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So, much more can be said of the applications of agricultural science than of new fields of exploration.
Findings: While parents have the greatest influence on the career choices of adolescents, there was a positive correlation between studying agricultural science in school and considering an agricultural related career.
Climate science can provide insights into climatic processes, agricultural systems science can translate these insights into management options and rural sociology can help determine the options that are most feasible or desirable from a socio-economic perspective.
Teachers also felt that lack of agriscience workshops for agricultural education teachers is a barrier to integrating science into the agricultural education program.
The findings could benefit biology and science teachers in agricultural education and help improve national curriculum for biology in agricultural programmes.
Sharing resources between secondary school science departments and agriculture teachers is one way to upgrade science content in agricultural education.
A key narrative within climate change science is that conserving and improving soil carbon through agricultural practices can contribute to agricultural productivity and is a promising option for mitigating carbon loss through sequestration.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Plant and crop science will have a major part in ensuring that agricultural production can meet these multiple demands.
From the data it was concluded that many of Indiana’s Agricultural Science and Business instructors have responded positively to the call for the integration of science into the agricultural education curriculum.
In the face of such national and global agronomic challenges, a significant threat looms with the skills challenge facing agricultural science in Australia.
In particular, they argue for more investment in publicly funded agricultural science.
Results indicated that science teachers have responded positively to the call to integrate science into the agricultural education curriculum.
Perceptions regarding integrating science and agriculture, the role of teacher preparation programs in integrating science, and integrating science to meet state standards indicated teachers had a positive attitude toward integrating science into agricultural education programs.
A key need will be science that enhances processes of engagement between science, institutions and the agricultural community and is increasingly self-reflective and self-critical.
However, it can be better understood as an interdisciplinary dialogue between Ecology, Agricultural Science, and Agroecology.
They also suggested increasing the number of science courses in the preservice curriculum and placing student teachers with inservice teachers who have successfully integrated science into the agricultural curriculum.

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Silkworm germplasm, maintenance, and multiplication: current status, limitations, and future prospects?
5 answers
The current status of silkworm germplasm maintenance and multiplication involves challenges and opportunities. Research has shown that silkworms have been domesticated for silk production for thousands of years, attracting global interest in understanding their genome and developing commercial strains. Silkworms offer economic value through various products like silk, pupae for food, and bioactive compounds for medicine and industry. Conservation of silkworm genetic resources faces limitations due to incompatibility and difficulties in mating, but newer technologies like cryopreservation and artificial insemination offer promising preservation strategies. The future prospects lie in enhancing silkworm breeding to meet the decreasing production tendency, providing employment in rural areas, and improving human health through the consumption of nutritious silkworm products.
Why is swine raising a source of livelihood in the Philippines?
5 answers
Swine raising is a significant source of livelihood in the Philippines due to its substantial contribution to the country's agriculture. The industry plays a vital role in the economy, providing livelihood to many in rural areas and contributing significantly to the gross output value in agriculture. The demand for animal protein, driven by the increasing population, has led to the intensification of livestock production, with swine being a major component. Additionally, the production of organically-raised native pigs has seen growth, particularly due to the popularity of lechon, a Filipino delicacy. Despite challenges such as high feed costs faced by hog farmers, swine raising remains a crucial sector supporting many livelihoods in the Philippines.
How does climate change impact food security in rural region?
5 answers
Climate change significantly impacts food security in rural regions by affecting agricultural productivity, livelihoods, and adaptation strategies. Studies in South Africa and India reveal that climate variability leads to fluctuations in food consumption, dietary diversity, and crop yields, resulting in food insecurity. The impact extends to decreased incomes, limited livelihood opportunities, and challenges in securing water resources, exacerbating food insecurity in rural communities. Adaptation strategies are employed, but they often fall short in fully addressing the challenges posed by climate change, emphasizing the need for effective adaptation measures and increased investment in research and monitoring at the local level. These findings underscore the necessity for innovative solutions and evidence-based policymaking to ensure sustainable food systems amidst climate change challenges.
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5 answers
Teachers' development literacy encompasses the understanding and skills teachers require to effectively engage in literacy development within educational settings. Defined by teachers' conceptions and practices, literacy development involves continuous learning, conscientious decision-making, collaboration, alignment, discussion, innovation, and coping with tensions. It is crucial for teachers to incorporate the conceptualization of literacy into their in-service training programs to ensure accurate and up-to-date definitions aligning with specialized literature. Additionally, teachers' literacy development is influenced by the sociocultural perspective, emphasizing the importance of creating a positive learning environment through pedagogical practices that support functional literacy using mother tongue languages. Furthermore, the incorporation of components such as professional culture, time organization, relationships, and purposeful interactions within in-school professional development experiences can enhance teachers' literacy teaching practices.
How stem strand is being promoted in the academe?
4 answers
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5 answers
The space requirement for tilapia can vary based on different cultivation methods and stocking densities. Research indicates that tilapia can be successfully reared in closed recirculating tanks with high space utilization efficiency, achieving significant production rates. Additionally, studies have shown that high stocking densities in aquaculture systems can lead to alterations in fish behavior, increased competition for resources, and ultimately impact growth performance and economic losses. Furthermore, experiments have demonstrated that tilapia ponds can effectively reduce environmental pollution by controlling water drainage depths and utilizing sedimentation techniques, highlighting the importance of managing space for optimal water quality and sustainability. Overall, the space requirement for tilapia production depends on factors like stocking density, water quality management, and environmental considerations.
What are the main electrical and agricultural variables of interest to measure in an agrivoltaic system?
5 answers
The main electrical variables of interest in an agrivoltaic system include solar irradiance, photosynthetic photon flux density, and power generation. On the other hand, key agricultural variables to measure are crop behavior under shading, spatial distribution of solar radiation on crop land, start date of cultivation, harvest period, agricultural production, and income generation. These variables are crucial for optimizing the interaction between the photovoltaic panels and agricultural activities, ensuring efficient energy production and sustainable crop growth while maximizing land productivity and economic benefits. By monitoring and analyzing these electrical and agricultural parameters, agrivoltaic systems can be effectively designed and managed to achieve the dual goals of renewable energy generation and agricultural productivity in a harmonious manner.
What si the cultivation guide for quinoa?
5 answers
The cultivation guide for quinoa involves several key steps to ensure successful growth and high yields. Firstly, it is essential to select suitable land, apply fertilizer, sow seeds, thin the plants, cultivate the soil, and implement disease and pest control measures. Additionally, adopting a method that includes autumn sowing and spring transplanting in coastal saline alkali soil can lead to reduced planting costs, simplified farming operations, and increased transplant survival rates. Quinoa cultivation requires low water input but responds positively to increased fertilization rates, with specific nutrient requirements per ton of grain yield. Furthermore, addressing weed control, downy mildew, and bird attacks is crucial to maximizing yields and reducing production costs. By following these practices, farmers can enhance the agronomic and environmental sustainability of quinoa cultivation worldwide.
What is the importance of fish in economy?
5 answers
Fish plays a crucial role in various economies due to its multifaceted contributions. In India, the fisheries sector has evolved into a significant commercial activity, providing livelihoods to millions and contributing substantially to GDP and foreign exchange earnings. Similarly, in Ethiopia, fish serves as a vital protein source rich in essential nutrients, despite challenges in consumption patterns and accessibility. Fish consumption is not only culturally significant but also offers health benefits, with fish being a source of essential nutrients and proteins. Furthermore, studies highlight the impact of fisheries on the economy, emphasizing the importance of sustainable management due to overexploitation concerns. Additionally, in small island developing states, fish exports are linked to economic growth, showcasing a symbiotic relationship between fish export and economic development.
How climate change is impacting older women in Australia?
4 answers
Climate change is impacting older women in Australia by exacerbating feelings of sadness, worry, fear, and distress, leading to a declining sense of self and belonging, a phenomenon known as Solastalgia. Additionally, climate-related reductions in water availability for irrigation in Australian dairy farms have led to an increase in women's labor both on- and off-farms, highlighting the gendered nature of climate change impacts and the historical neglect of women's labor in agriculture. Furthermore, a nation-wide Australian survey revealed that individuals, including older women, are experiencing significant mental health impacts due to climate change, with younger age groups and women being disproportionately affected by eco-anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite these challenges, political divisions over climate change, especially among young Australians, remain a significant barrier to effective climate action.
Why more students in the Philippines have low socioeconomic status?
5 answers
In the Philippines, several factors contribute to why more students have low socioeconomic status. Research indicates that education policy plays a significant role in perpetuating socioeconomic inequality, with an inverse relationship between education policy and socioeconomic status. Additionally, students from poorer households tend to consume low-variety diets, reflecting their socioeconomic status. The lack of access to quality education and systemic issues of access and equity further exacerbate socioeconomic disparities among Filipino students. Furthermore, students' economic and cultural capital, such as parents' income and educational attainment, significantly impact their college readiness, with those from families with higher capital showing higher readiness levels. Efforts to address these disparities include initiatives to enhance equitable access to STEM education for underprivileged students.