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What is the best Matrix shampoo and conditioner? 

Answers from top 8 papers

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This preliminary study suggests that baby shampoo is as effective as PI in preventing postoperative infection.
Shampoo therapy has much to offer the clinician.
There is no doubt that in practice shampoo is a more acceptable method of treatment as compared to lotions.
In order to provide patients with adequate information, dermatologists should be acquainted with the most common shampoo and conditioner ingredients and their effect on the scalp and hair shafts.
In addition, concomitant use of the shampoo and solution were found to be more effective than single product use.
The new shampoo-base was highly efficient to change the color-damaged hair from hydrophilic to hydrophobic.
The method is precise, robust, independent of the shampoo matrix and thus suitable for routine use, such as product quality control.
However, the promising anti-Malassezia activity of the 40 nm Ag NPs in the Acacia media along with their superior suspension stability against microbial contamination mean they have potential as an active and simple antidandruff shampoo formulation.

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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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