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What are the characteristics of stock market transaction data? 

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The characteristics of stock market transaction data include the randomness of arrival times of trades, the discreteness of price jumps, and significant intraday seasonalities . The dynamics of intertrade durations are found to be similar across various assets with different liquidity and regardless of whether an asset is traded electronically or on the floor . However, the analysis of volatility in transaction prices requires careful selection of the appropriate econometric tool . Studies have also found differences in return distributions among trades at different times of the day, with unusually high returns and standard deviations at the beginning and end of the trading day . The price-volume relationship in stock markets is shown to be recursive, with the absolute value of a price change causing volume contemporaneously, but not conversely . Spectral analysis of stock market data reveals that stock price changes are not white noise and the spectra of individual stocks vary substantially .

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The characteristics of stock market transaction data include non-flat spectra of price changes and variations in the interaction between price change and volume.
The characteristics of stock market transaction data include a correlation between the absolute value of a price change and the corresponding volume.
The characteristics of stock market transaction data include the use of integer-valued moving average models, consideration of long memory property, and analysis of correlations between count data series.
The characteristics of stock market transaction data include return distributions, trade size, price changes, trading frequency, and trading interval.
The characteristics of stock market transaction data include randomness of arrival times, discreteness of price jumps, and significant intraday seasonalities.

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