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A strong relationship was found to exist between the value principals possess of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and their value of SAEs.
Results indicate that the special education supervisor is forced to compromise the administrative and technical assistance aspects of his/her job description.
The experience and views of the trainees should be taken as a major parameter in technical and vocational education (TVET) strategy, planning and programme implementation.
In that sense, the creation of Telangana is the achievement of a long-pursued goal of self-determination, even though there is no obvious continuity between those social movements.
Only through continued research can we ensure that future technical communicators receive an education that eases their transition into the world of business and industry.
It argues that mobilisations concerning Bt technology seek to draw attention to the inequality and risk exposure of those in Telangana, in much the same way as demands for secession did.
Some important recommendations have also been made to render the accreditation system more effective and acceptable to various stakeholders of the technical education sector in India.
The results showed that TA, GC, and OL of technical education teachers revealed significant positive relationships with the degree of IOPD.
have shown that no consideration is made for planning in the official technical and education in secondary schools,in Iran to provide manpower needed in the society and in general, and no planning has been made for the employment of graduates of technical and vocational education.
The results indicate a degree of conflict among staff regarding the role of Technical education, coupled with limited recognition for Technical subjects among employers.
revealed that neither the educational nor the technical courses supported the ICT knowledge and skills of the participants at a satisfactory level, suggesting that the pedagogical knowledge that teacher trainees receive during their education is not in parallel with the technical knowledge that in fact should facilitate the implementation of pedagogical skills in the current age of technology.
It indicates that, there is a convergence in TFP growth among districts of developed Coastal and less developed Telangana regions, but districts in Rayalaseema region are left out of this growth process, as this region is not able to catch up with other two regions in agricultural productivity.

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What is the importance of indigenous knowledge in biodiversity conservation/?
4 answers
Indigenous knowledge plays a crucial role in biodiversity conservation by offering sustainable practices deeply rooted in cultural traditions and experiences. Indigenous communities have developed intricate systems of utilizing and conserving natural resources, including plants and animals, through myths, taboos, rituals, and traditional institutions. This knowledge is not only essential for the well-being of dependent communities but also holds value for the broader society in ensuring food security and human well-being. By integrating indigenous knowledge into conservation efforts, there is a greater potential to address the challenges of sustainable ecosystem management and alleviate poverty among indigenous populations. Recognizing and respecting indigenous knowledge systems is vital for promoting coexistence with nature, sustainable resource use, and overall biodiversity conservation.
Are hong kong playgroups really effective in enhancing development at infancy and early childhood stages: A Hong Kong Snapshot?
4 answers
Hong Kong playgroups play a crucial role in enhancing development during infancy and early childhood stages. Play-based learning approaches in Hong Kong align with Fröbel's play pedagogy, emphasizing elements like children's social skills development and creativity. However, challenges exist, such as time constraints and parental demands, hindering the full implementation of play-based strategies. Despite these obstacles, research indicates that play is vital for optimal child development, fostering creativity, imagination, and various skills essential for healthy brain development. Implementing playwork approaches, like the Seed School Training Programme, within kindergartens in Hong Kong has shown promise in overcoming constraints and promoting play-based learning effectively.
What goes in the left hand column when using the cornell note taking system?
4 answers
When using the Cornell Note-Taking System, the left-hand column is typically used for writing cues or questions that prompt the main points or key ideas from the notes taken in the right-hand column. This column serves as a guide for the students to actively engage with the material, aiding in better retention and understanding of the content. By jotting down cues or questions in the left-hand column, students can later use them to review the material more effectively and test their knowledge on the subject matter. The Cornell format requires students to organize their notes into four sections: heading, cue, note-taking, and summary, with the left-hand column specifically designated for cues or questions.
What are the current trends in providing shelter through architecture design?
4 answers
Current trends in providing shelter through architecture design focus on addressing the immediate housing needs of displaced populations while considering factors like sustainability, health impact, and community integration. Circular economy principles are being integrated into shelter design to promote resource efficiency and minimize waste generation. Additionally, there is a growing recognition of the impact of shelter quality on occupant health, with a focus on factors like indoor air quality and thermal comfort. Furthermore, repurposing existing sites for vocational education facilities is gaining traction as a means to not only provide shelter but also education, training, and work opportunities for the impoverished, contributing to community development and sustainability. These trends highlight a shift towards holistic approaches that prioritize sustainability, health, and community empowerment in shelter design.
What are the factors that influence the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in libraries among undergraduates in Nigeria?
5 answers
Factors influencing the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in libraries among undergraduates in Nigeria include awareness gained during library orientation programs, the need for basic computer skills to stay relevant in the current era, mixed feelings among librarians regarding the readiness of academic libraries to integrate AI systems, and the potential constraints such as unstable power supply hindering AI utilization. Additionally, factors like AI awareness, acceptance, value perception, application experience, leadership attention, innovation atmosphere, and competitive pressure positively impact a library's readiness to adopt AI technology. The study recommends enhancing AI awareness, providing necessary training, creating an innovation-friendly environment, and addressing challenges like funding and expertise to facilitate successful AI integration in Nigerian academic libraries.
Technology Readiness Index and educators in Hong Kong?
5 answers
The Technology Readiness Index (TRI) among educators in Hong Kong reflects a multifaceted landscape of preparedness, attitudes, and adoption of technology in educational settings. Research indicates that while Hong Kong boasts high technological infrastructure and potential for the integration of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, the actual readiness and utilization among educators vary significantly across different educational levels and subjects. In the context of early childhood education, there is a noted gap in pedagogical techniques for distance learning, suggesting a need for more robust training and preparedness among teachers to leverage technology effectively. Similarly, tertiary education exhibits a low level of awareness and limited experience with OER among students, despite high computer literacy, indicating a gap in institutional support and instructional guidance to enhance technology adoption. STEM education, vital for nurturing future innovators, shows that a significant portion of teachers do not feel well-prepared for implementing technology-driven pedagogies, highlighting the urgent need for professional development and support. This sentiment is echoed in the broader educational landscape, where a study on e-learning readiness identified nine factors affecting teachers' readiness, including ICT infrastructure and individual preparedness, which differ from those influencing higher institutions and commercial organizations. Pre-service primary mathematics teachers displayed a positive attitude towards educational technology, with perceived usefulness being a more significant factor than ease of use. This suggests that enhancing facilitating conditions could improve technology acceptance. However, a study on Home Economics teachers reported limited classroom use of ICT, despite access and positive attitudes, pointing to a discrepancy between potential and actual use, influenced by barriers such as traditional pedagogical practices. Overall, while Hong Kong's educators show a readiness to embrace technology, disparities in preparedness, awareness, and support across different educational sectors underscore the need for targeted interventions to fully realize the potential of technology in enhancing learning outcomes.
What are the most effective grading principles in higher education for promoting student learning and success?
9 answers
The most effective grading principles in higher education for promoting student learning and success encompass a multifaceted approach that integrates formative assessment, criteria-based grading, and consideration of individual student attributes. Formative assessment, particularly through the application of early warning systems and tutorial classes, has been shown to significantly improve outcomes for students at risk of failure, with participants achieving grades on average 8% higher than the class average without these interventions. This aligns with the understanding that academic grade performance is not solely a reflection of knowledge acquisition but is also influenced by individual attributes such as motivation, attitudes, and beliefs. However, the implementation of criteria-based grading faces challenges due to the lack of a common understanding of what criteria-based means and its implications for practice, which hampers educational effectiveness. The social construction of grading practices within universities, driven by a push towards accountability and quantifiable outcomes, further complicates the relationship between grading and educational goals. The European Credit Transfer System's multi-step grading scale, intended to harmonize higher education grading, may inadvertently affect students' approaches to learning negatively, suggesting that the design of grading systems themselves can influence learning outcomes. Adjusting grading systems to account for course difficulty and teacher standards could mitigate issues related to grade inflation and the distortion of student achievement across majors, offering a more nuanced understanding of student performance. However, reforms aimed at curbing grade inflation, such as providing information on grade distribution, can have complex and sometimes counterproductive effects on student enrollment patterns and overall welfare. Studies have shown that assessors often rely on holistic judgments rather than analytical use of criteria, indicating a gap between policy and practice in criteria-referenced grading. Inclusive teaching practices, which consider diverse student identities and learning preferences, are crucial for removing barriers to learning and success. Finally, addressing grade inflation requires a synergistic approach that goes beyond narrow reforms to encompass broader educational quality and learning outcome considerations. Together, these principles suggest that effective grading in higher education should be transparent, equitable, and supportive of diverse learning paths, while also being adaptive to the challenges posed by grade inflation and the need for accountability.
Understanding live experience 9f first generation of senior high school students at Mindanao State University?
4 answers
The lived experiences of first-generation Senior High School students at Mindanao State University (MSU) were explored in various studies. These experiences encompass challenges in task completion, enjoyment in learning, lack of resources, coping mechanisms like self-determination and teamwork, and insights emphasizing perseverance and resourcefulness. Additionally, factors such as procrastination affecting learning productivity, parental monitoring, and the need for time management seminars were highlighted as crucial in enhancing student performance. Furthermore, the difficulties in reading comprehension during modular distance learning were identified, emphasizing the importance of suitable teaching strategies and parental guidance. Moreover, the study on high school physics performance revealed the significance of improving teaching methods to make subjects more engaging and relatable to students, enhancing their cognitive skills and overall performance.
How does the attentive listening approach contribute to building trust in interpersonal communication?
4 answers
The attentive listening approach plays a crucial role in building trust in interpersonal communication by fostering understanding and engagement. It involves continuous prediction of end-of-utterances, generating backchannels, and effective statement responses, enhancing the quality of interactions. Additionally, attentive listening requires interactional intelligence, where participants coordinate communicative acts through feedback and adaptation, leading to successful understanding. In the nursing field, attentive listening is highlighted as a soft therapeutic technology that enhances relationships and care, emphasizing the importance of sensitive listening without judgment. By prioritizing active listening and responding appropriately, individuals can establish trusting relationships, gather rich information, and create a conducive environment for open communication and mutual understanding, ultimately strengthening interpersonal bonds and fostering trust.
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us?
5 answers
The notion that the future doesn't need humans stems from concerns regarding the impact of advanced technologies like robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. Bill Joy, in his work, expresses deep pessimism about these technologies potentially endangering humanity. Joy's argument raises questions about the role of humans in a technologically advanced future, suggesting a shift towards a world where human involvement, particularly in fields like education, may diminish. The absence of a unifying philosophy of the future further complicates this issue, leading to fragmentation among futurists and a lack of shared values in future thinking. Overall, the concern lies in the ethical dimensions and potential dangers posed by rapidly evolving technologies, prompting reflections on the necessity of human presence in a future dominated by artificial intelligence and automation.
What effect does teenagers having a positive role model have on teenagers engaging in vaping activities?
5 answers
Having a positive role model can influence teenagers' engagement in vaping activities. Adolescents often start vaping when socializing with friends who also vape, indicating the powerful influence of peers on vaping initiation. Virtual socializing has been linked to increased likelihood of vaping, suggesting that the type of social interactions, even in the digital realm, can impact vaping behavior. Educational programs focusing on changing adolescents' perceptions and increasing refusal skills have shown positive effects on reducing intentions to vape. Factors like exposure to peers and adults vaping, as well as ENDS marketing, are associated with dual use of ENDS and tobacco cigarettes, highlighting the influence of social and environmental factors on vaping behaviors. Reforming advocacy methods to resonate with teenagers can positively impact their mental health and potentially reduce vaping habits.