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What type of ratio is valuable in assessing risk for any collateral based loan such as a home or auto loan? 

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We find that banks with high loan to asset and high personal loan to assets ratios are more likely to survive.
This paper evaluates the signaling capability of the borrower's selected loan-to-value ratio, and finds the equity proportion of housing capital to be a good indicator of the loan's riskiness.
Our results show that collateral is especially valuable for small and medium-sized firms, riskier firms, credit lines, and longer-term loans, thus adding support to the moral hazard-based theories of collateral.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
336 Citations
A higher risk free interest rate of the economy and a smaller size of the loan increase the likelihood that a loan will be totally secured with collateral instead of partially secured.
For our sample, collateral overall is associated with lower loan risk premiums and a higher probability of ex post loan nonperformance (delinquency or default).
The strongest evidence in our paper emphasises the importance of borrower risk and loan cost in collateral determinants.
Expanding on existing theory and evidence, I predict that loan contracts will include covenants with ratios that are informative of credit risk based on borrower or contract characteristics.
For Conventional Banks, loan loss provision, debt-to-total asset ratio, REGCAP, size, earning management and Liquidity are significant factors influencing credit risk.
Combining these estimates with important other financial stability indicators, such as the development of initial loan-to-value ratios, we are able to conclude that at present, the risk to financial stability stemming from households in Austria is relatively low.

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Is sharpe ratio a good way to measure risk?3 answersThe Sharpe ratio is a commonly used measure for evaluating risk-adjusted performance in investment analysis and risk management. However, the abstracts suggest that there are limitations to using the Sharpe ratio as a measure of risk.demonstrates that focusing on short-term performance based on the Sharpe ratio can be detrimental to long-term performance.introduces a generalized ranking measure that accounts for non-Normally distributed risks, indicating the need for alternative measures.anddiscuss the statistical testing and inference methods for the Sharpe ratio, highlighting the importance of accurate analysis. While the Sharpe ratio is widely used, it is important to consider its limitations and explore alternative measures to obtain a comprehensive understanding of risk.
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