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While we find evidence that both the cost and also the availability of finance negatively affect productivity across the whole distribution, the lack of qualified personnel mostly hinders high productivity firms.
With an isoquant analysis, a firm is able to derive a strategy to improve productivity takin...
To improve productivity, management must improve.
The authors suggest that they should be implemented jointly to improve productivity in building projects.
The research findings are expected to be beneficial for making policy and strategic decisions to improve the capital productivity performance.
This result suggests that finance influences growth mainly through the productivity channel.

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How to improve the productivity by HRM?5 answersTo enhance productivity through Human Resource Management (HRM), organizations can leverage various strategies. Implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in HR processes can streamline repetitive tasks, ensuring compliance and efficiency. Additionally, focusing on training and development (T&D) programs for employees can lead to improved productivity and service quality. Moreover, utilizing electronic HR management (e-HRM) can foster impersonal trust within organizations, ultimately boosting employee productivity. By formulating effective HR strategies, such as recruitment practices aligned with organizational goals, companies can strengthen performance, adhere to compliance requirements, and enhance HR performance evaluation processes. Overall, integrating technology, investing in employee development, and fostering trust through HR practices are key avenues to drive productivity improvements in organizations.
Why is there a need for improved productivity in an organisation?5 answersImproved productivity in an organization is crucial for various reasons. Firstly, enhanced productivity directly impacts profitability and growth. Secondly, it helps in reducing delays, minimizing effort, and optimizing resources, leading to cost savings. Thirdly, productivity improvements can result in increased revenues, financial performance, and overall profitability. Additionally, higher productivity can lead to better quality control, increased employee morale, and job satisfaction, ultimately boosting sales and profits. Moreover, by identifying and solving problems through methods like time study and work study, organizations can eliminate inefficiencies, increase production rates, and achieve competitive advantages. Overall, improved productivity is essential for organizational success, cost-effectiveness, competitiveness, and overall growth.
What are the most effective strategies for improving employee productivity in the workplace?4 answersTo improve employee productivity in the workplace, effective strategies include implementing total quality management (TQM), utilizing performance management practices such as employee appraisal systems, training and development, reward systems, and feedback mechanisms, and leveraging social media platforms to enhance employee engagement and job satisfaction. Positive psychology (PS) can also play a crucial role in improving employee productivity by focusing on positive traits and implementing attendance systems, corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, entrepreneurial intentions (EI), and machine learning behavior (MLB). These strategies have been found to positively impact employee productivity and can be further enhanced through continuous improvement, regular training, and coordination for evaluation and improvement. By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a culture of performance excellence, improve employee performance, and ultimately increase organizational productivity.
How can we increase productivity in the workplace?5 answersTo increase productivity in the workplace, it is important to consider various factors. One approach is to design a productive workplace layout using Virtual Reality (VR) technology, which allows for the visualization and simulation of different layout designs to evaluate their feasibility and effectiveness. Another factor to consider is employee job satisfaction, as it is closely linked to productivity. Identifying the major factors of job satisfaction and predicting the changes in work productivity when these factors are modified can help HR managers make informed decisions. Additionally, the implementation of suitable technology can enhance overall market efficiency and employee productivity, communication, and sense of responsibility. Furthermore, productivity gains can be achieved through technology advances, supply chain improvements, and increased skill levels within the workforce. By utilizing succession strategies, organizations can also increase workplace productivity.
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Does Human resource department contribute to the organizations success?
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The Human Resource (HR) department plays a crucial role in contributing to an organization's success. HR management is essential for maximizing organizational performance by recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining knowledgeable and skilled employees. Organizational culture, influenced by HR activities, impacts internal and external communication, relationships, and planning within Czech organizations. Additionally, compensation and promotion significantly affect employee performance, emphasizing the HR department's role in fostering discipline and motivation. Furthermore, the HR department represents a vital capital that requires attention, motivation, and training to align individual goals with organizational objectives, ultimately influencing organizational performance. Therefore, the HR department's functions are pivotal in driving success by managing human capital effectively.
How does aeroponics address of traditional soil-based onion cultivation limitations?
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Aeroponics addresses traditional soil-based onion cultivation limitations by offering a soil-less cultivation method that utilizes air or mist as the growth medium, providing a controlled environment for plant growth. This technique allows for efficient water usage, prevents soil-related diseases and pests, and eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Aeroponics also enables plants to receive sufficient oxygen through exposed roots, leading to improved growth quality and productivity. Additionally, aeroponic systems can be automated and remotely monitored, ensuring optimal conditions for plant development, such as maintaining root chamber temperature and humidity levels within the desired range. Overall, aeroponics presents a sustainable and innovative solution to overcome the limitations of traditional soil-based onion cultivation, offering a promising alternative for modern agriculture.
What is the impact of regular machine maintenance on productivity and efficiency in manufacturing?
5 answers
Regular machine maintenance plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity and efficiency in manufacturing. Implementing maintenance strategies like Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Autonomous Maintenance can lead to significant improvements. TPM focuses on preventive and predictive maintenance to prevent losses due to various factors. It helps in maintaining equipment effectiveness and eliminating factors affecting efficiency. Autonomous Maintenance, a part of TPM, involves operators taking responsibility for equipment health, reducing breakdown time and improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Studies show a direct relationship between maintenance types and quality of output, emphasizing that minimizing breakdown maintenance leads to fewer quality defects. Overall, effective machine maintenance not only reduces downtime and repair costs but also enhances equipment reliability, ultimately boosting productivity and efficiency in manufacturing.
If a organization consider work from home policy in future, so what are factors consider for policy making?
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When an organization considers implementing a work-from-home policy, several critical factors should be taken into account for effective policy-making. Factors to consider include employee satisfaction, environmental factors, efficiency, flexibility, productivity, work performance, personal well-being, organizational factors, temporal flexibility, commitment orientation, and the need for managing work-home boundaries. Additionally, adapting management styles and policies to accommodate technological advancements, such as the Internet and cellular telephony, is crucial for successful implementation of remote work. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of ergonomic considerations, visual strain, work-life balance, health, and well-being of employees in work-from-home environments. By incorporating these factors, organizations can design comprehensive work-from-home policies that enhance productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall well-being.
What is the relationship between rice size and titer?
5 answers
The size of rice grains and seeds plays a crucial role in determining their yield potential and quality. Larger rice seeds have been associated with faster and more vigorous seedling emergence, leading to increased biomass accumulation during the initial growth stages. Additionally, overexpression of certain genes, such as TIFY11b, has been shown to promote seed enlargement, resulting in larger grains and higher grain weight in rice plants. Moreover, the relationship between farm size and rice harvest losses indicates that larger farms tend to experience lower harvest losses, possibly due to the adoption of agricultural machinery services that help in reducing wastage during harvesting. Therefore, the size of rice grains and seeds can impact various aspects of rice production, including yield, seedling vigor, and harvest efficiency.
How does job performance evaluation theory influence employee motivation and productivity?
5 answers
Job performance evaluation theory plays a crucial role in influencing employee motivation and productivity. Studies have shown that factors like work motivation, work environment, compensation, job satisfaction, and work discipline significantly impact employee performance. For instance, research at PT Fukusuke Kogyo Indonesia found that work motivation and environment positively affect productivity. Additionally, a study at UD Segren Binjai highlighted the strong positive impact of employee motivation on productivity. Moreover, the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for performance evaluation, as demonstrated in a case study at CLSB, can provide a scientific and systematic approach that motivates employees to enhance their job satisfaction and productivity. These findings collectively emphasize the importance of effective job performance evaluation theories in fostering employee motivation and ultimately improving productivity.
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The use of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion models, significantly impacts the efficiency and effectiveness of design project management processes. These tools enable designers to streamline tasks like ideation, schematic drafting, and layout planning, leading to improved workflow efficiency and creativity. Generative AI allows for the automation of repetitive chores, freeing up time for designers to focus on more strategic and fruitful tasks, ultimately enhancing productivity in design projects. Additionally, the incorporation of generative AI technologies in design processes has been shown to increase productivity, reduce inequality between workers, and enhance output quality, showcasing the positive impact on project management processes.
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Key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring asset reliability in the maintenance sector include indicators related to system availability, productivity, and sustainability. These KPIs encompass factors such as production stoppages affecting system availability and productivity, as well as a comprehensive framework of sustainability performance indicators covering environmental, social, and economic aspects in maintenance practices. Additionally, continuous monitoring of buildings for factors like thermal, visual, acoustic, and chemical exposure is crucial for occupants' health and wellbeing, highlighting the importance of building design and technical flaws in ensuring occupant safety and comfort. Overall, these diverse KPIs play a vital role in evaluating and enhancing asset reliability and performance in the maintenance sector.
What are the potential benefits and challenges of intercropping sorghum with legumes for sustainable agriculture?
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Intercropping sorghum with legumes offers numerous benefits for sustainable agriculture. It enhances forage quality by increasing crude protein content, improves land use efficiency, weed control, and economic viability, and boosts grain production with better economic gains. Additionally, incorporating legumes in cropping systems increases soil organic carbon and nutrient levels, optimizes soil cation exchange capacity, and enhances water retention. However, challenges include competition between plants leading to reduced yield attributes in intercropping systems compared to sole cropping, and limitations in improving digestibility and fiber content of forage mixtures. Despite these challenges, the overall benefits of intercropping sorghum with legumes outweigh the drawbacks, making it a promising strategy for sustainable agriculture.
Looking for innovation measures to cope with the productivity crisis in a shrinking society?
5 answers
In a shrinking society facing a productivity crisis, innovative measures are crucial. To address this, it is essential to rethink traditional approaches and embrace new strategies. One key aspect is investing in Information Technology (IT) strategically, balancing its potential for innovation with financial constraints. Resilience during crises is linked to pre-existing innovation capabilities, with firms actively engaged in R&D being the most resilient. Additionally, evaluating hidden quality changes in outputs and inputs, adapting to changing regulations, and considering non-price criteria in project selection are vital for enhancing productivity in construction and repair projects. By incorporating these diverse approaches, societies can navigate the challenges of shrinking populations and economic downturns through innovative solutions.
What is the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on employee wellbeing and occupational health?
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) brings about significant changes in the workplace, impacting employee wellbeing and occupational health. With the rapid advancement in technology, organisations heavily relying on machinery and technology must prioritize employee wellness to maintain productivity. Effective management of safety, health, and environment in workplaces is crucial for improved overall wellbeing, productivity, and reduced accidents. Job insecurity due to technological advancements like AI and digitization can lead to negative effects on mental health and job satisfaction. Therefore, in the era of 4IR, it is essential for organizations to focus on employee wellness strategies to ensure the wellbeing and occupational health of their workforce amidst the evolving technological landscape.