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Which three countries from the region led the world in having the highest ecological footprint per capita? 

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The results show that the local ecological footprint per capita for fossil energy increased up to 3 times despite the completion of the nation’s largest renewable energy project at that time.
In contrast, countries with small per capita footprints could sell footprint credits to finance modernization along ecological lines.
The policy designs should also take into consideration the individual economic characteristics of each country as ecological footprint is found to be region invariant.
We conclude that the average ecological footprint intensity of countries have improved significantly in the given period.
This analysis provides evidence that the Ecological Footprint is a meaningful ecological indicator which can be compared to equivalent measures of the appropriation of ecosystem productive capacity and land use pressures.
The input–output approach provides a consistent means of calculating an ecological footprint using data collected as part of the system of national accounts in most developed countries.
The foregoing result imply that policies on the environment should take into consideration the unique convergence paths of each of the cluster countries for the aggregate ecological footprint indicator as well as its components.

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