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Why does the Ecology Club protest the new mascot name? 

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It offers a fairly new perspective on our actions within the realm of radical environmentalism, or more specifically within the deep ecology movement.
Understanding how Kumamon mascot branding succeeded can assist makers to decide whether to replicate the use of mascot branding in other cities and regions.
Marketers believe that celebrity and brand mascot endorsements provide a higher degree of appeal, attention, and customer recall ability compared with when this technique is not used.
The authors’ analysis posits that the mascot is in itself a form of racialised colonial violence and they discuss how the name and mascot were protected by and through white settler surveillance and control.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Mar 2020
2 Citations
Moreover, the creation of this work leads to the new alternative methodology for creating the educational institution mascot which combines the infusion of social culture, the educational framework, and marketing with Arts and design.
presented herein provide designers with a valuable reference for designing a successful mascot.
Results in this study provide a direction for designers to concentrate their efforts on designing a good mascot for corporate identity.
Practical implications – The practitioner of today working for a mega-event like the Olympic Games needs to be aware of the potential benefits and inherent risks of developing and implementing a mascot.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Mar 2020
2 Citations
From creation and studying, it is found that Mascot, created from the concept in the educational institution which has been integrated the ideas with Arts and Contemporary design, becomes the distinctive character creating the new image and clarifying the character of the organization.

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