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Which command is used to trace path from one node to another in networking? 

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Dec 2011
12 Citations
In order to overcome the phenomenon that the existence of end-to-end path is no longer guaranteed because of intermittent connection in the opportunistic network, it is desirable to employ a special node called ferry, which moves in a specific trace and forwards data for disconnected nodes, to provide communication opportunities.
We are able to calculate route trust value on the complete reply path which can be utilized by source node for next forthcoming communication in the network.
Apart from participating in data forwarding, node may behave as ‘traffic node’ trying to show the right path towards destination.
First we propose to use node-based path traversal patterns to derive a new measure of node centrality, arguing that a node is central if it proves useful in navigating through the network.
These paths can be used for routing in parallel multiple data packets from a source node to a destination node.
Moreover, this study reveals the relationships between topological transitivity, average shortest path and energy consumed by the node to locate the trusted node in the network.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
04 Apr 2005
125 Citations
When the intruder sends many attacking DATA packets to the victim node, the node may cut off the path and does not set up a path with the intruder any more.
The new scheme is based on a distributed N-to-1 multipath discovery protocol, which is able to find multiple node-disjoint paths from every sensor node to the BS simultaneously in one route discovery process.
At the end of this step, the merged detailed trace of each Jvms contains pointers to the merged trace files of the other JVM’s such that the path of each remote call from the client to the server can be uniquely identified.
Our evaluations of DTRACK with trace-driven simulations and with a prototype show that DTRACK can detect up to three times more path changes than traditional trace-route-based topology mapping techniques.
It is important to note that this technique will always found out minimum path and even alternate path are also saved in case of node failure.
On the other hand, the captured trace files can be used for figuring out various overheads, as they record the communication behaviors of each node.
Our work aids future development of low-overhead probing techniques and introduces principles from IP-based networking to theoretically grounded approaches for concurrent path-selection problems.

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