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When checking a starting system for voltage drop what is the best type of meter to use? 

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Thus, this study shows that the system can be widely used to the block system and the meter reading system for stable water supply.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first measurement study of voltage data collected from low and medium voltage segments of a feeder circuit and its use in estimating customer phase.
However, the measurement system is ready for productive use in the low voltage supply grid.
The experimental application of developed system for the characterization of a commercial low cost meter shows satisfying performance and wide versatility.
Journal ArticleDOI
Yu, Liu, Chiang 
2 Citations
Sample system analysis and testing results show the approach is efficient for finding tentative meter locations.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
I. Vujosevic, E. Spahic, D. Rakocevic 
25 Jul 2002
9 Citations
Obtained results justify the use of this method for voltage drop estimation, especially considering unreliable and incomplete database.

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