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Incorporating a novel mode of knowledge production within the doping literature, the stories presented here demonstrate elite athletes' candid accounts of being impacted by others’ doping behaviours in sport.
"Doping" among amateur athletes occurs frequently.
5) Some endurance athletes today are blood doping by abusing recombinant human erythropoietin (rEPO).
This study presents the first comparison of blood doping prevalence in elite track & field athletes based on biological measurements from major international events Our results from robust haematological parameters indicate an estimation of an overall blood doping prevalence of 18% in average in endurance athletes.
The conclusion is that blood doping, properly performed, works in the laboratory, but there is insufficient evidence to show conclusively that it works in the field.
Conversely, blood doping is associated with risks that can be serious and impair athletic performance.
The implementation of indirect markers of blood doping stored in an Athlete's Biological Passport provides a powerful means to deter any form of blood transfusion.
Some new substances (e. g., antibodies against myostatin or myostatin blockers) might be used in gene doping in athletes.
Physicians can also rationalize doping as an occupational requirement of some professional athletes.
Only after such investigations are performed can blood tests in connection with sports events be used unequivocally to link an athlete to blood doping.
EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS The study revealed that Olympic athletes have benefitted from manipulating their blood by re-infusion of autologous or infusion of homologous blood and by administering erythropoiesis stimulating agents, notably the three generations of erythropoietins.
Thirdly, if applied to a population of athletes, an extension of the model makes it possible to estimate the prevalence of blood doping for reasonably large populations of athletes.
These data suggest that blood doping is both prevalent and effective in cross-country ski racing, and current testing programs for blood doping are ineffective.

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5 answers
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