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The findings explain that working from home has provided advantages and disadvantages both for employee and organization as well as being responsible for the decline in employee productivity.
Our empirical results indicate that working from home has a positive influence on employees’ work effort.
The study reveals that there is a significant impact of work from home on employee’s productivity level.
Findings show that the practice of working from home is characterised by themes of comfort, control and flexibility, with implications for energy demand.
The results show that changes in ICT and commuting time display rather weak substitution effects on working out-of-home and at home, respectively.
Moreover, individual characteristics - especially age and education - seem to be more important for the choice between working at home and out-of-home than ICT availability or commuting time.

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Work from home?5 answersWork from home has become a new practice in government institutions, including the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT). The implementation of work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the working hours and responsibilities of civil servants. In the case of Kemendes PDTT, the economic dimension shows a reduction in employee expenses due to the absence of travel and meeting-related costs. The use of technology has increased among civil servants, leading to an increase in technological knowledge. However, the social dimension has been affected negatively, as limited mobility and lack of visits to villages have resulted in reduced interaction with the community. The research also highlights the impact of commute distance on the employment prospects of low-wage workers, with long commutes leading to lower earnings. Improved access to local jobs increases the likelihood of finding employment for welfare recipients.
Do employee who work from home are more productive?5 answersWorking from home has been found to have a positive impact on employee productivity. Numerous studies have shown that flexible working hours and the ability to work from home lead to increased productivity and performance. Factors such as reduced stress levels, improved well-being, and better work-life balance contribute to this increase in productivity. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the effectiveness of remote work in maintaining productivity and keeping businesses operational. Mediating factors such as job satisfaction, motivation, work-life balance, and flexibility also play a significant role in enhancing productivity in a work-from-home arrangement. It is recommended that organizations invest in technology and IT training to further improve the productivity of employees working from home. Overall, the evidence suggests that employees who work from home are indeed more productive.
Evidence and examples of do employees who work from home are more productive?5 answersEmployees who work from home have shown increased productivity in multiple studies. For example, a study by Rivera et al. found that work-from-home employees were very productive and experienced advantages such as time freedom and the ability to balance work and life. Another study by Chen et al. found that frequent work from home was associated with less work distraction, greater perceived productivity/engagement, and greater job satisfaction. Bloom et al. conducted an experiment at CTrip and found that home working led to a 13% performance increase, attributed to working more minutes per shift and more calls per minute. Additionally, a literature review by Febriani and Sopiah found that working from home increases productivity for roughly two-thirds of employees by making better use of time and travel. These studies provide evidence and examples that employees who work from home can be more productive.
How does working from home affect employee productivity?5 answersWorking from home has been found to have both positive and negative impacts on employee productivity. On the positive side, remote work offers benefits such as flexible work schedules, improved employee well-being, and better work-life balance. These factors can contribute to increased productivity. However, there are also challenges associated with remote work, such as isolation and distraction, which can potentially affect productivity. Additionally, the impact of working from home on productivity can vary depending on factors such as the use of advanced technology, project characteristics, and individual differences among employees. Overall, organizations need to develop robust strategies to maximize the benefits and minimize the challenges of remote work in order to create a productive and healthy work environment.
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