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Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
27.3K papers746.3K citations

OsteoclastCells that breaks the bone tissues
15.3K papers745.8K citations

Scalar (mathematics)Elements of a field, e.g. real numbers, in the context of linear algebra
34.2K papers745.5K citations

PharmacokineticsBranch of pharmacology
26.3K papers745.4K citations

AutoantibodyAntibody directed against an autogenic protein
21.7K papers745.3K citations

Transport proteinProtein that moves other materials within an organism
11.5K papers745.2K citations

175.4K papers744.7K citations

Response element
11.4K papers744.6K citations

Fault (geology)Fracture or discontinuity in rock across which there has been displacement
26.7K papers744.5K citations

Software construction
36.2K papers743.8K citations

Multi-objective optimizationMathematical concept
28.3K papers743.8K citations

Transmembrane domainMembrane-spanning protein domain
13.2K papers743.5K citations

Impaired glucose tolerance
12.7K papers742.6K citations

Cosmic microwave backgroundElectromagnetic radiation as a remnant from an early stage of the universe in Big Bang cosmology
16.8K papers741.3K citations

Ab initio quantum chemistry methodsCategory of computational quantum chemistry technique
24.4K papers740.8K citations

Substrate (chemistry)Molecule upon which an enzyme acts
35.9K papers740.7K citations

Energy conversion efficiencyRatio between the useful output and the input of a machine
26.7K papers740.6K citations

25.7K papers740.5K citations

Radical polymerization
29.4K papers739.4K citations

ZeoliteMicroporous, aluminosilicate mineral
35.6K papers739.1K citations

Markov process
29.7K papers738.2K citations

Process (engineering)Set of interrelated tasks that transform inputs into outputs
56.8K papers738.2K citations

GlaucomaEye disease in which high intraocular pressure damages the optic nerve
31.5K papers738.2K citations

Scanning tunneling microscopeInstrument able to image surfaces at the atomic level by exploiting quantum tunneling effects
26.5K papers738.1K citations

Interleukin 10Anti-inflammatory cytokine
11K papers737.9K citations

AtmosphereLayer of gases surrounding an astronomical body held by gravity
30.8K papers737.8K citations

Proportional hazards modelClass of statistical survival models
17.3K papers737.8K citations

Image resolutionMeasure of how fine an image is
38.7K papers736.5K citations

Image texture
29.1K papers736.4K citations

Muscle contractionActivation of tension-generating sites in muscle
15.7K papers736.1K citations

Renin–angiotensin systemHormone system
21.5K papers736.1K citations

Video tracking
37K papers735.9K citations

AddictionDisease resulting in compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences
22.8K papers735.9K citations

Blood flow
27.6K papers735.5K citations

RacismRace or ethnic-based discrimination
28.4K papers735.2K citations

In situ hybridization
14.2K papers735K citations

EpigenomicsField of study
9K papers734.4K citations

Cognitive therapyType of psychotherapy
10.9K papers734.3K citations

Hybrid functional
4K papers734.2K citations

AmplitudeMeasure of change in a periodic variable
46.2K papers733.8K citations

Thermoelectric effectDirect conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage and vice versa
37.4K papers733.3K citations

80.7K papers733.2K citations

Cultural diversityQuality of diverse or different cultures
30.7K papers733K citations

Circular dichroism
24K papers732.1K citations

Apolipoprotein ECholesterol-transporting protein most notably implicated in Alzheimer's disease
14.7K papers731.8K citations

Life satisfaction
20.3K papers730.6K citations

CrystallinityDegree of structural order in a solid
31.8K papers730.6K citations

ProteomeSet of proteins that can be expressed by a genome, cell, tissue, or organism
15.7K papers730.5K citations

Program evaluation
34.9K papers730.2K citations

ZebrafishSpecies of fish
18.4K papers730K citations

Voltage-dependent calcium channel
14.1K papers730K citations

Basal gangliaGroup of subcortical nuclei involved in the motor and reward systems
10.6K papers729.8K citations

50.1K papers729.6K citations

Atmospheric temperature range
44.3K papers729K citations

SolventSubstance dissolving a solute resulting in a solution
54.2K papers728.9K citations

39.9K papers728.7K citations

HappinessMental or emotional state of well-being characterized by pleasant emotions
22K papers728.4K citations

Epidermoid carcinoma
15.5K papers728.3K citations

Capital marketFinance
25.4K papers727.4K citations

PhosphataseEnzyme which catalyzes the removal of a phosphate group from a molecule
16.3K papers726.8K citations

Regeneration (biology)Biological process of renewal, restoration, and tissue growth
22.8K papers725.8K citations

AortaLargest artery in the body
30K papers725.7K citations

Histone methyltransferaseHistone-modifying enzymes
7.9K papers725.7K citations

Kidney transplantationMedical procedure
33.2K papers725.4K citations

Hidden Markov modelStatistical Markov model
28.3K papers725.3K citations

Amyloid precursor protein
10.7K papers725.2K citations

Strategic managementPlanning for a company's responses to external issues
18.6K papers725.1K citations

Power (social and political)Ability to influence the behavior of others
26.1K papers724.3K citations

Glucose uptake
14.6K papers724K citations

LithosphereOutermost shell of a terrestrial-type planet or natural satellite
14.5K papers723.8K citations

Epithelial–mesenchymal transitionBiological process in animal connective tissue
17.1K papers723.2K citations

QubitBasic unit of quantum information
29.9K papers723K citations

Pattern recognition (psychology)
26.1K papers722.8K citations

Language assessmentEvaluation of a person's language ability
25.9K papers722.4K citations

Immunoglobulin GAntibody isotype
16.7K papers721.1K citations

OpioidPsychoactive chemical
20.3K papers721K citations

Reading comprehensionAbility to read single words, sentences and whole texts fluently and to understand them in context
28.5K papers720.8K citations

Apolipoprotein B
16K papers720.7K citations

Mutation (genetic algorithm)Genetic operation used to add population diversity
31.2K papers720.5K citations

State (polity)Type of political organization
36.9K papers719.8K citations

AspirinMedication to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation
18.5K papers719.7K citations

GlycosylationCovalent attachment and further modification of carbohydrate residues to a substrate molecule
18.9K papers719.4K citations

Nerve growth factor
12K papers719K citations

RetinalChemical compound
24.4K papers718.9K citations

Specific surface areaTotal surface of a finely divided solid per unit of mass
37.6K papers718.7K citations

Virtual machineSoftware that emulates an entire computer
43.9K papers718.3K citations

Paracrine signalling
11.9K papers717.9K citations

Hordeum vulgare
20.3K papers717.5K citations

Homologous recombinationGenetic recombination between identical or highly similar strands of genetic material
12.9K papers717.5K citations

Complex networkNetwork with non-trivial topological features
20.1K papers717.5K citations

AdipocyteCells that primarily compose adipose tissue, specialized in storing energy as fat
12.7K papers716.3K citations

BacteriaDomain of micro-organisms
23.6K papers715.9K citations

Physical fitnessState of health and well-being
20.3K papers715.8K citations

Sleep apneaDisorder involving pauses in breathing during sleep
18.3K papers715.2K citations

Bone regeneration
22.1K papers715.1K citations

Breast feeding
22.8K papers715K citations

Metal ions in aqueous solutionProperties and behavior of hydrated cations in aqueous solution
28.6K papers715K citations

Semiconductor laser theoryTheory of laser diodes
38.5K papers713.7K citations

Child developmentDevelopmental change in children
17.1K papers713.2K citations

29.4K papers713.2K citations