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What kind of hat did Gene Hackman wear in the French connection? 

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Akihiko Koga, Hiroshi Hori 
01 Feb 1999-Genetics Research
25 Citations
This situation is unusual in a member of the hAT family.
VDR is not a major gene for T2DM in French Caucasians.
His adoption of the long hair and cowboy hat, made internationally famous by Buffalo Bill, gives us a key to understanding how he wove together the French and American cultural notions of primitivism, sexuality, leadership, and the avant-garde.
Examining autobiographies, letters, newspaper reports and photographs, this article argues that French sailor wear with its military exoticism and gender-blurring possibilities was adopted by fashionable metropolitan British and French groups in the interwar years as a recognizable signifier of an emerging gay and bisexual identity.
Book ChapterDOI
Heinz Schreckenberg, Kurt Schubert 
01 Jan 1992
55 Citations
Josephus is seen here in clear affinity with others who wear the hat for whom Jewishness carries no negative connotation. Keywords: Deutsch; Jewish artists; Jewishness; Josephus; medieval biblical manuscripts; medieval Christian art
HAT represents the most probable pathway.
These results indicate that HAT enhances mucin gene expression through an AR-EGFR pathway, and PAR-2 is not sufficient for or does not directly cause HAT-induced mucin gene expression.
Finally, we show that some other top-hat transformations may be derived from top-hat selection transformation.
In retrospect, I think Granovetter is correct o suggest hat weak ties did exist, but incorrect hat bridging ties were lacking; in fact, I said something in the book about bridging, ties between peer groups and about the role of shopkeepers and bartenders as "bridgers."
The French Connection (1971) exploits spectators' expectations of police-detective-film formulas and thereby catches viewers offguard, creating a more unsettling experience than the genre traditionally provides.

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4 answers
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5 answers
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