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We show that there is a doping minimizing storage and retesting mix for the doping agency and that storing doping samples will reduce the athletes’ doping intensity.
Doping knowledge was poor and biased, and its relationship with drug use deserves consideration.
Particularly notable findings were the potential role of doctors in athletes’ doping and that the current punitive anti-doping approach seems to deter athletes, although the fear of social sanctions was almost as great a deterrent.
We argue that the phenomenon of doping is more complex than what has been shown to occur in elite sport, as it includes a wider variety of behaviours, situations and motivations.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
14 Citations
These highly publicised disagreements may further portray inconsistencies in anti-doping guidelines and suggest to athletes that what is considered doping is dependent on the dominant political zeitgeist.

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What factors influence the overall performance of Thai boxers in terms of mental toughness, experience, and knockout rate?
4 answers
Various factors influence the overall performance of Thai boxers, including mental toughness, experience, and knockout rate. Mental toughness plays a crucial role in maintaining performance levels during challenging times. Experience, particularly in terms of the number of fights, the maximum striking power of the dominant hand, and the knockout rate, significantly predict performance outcomes in Thai boxing. Additionally, internal factors like self-concept, self-esteem, and self-determined motivation, along with external factors such as psychological skills training and relationships with coaches, also impact mental toughness and, consequently, performance in sports like Thai boxing. Therefore, a combination of mental resilience, experience, and knockout rate are key determinants of success for Thai boxers.
Does anthropometric characteristics, mental toughness, experience, and knockout rate are significant of Thai boxing performance?
5 answers
Anthropometric characteristics, mental toughness, experience, and knockout rate play significant roles in Thai boxing performance. Research indicates that factors like handgrip strength, lateral dominance, and maximum striking power correlate with performance levels in Thai boxing. Additionally, a study on male Thai boxing athletes found that a plyometric training program improved muscle strength and power, enhancing physical performance. Mental toughness is crucial for controlling emotions and concentration in sports, impacting success levels. Furthermore, anthropometric factors like height, weight, and arm length influence punching abilities in boxing athletes, highlighting their importance in performance. Overall, a combination of these factors contributes to the success and performance levels of Thai boxing athletes.
Why is polarized training so good for endurance athletes?
4 answers
Polarized training is beneficial for endurance athletes due to its potential to improve race times and overall performance. This training model, characterized by a high proportion of low-intensity training and a smaller amount of high-intensity training, has shown promising results in amateur runners. The polarized training intensity distribution (TID) model, when compared to other TID models, has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing race times, particularly in longer distances like 21 km. Additionally, polarized training can contribute to better adherence, lower perception of effort, and potentially aid in injury prevention. The polarization-index (PI) is a valuable tool for distinguishing between polarized and non-polarized TID, providing a quantitative measure of the training distribution. Overall, polarized training's focus on balancing high and low-intensity sessions appears to be a key factor in its effectiveness for endurance athletes.
Does mental toughness, experience, and knockout rate are pay significant roles of Thai boxing performance more than physical characteristic?
4 answers
Mental toughness, experience, and knockout rate play significant roles in Thai boxing performance compared to physical characteristics. Research indicates that mental toughness is crucial for athlete success in contact sports like Thai boxing. While physical attributes like handgrip strength and punch power correlate with performance, they are not as predictive as mental factors and experience levels. Studies emphasize the importance of mental training and real-time assessments for elite athletes, highlighting the impact of coaches and mental trainers on enhancing mental toughness and overall performance. Additionally, findings suggest that mental toughness is higher in contact sport athletes compared to non-contact sport athletes, underscoring its significance in achieving excellence in competitive sports.
What are the definitions of mental skill?(academic of students but don't put the mental skill in academic...)?
5 answers
Mental skills encompass a range of cognitive abilities crucial for quick decision-making and critical thinking. These skills include fundamental, psychosomatic, and cognitive aspects, as seen in the evaluation of tennis referees, highlighting goal-setting, confidence, concentration, and stress management. In sports, mental skills training aids athletes in managing stress, using imagery, self-talk, and goal setting to enhance performance. Additionally, a novel perspective views mental health as a skill-based action, where mental disorder signifies a breakdown in this skill, emphasizing self-regulatory metacognitive skill as a key component of mental health. Overall, mental skills are essential for various domains, from academics to sports, influencing decision-making, performance, and overall well-being.
What are the secondary prevention strategies of domestic violenceWhat are the secondary prevention strategies of domestic violence?
5 answers
Secondary prevention strategies of domestic violence focus on interventions aimed at reducing the impact of violence on individuals who have already been exposed to it. These strategies include safety planning for the mother-child dyad, fostering independence, and utilizing existing coping strategies. Additionally, secondary prevention involves creating regulations that promote collaboration in the fight against intra-family violence, extensive educational work to combat impunity and violence, and enhancing international cooperation for effective prevention. Furthermore, addressing the root causes of violence through evidence-based interventions and legal approaches is crucial in preventing domestic violence from occurring in the first place. By implementing these strategies, it is possible to mitigate the adverse effects of domestic violence and work towards creating safer environments for individuals and families impacted by such violence.
Is there proven ergogenic effect of supplementing with beta alanine?
5 answers
Beta-alanine (BA) supplementation has shown a proven ergogenic effect on exercise performance in various studies. Research indicates that BA supplementation can enhance exercise performance primarily in middle-distance events, with positive effects observed in both athletes and non-athletes. Additionally, BA supplementation has been linked to increased performance and reduced blood lactate concentration during high-intensity functional training, suggesting its effectiveness in improving training outcomes. Studies have highlighted that BA supplementation can elevate muscle carnosine concentrations, leading to improved high-intensity exercise performance by enhancing intracellular buffering, particularly beneficial for exercises lasting between 60 seconds and 4 minutes. However, despite its ability to reduce lactate accumulation following exhaustive exercise, BA supplementation did not exhibit significant ergogenic effects in female basketball players.
Why is the relative age effect in the premier league less pronount than in other leagues?
5 answers
The relative age effect (RAE) in the Premier League is less pronounced compared to other leagues due to a lower over-representation of players born in the first few months of the year. Research across international professional football leagues indicates that the Premier League of England is an exception, showing less RAE compared to leagues in other continents, where individuals born earlier in the year are over-represented. This phenomenon is consistent across various leagues, with CONMEBOL leagues showing a higher RAE than UEFA leagues. Additionally, the RAE is prevalent in highly competitive youth soccer but persists to a lesser extent in senior soccer, indicating that the bias towards players born earlier in the year is more prominent in certain leagues and competitions.
What physiological and psychological factors contribute to increased durability in endurance athletes?
4 answers
Physiological factors such as improved durability in endurance athletes can be attributed to reduced physiological drifts, postponed onsets of drifts, and changes in physiological strain resulting from both low- and high-intensity endurance training. Additionally, higher VO2max values, being male, and higher achievement motivation, particularly perseverance, are associated with better endurance performance in young cyclists. Psychological resilience in endurance runners is influenced by factors like autonomy and competence satisfaction, self-regulatory locomotion mode, and the gratification of basic psychological needs, which enhance perseverance, timely recovery, and psychophysical balance. Therefore, a combination of physiological improvements through training and psychological factors like motivation and resilience play crucial roles in enhancing durability in endurance athletes.
What factors have been identified as the most common reasons for students to cut classes?
5 answers
Factors influencing students to cut classes include financial problems, poor secondary school preparation, undecided/unsatisfactory majors, conflict with work and family commitments, academic difficulties, lack of faculty and counselor support, demotivating school environment, undesirable class experiences, lack of student support. Additionally, age, gender, sense of belonging, academic performance, previous academic success, motivational, and organizational factors play a role in student dropout. Pedagogical factors, such as dissatisfaction with teaching strategies, can also lead to university desertion. Moreover, factors like lack of motivation, poor course planning, high course difficulty, and inadequate class schedules contribute to engineering degree dropouts. Understanding these multifaceted reasons is crucial for universities to implement effective retention strategies.
What are some relevant theories that explore the relationship between academic responsibilities and sports responsibilities among student-athletes?
4 answers
The relationship between academic responsibilities and sports responsibilities among student-athletes is explored through various theories. One theory suggests that stress plays a significant role in impairing student-athletes' ability to manage their daily responsibilities, with factors like sleep difficulties and sense of belonging influencing this relationship. Another theory highlights the impact of academic identity, school belongingness, and athletic identity on the time allocation of student-athletes between academics and athletics, indicating a competition for attention between the two roles. Additionally, the presence of challenges such as demanding athletic schedules, eligibility-based education, and academic clustering further complicates the balance between academic and sports responsibilities for student-athletes.