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In this paper we propose a novel algorithm for detecting Skype traffic, based on both signature-based and statistical approaches.
Furthermore, we prove the real-world applicability of the presented system with an exemplary prototype for Skype.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
25 Mar 2012
92 Citations
We find that Skype is robust against mild packet losses and propagation delays, and can efficiently utilize the available network bandwidth.
This paper introduces a new method to detect and track Skype traffic and users by exploiting cross layer information available within 3G mobile cellular networks.
In conclusion, Skype can be a very helpful tool, but requires careful planning and a strong reflexive position on the part of the researcher.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
26 Dec 2007
27 Citations
Therefore traditional port based or payload based identification of Skype traffic is not feasible.
The experimental results show that SkyTracer can achieve very high accuracy at fine-grained level in identifying Skype traffic.
The image quality via Skype screen sharing option is excellent.
This makes the detection of Skype flows a challenging task.
Because of skype closed and concealed communication protocol, there is possibility that Skype party can eavesdrop communication in its communication channel.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Gao Lisha, Luo Junzhou 
19 Feb 2006
32 Citations
Skype claims that it's better than other VoIP software, because of its high call completion rate and superior sound quality.
Even though Skype provides secure communications over the Internet, this paper shows that Skype call and chat evidences can be truly found in the devices.
This breakthrough makes the detection, blocking, and prioritization of Skype traffics possible in both the enterprise internal networks and the Internet Services Providers carrier networks.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
09 May 2010
34 Citations
Our proposed method makes the previously hard-to-detect Skype traffic, especially voice service traffic, much easier to identify.
We prove the feasibility of the approach in the context of Skype.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Matthew Simon, Jill Slay 
25 Mar 2010
50 Citations
The analysis showed that it is feasible to recover the target data as applied to Skype, which would not be otherwise available.

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What are some of the benefits and challenges of using Canvas in secondary schools??
5 answers
Using Canvas in secondary schools presents various benefits and challenges. Benefits include the ability to create engaging educational videos with minimal investment, facilitating remote learning during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, and enhancing teaching effectiveness and student benefits through adaptability and motivation. Challenges involve motivating teachers to integrate new technology into their curriculum, especially in rural areas, addressing issues like non-integrated systems and complexity in information management, which can reduce teacher motivation to share teaching materials, and the need for accessible tools like the Need Identification Canvas to engage students in engineering design activities effectively. Overall, while Canvas offers opportunities for innovative teaching methods, overcoming challenges related to technology integration and motivation remains crucial in secondary education settings.
How to best condition latent diffusion models?
4 answers
Conditioning latent diffusion models effectively involves leveraging multiple features for fine-grained control and diverse sample generation. One approach is through multi-conditioning using cross-attention, combining attributes and semantic masks to enhance image quality and controllability. Additionally, incorporating perceptual-focused loss weighting in the latent space, rather than the pixel space, can further improve model performance. To address biases in training data, the Safe Latent Diffusion (SLD) method suppresses inappropriate image parts during the diffusion process without compromising overall image quality or text alignment. For initializing large-eddy simulation codes, latent diffusion models can generate diverse and realistic ensembles of initial conditions, ensuring plausible turbulent structures for accurate atmospheric state reconstruction. These strategies collectively optimize conditioning for latent diffusion models across various applications.
How does Utilize Technology and Resources affect reading comprehension skills in English?
4 answers
Utilizing technology and resources can significantly impact reading comprehension skills in English language learners. Studies have shown that implementing technological tools, such as web-based resources and mobile applications, can enhance reading competence. Additionally, digital scaffolding interventions like contextual conversations and adjunct questions have been proven effective in improving reading comprehension among EFL students. Furthermore, research on the effects of WebQuest and MiniQuest strategies demonstrated improvements in students' reading performance, emphasizing the importance of considering the time efficiency of different technological approaches. Overall, the integration of technology in reading practices not only facilitates access to diverse learning materials but also fosters a positive attitude towards using technological resources for reading, ultimately enhancing English language learners' reading habits and academic achievements.
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5 answers
The media significantly impacts public attitudes and beliefs. Media reports shape public opinions on various topics, from celebrities to migration crises, influencing how individuals perceive events and individuals. The portrayal of crime, victims, and law enforcement officials in the media can heavily influence public perceptions of these entities. Moreover, the media's role in spreading rumors and shaping public opinion during crises highlights its power to sway collective beliefs. Additionally, the type of media used, such as new media, can promote critical attitudes and even foster Euroscepticism among citizens. Overall, the media's ability to frame narratives and present information plays a crucial role in shaping public attitudes and beliefs on a wide range of issues.
What is microsoft fabric?
7 answers
Microsoft's Service Fabric (SF) is a comprehensive distributed platform designed to facilitate the development, deployment, and maintenance of microservice applications in the cloud. SF distinguishes itself by its extensive use in production environments for over a decade, underpinning many of Microsoft's critical services. The platform is built on a foundation of key design principles that prioritize modularity and support for robust semantics, including fault tolerance and consistency across its architectural components. This approach enables SF to offer a reliable and efficient environment for running large-scale services, as evidenced by lessons learned and experimental results derived from production data. SF's architecture is not just about running services; it also emphasizes the creation and management of these services through a bottom-up approach, focusing on the intricate details of its low-level components. This meticulous attention to the underlying structure ensures that each element of SF contributes to the overall goal of providing a resilient and adaptable platform for microservices. In the broader context of distributed systems and fabric-based solutions, SF's role is part of a larger ecosystem that includes various fabric technologies aimed at enhancing the security, efficiency, and scalability of distributed information systems and cloud computing environments. These technologies range from systems like Fabric, which focuses on building secure distributed information systems with a high-level programming language, to infrastructures like FABRIC, which enables experimental research in networking and distributed computing at a national scale. Additionally, solutions like Scalable Fabric address desktop complexity and task management, while innovative platforms like the Forward Fabric platform system integrate with data center platforms for enhanced connectivity and management. Furthermore, the FABRIC project aims to integrate middleware standards for high-quality streaming over heterogeneous networks, and the FABRIC scheme proposes secure cloud data sharing through proxy re-encryption. Together, these fabric-based technologies, including Microsoft's Service Fabric, represent a multifaceted approach to tackling the challenges of modern computing environments, from cloud services to secure data sharing and beyond.
What are cyber physical systems?
8 answers
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of computation, networking, and physical processes. Embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical processes, usually with feedback loops where physical processes affect computations and vice versa. The rapid proliferation of CPS across various sectors, including critical infrastructure, transportation, healthcare, and the energy industry, underscores the pressing need for robust cybersecurity mechanisms to protect these systems from cyberattacks. These systems are not only foundational to the operation of smart grids, smart cities, and intelligent transport networks but also play a crucial role in emerging Internet of Things (IoT) applications like remote surgery and healthcare, which generate delay-sensitive tasks requiring timely processing. Moreover, the concept of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS) extends CPS by integrating dynamic stochastic hybrid systems with social systems, thereby enhancing control and accessibility in domains such as smart homes and healthcare systems. The application of computational techniques like game theory in CPS facilitates interaction among different entities to achieve selected objectives, showcasing the systems' ability to address a variety of technical challenges. In the context of human-centered computing, human cyber-physical systems demonstrate how cyber and physical layers can be designed to interact with humans, as seen in the monitoring of motion sickness in seafarers. The transition to a circular economy is further facilitated by CPS, demonstrating their potential to increase efficiency and reduce waste in industrialization, thereby contributing to sustainable development goals. In home energy management, CPS architectures encompass data acquisition, communication networks, and data analytics to optimize energy consumption. Healthcare benefits from CPS through intelligent feedback systems and the monitoring of patients with biosensors, although security remains a critical issue. The resilience of cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) in industrial environments highlights the importance of addressing complex structures and data volume challenges. Lastly, the advent of quantum computing poses new challenges and opportunities for enhancing the cyber-physical defense of these systems.
How does online reservation can help in catering business?
4 answers
Online reservation systems play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and customer experience in the catering business. By implementing online reservation systems, catering businesses can streamline the process of managing resources, handling orders, and ensuring timely service. These systems enable customers to easily place orders, select specific food options, and even choose their preferred team of people for catering services. Additionally, online reservation systems can help in improving operational efficiency by integrating modern information technologies like mobile platforms, wireless communications, and artificial intelligence. Such systems not only facilitate reservations but also offer features like order management, evaluation, recommendations, and personalized services, ultimately leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and optimized business operations.
Do women like female victimization?
5 answers
Women's preferences regarding female victimization vary based on different contexts. Research suggests that women who enjoy pornography may have a stronger preference for graphic horror featuring female victimization. On the other hand, social networking websites have unfortunately become platforms where women are victimized, highlighting a darker side of online interactions. Additionally, studies show that women who have experienced sexual victimization may perceive more sexual interest in men's behaviors, potentially leading to increased vigilance. Overall, the issue of female victimization is complex, with factors like past experiences, media consumption, and online interactions influencing women's perceptions and preferences regarding female victimization.
How has the digital transformation impacted the talent acquisition process in Switzerland?
5 answers
The digital transformation has significantly influenced talent acquisition processes in Switzerland. Research indicates that the evolution of the internet has led to a new global talent competition, affecting talent supply and demand. In the Swiss labor market, the decline in routine employment has been attributed to changing propensities to transition into routine occupations, especially for middle-aged individuals and those with lower education levels. Moreover, the alignment of Swiss SME managers' understanding of digital transformation with digital tool adoption patterns in managerial and operative work highlights the need for careful consideration in adopting digital tools for enhanced performance gains. Additionally, the concept of a Digital Facilitator has emerged in vocational education to address the integration of individual digital competence and institutional adoption of digital technology, reflecting the importance of adapting to digital changes in educational settings.
How can metacognition influence a technology integrated web-based learning environment to impact learners presently and in the future?
5 answers
Metacognition plays a crucial role in technology-integrated web-based learning environments, impacting learners both presently and in the future. By offering detached metacognitive support alongside domain-specific training, learners can improve their metacognitive knowledge and skills during self-regulated learning. Additionally, metacognitive knowledge positively correlates with approaches to Internet-based learning, influencing students' attitudes and learning strategies. Furthermore, metacognition directly impacts online learning behavior, with metacognitive monitoring significantly influencing learners' behavior levels. Incorporating evidence-based learning techniques and principles of multimedia learning in digital workplace settings can enhance metacognition, learning, and engagement. Thus, integrating metacognitive support in technology-enhanced learning environments can enhance learners' self-regulation, critical thinking, and overall learning outcomes both now and in the future.
Do depressed adolescents prefer online or face to face CBT?
5 answers
Depressed adolescents may benefit from both online and face-to-face Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions. Research suggests that Internet-based CBT (ICBT) can significantly reduce depression scores in adolescents, showing promise as a treatment. Additionally, computer-delivered and internet-based CBT self-help interventions with minimal guidance have been found effective in improving depression symptoms in both adults and adolescents. Furthermore, a study on ICBT in adolescent depression highlighted the mediating role of automatic thoughts and cognitive behavior skills in reducing depressive symptoms. While digitally administered single-session interventions (SSIs) have shown effectiveness in reducing depressive symptoms in adolescents, the utility of treatment selection approaches for SSIs targeting adolescent depression appears limited, indicating that both online and face-to-face interventions may be beneficial. Overall, the efficacy of virtual versus traditional face-to-face CBT in mitigating depression symptoms appears to be comparable, with potential benefits for depressed males from virtual CBT.