens in improving maternal nutrition and household security?
5 answers
Home gardens play a crucial role in enhancing household food security and maternal nutrition. Research indicates that home gardens contribute to improved dietary quality for men and women, higher household food security, and increased monthly incomes by 37%. They also lead to better dietary diversity and nutritional outcomes, especially in households with limited land access and located farther from markets. Additionally, home gardens provide a sustainable source of diverse, nutrient-rich vegetables, promoting healthier diets and empowering communities to manage agricultural biodiversity. However, there is a gap between the popularity of home gardens in practice and academic evidence, particularly in crisis settings. Overall, home gardens are effective in enhancing maternal nutrition and household security by improving dietary quality, food security, and income levels.
Non-fungible tokens: The missing ingredient for sustainable supply chains in the metaverse age?
5 answers
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) play a crucial role in establishing sustainable supply chains in the metaverse age. NFTs, being unique digital identifiers stored on blockchains, ensure authenticity and ownership verification, thus preventing counterfeiting. In the realm of dermatology, the concept of "Dermoverse" leverages NFTs to enhance patient care and access to information. Moreover, NFTs democratize art institutions by enabling artists to prove ownership and reach a wider audience, fostering inclusivity in the art market. The potential of NFTs in various domains, including software applications and legal relations, highlights their versatility and transformative impact on different industries. By utilizing NFTs, supply chains in the metaverse age can enhance transparency, traceability, and efficiency, ultimately contributing to sustainability.