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We conclude that the generation of high quality stereoscopic movie content using desktop tools and equipment is feasible.
However, it was not as conducive as PEEKOH for improving the matrix properties.
In our experiments on movie rating datasets, the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art matrix completion models.
Experimental results on MovieLens and Each Movie data sets demonstrate that the proposed method is much more competitive compared with the state of the art matrix factorization based collaborative filtering methods.
The results showed that the matrix was theoretically sound.
There have been many threats to the movie theatre industry, but with technology becoming cheaper and easier to use, it may spell the end of traditional movie going as a preferred entrainment vehicle.
However in this case the movie has the exciting attribute that it can be displayed and observed in 3D.
Additionally, we found some attention-grabbing facts, such as the budget of a movie isn't any indication of how well-rated it'll be, there's a downward trend within the quality of films over time, and also the director and actors/actresses involved in the movie.
What emerges is a ‘view’ of movie-going as part of the experience of urban life at a time when towns and cities in North Carolina – and across the United States – were taking on their modern character and institutions.
It was obvious that the matrix was softened/melted by heat generated during adiabatic compression.
We find that extensive care and industry knowledge are required when organizing the economic and social framework in which a film project is undertaken, since ultimately, movie success does not depend on individual star power.
When the matrix equation is consistent over generalized -reflexive matrices, the sequence generated by the introduced algorithm converges to a generalized -reflexive solution of the quaternion matrix equation.

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What factors influence the cyclical production of cinema in different regions?
5 answers
The cyclical production of cinema in different regions is influenced by various factors. Firstly, the global network of precarious workers, governments, and multinational media companies plays a crucial role in shaping transnational power relations within the industry. Additionally, the historical trajectory of regional cinema contributes to the cyclical nature of film production, with local settings not just serving as filming locations but also as cultural spaces. Moreover, the concept of cyclicality in cinema is not unique and can be observed across various art forms, with patterns of regularities and developments recurring over time. Furthermore, commercial strategies, distribution, and exhibition practices within the industry also impact the cyclical nature of film production, particularly evident during the classical Hollywood era.
5 answers
The "Chinese School" of securitization encompasses various fields such as cinema, international relations (IR), and animation. In Chinese cinema, the establishment of a Chinese film school aims to legitimize itself by reflecting unique national audio-visual styles and adopting a two-pronged strategy of local and global engagement. In the realm of IR, the Chinese School seeks to challenge Western dominance by reinterpreting traditional Chinese concepts within mainstream IR frameworks, potentially forming a 'counter-hegemonic bloc' in post-Western IR. Additionally, in animation studies, the term "Chinese School" has evolved over time, influenced by cultural policies, nationalist sentiments, and economic factors, defining a set of award-winning films rooted in collectivist discourse. These diverse interpretations collectively contribute to the multifaceted nature of the "Chinese School" in different academic disciplines.
How much preparedness does a student need to choose caregiving?
5 answers
Students considering caregiving roles should aim for a high level of preparedness, as seen in various studies. Research on older patient care emphasizes the importance of caregivers' preparedness in improving functional abilities and continuity of care at home. Similarly, studies on cancer family caregivers highlight the significance of feeling prepared for the caregiving role, with higher preparedness scores indicating better readiness for the responsibilities involved. Moreover, caregiver preparedness plays a crucial role in the association between stroke survivors' depression and quality of life dimensions, emphasizing the need for well-prepared caregivers to support stroke survivors effectively. Therefore, students interested in caregiving should focus on acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, and coping mechanisms through training and education to ensure they are adequately prepared for the challenges of caregiving roles.
How did cartoons represent law in the weimar republic?
5 answers
Cartoons in the Weimar Republic represented law through satire and criticism. They often depicted the legal system as inefficient, prejudiced, and in need of reform. Satirical cartoons highlighted the complexities and shortcomings of legal discourse, aiming to make the public aware of the flaws within the legal institutions. Additionally, cartoons critiqued the administration and communication methods of the legal system, emphasizing the importance of clear and effective transmission of messages. Through humor and visual representation, these cartoons served as a form of public criticism against the conservative norms and practices prevalent in the legal sphere of the Weimar Republic.
How have different criteria been developed to evaluate a movie's handling of certain concepts?
5 answers
Different criteria have been developed to evaluate a movie's handling of certain concepts. One approach involves the subjective movie evaluation criteria (SMEC), which represent viewers' attitudes towards specific film features, such as Story Verisimilitude, Story Innovation, Cinematography, Special Effects, Recommendation, Innocuousness, Light-heartedness, and Cognitive Stimulation. These criteria are influenced by stable individual differences and are related to film-specific constructs and personality traits. Additionally, the use of cinematographic elements by directors plays a crucial role in shaping the audience's perception of concepts like goodness and evil in films, leading to diverse narratives and stimulating effects. Furthermore, the evaluation of concepts in movies requires a critical analysis of the concept's definition, characteristics, preconditions, outcomes, and boundaries to ensure its maturity and adequacy.
How magnetite/apatite ore is processed?
5 answers
Magnetite/apatite ore is processed through various methods to extract valuable components efficiently. One approach involves a multi-stage process including crushing, grinding, magnetic separation, and flotation. This process aims to enhance the quality of the iron concentrate by reducing impurities like phosphorus and silicon. Utilizing specific chemicals like monoaminoalkyl ether can aid in the separation of desired components from impurities, leading to increased extraction efficiency. Additionally, the use of advanced equipment such as magnetic separation systems can effectively screen out magnetite from mineral aggregates, improving the overall beneficiation process. Overall, these methods enable the production of high-quality iron, vanadium, phosphorus, and titanium concentrates from magnetite/apatite ores, ensuring comprehensive resource utilization.
What analysis of the market structure of south african broadcasting industry?
5 answers
The analysis of the market structure of the South African broadcasting industry reveals various key aspects. South African media industries, particularly in television formats, are dominated by South African companies, showcasing hegemonic status in the global TV-format chain. Despite advancements, public service broadcasting in South Africa faces pressures from political, governmental, and economic actors, impacting power dynamics within the industry. The evolving broadcast landscape necessitates new strategies for broadcasters to thrive in a competitive environment, emphasizing the importance of audience engagement and innovation. In contrast, the South African newspaper industry has seen limited change post-democracy, with challenges such as media accessibility, politicization of agencies, and control by major players affecting independent media's future and market dynamics.
What are the cultural and historical contexts that influenced the depiction of women in Arabian Nights?
4 answers
The depiction of women in Arabian Nights is influenced by various cultural and historical contexts. The tales portray women as intelligent, beautiful, selfless, and skilled, showcasing diverse personalities and roles. The narrative reflects patriarchal fears and societal norms, with masculine anxieties expressed and purged through powerful and loyal female characters. The setting of Mecca, with its holiest mosques and sociocultural atmosphere, contributes to Raja Alem's Sufi-oriented Islamic feminism, shaping her perspective on gender roles. Additionally, the Middle Eastern geography, where Islamic rules are concentrated, plays a significant role in reinforcing patriarchal structures that impact the portrayal of women in Arabian Nights. These combined influences create a complex tapestry of female representation in the tales, highlighting both empowerment and subjugation within the cultural and historical contexts of the stories.
How film reflects and illuminate social issues?
5 answers
Films serve as a powerful medium to reflect and illuminate social issues. They capture societal norms, values, and challenges, portraying them through storytelling and visual representation. Through qualitative analysis, films like "Hafalan Surat Delisa" shed light on social values and behaviors, encouraging empathy, respect, and cultural understanding. Movies like Aruvi, Mercury, Mersal, Velaikaran, and Nisabdham tackle sensitive topics like sexual abuse, aiming to create awareness and influence positive change in society. Cinema not only entertains but also informs, educates, and sparks dialogue on various social issues, making it a potent tool for societal transformation. By depicting real-life struggles and societal conditions, films like Slumdog Millionaire provide insights into the challenges faced by people, highlighting the role of cinema in addressing and representing social issues. Through documentary films, critical race theory, and digital video, educators can explore social justice issues and inequities in public education, fostering deeper understanding and potential for change within school communities.
How has the portrayal of Arab women in Western media evolved over time, and what factors influence these changes?
4 answers
The portrayal of Arab women in Western media has evolved significantly over time, influenced by various factors. Initially, Arab women were often depicted through Orientalist lenses, portraying them as either sexually obsessed or oppressed. However, with changing global dynamics, there has been a shift towards more positive representations, showcasing Arab women as powerful and empowered individuals in society. Factors such as the Arab uprisings and the impact of globalization have played crucial roles in reshaping these portrayals, leading to a more nuanced understanding of Arab women's identities and roles in contemporary media narratives. This evolution reflects a broader trend towards challenging stereotypes and promoting gender equality in media representations of Arab women.
What impact does the availability of streaming services have on the attendance rates at UK cinemas?
5 answers
The availability of streaming services has not shown evidence of reducing attendance rates at UK cinemas. Research suggests that streaming actually broadens the consumer base benefiting from arts subsidies, as cinema audiences are socio-demographically and culturally similar to theatre audiences, rather than typical cinema-goers. The shift towards online streaming has disrupted traditional film exhibition, with cinemas no longer being the exclusive venue for film screenings. However, the novelty of films remains a key factor in convincing viewers to pay for cinema tickets, emphasizing the importance of providing a superior cinematic experience at a reasonable price. Despite the rise of digital projection and debates on technology costs, reports indicate that the demise of celluloid in UK cinemas may be premature, highlighting ongoing transformations in the industry.