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How to install selenium library for Robot Framework without PIP? 

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Papers (14)Insight
This framework makes robot software easy to be maintained and reused.
The experimental result shows that our methodology allows the robot to walk safely without encountering with any obstacles in unknown environment
Our framework can be applied to any distributed robot system.
The purpose of the research has not been to define another new robot command library, and the techniques presented here can be applied to other robot languages and high level robot command libraries.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
18 Jun 2016
53 Citations
The framework presented in this work can be applied to any robot equipped with an anthropomorphic head.
This research provides an evidence-based understanding that supports the research, planning and implementation of humanoid robot initiatives in Australian public libraries in order to enhance the experience of library user communities.
Practical implications Success of the proposed framework may lead to any industrial robot being suitable for use in HRC.
There is no need to maintain a huge library of robot models, and the footprint of the overall software system can be reduced.
We have developed a component framework assisting robot developers to make robot application with ease.
The programming framework employs robot capabilities as abstractions and thereby facilitates intuitive use and extensibility.
The paper concludes by providing arguments for the value of the creation of automation framework for Web applications with Selenium WebDriver.
In this paper, we propose a robot development framework that is able to simulate all required modules of the robot, its sensor system as well as its environment including persons.
Initial results are promising for applicability of the proposed multi-robot framework to exploration and modeling of planetary caves.
A feasibility study demonstrates the validity of the framework through a series of reconfigurations performed on a modular collaborative robot.

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