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Machine visionTechnology and methods used to provide imaging-based automatic inspection and analysis
19.9K papers262.5K citations

4.1K papers262.4K citations

Effective population size
5K papers262.4K citations

Size-exclusion chromatographyChromatographic method in which dissolved molecules are separated by their size & molecular weight
8.7K papers262.4K citations

11.8K papers262.4K citations

Alpha-synucleinProtein encoded by the SNCA gene found in humans
2.6K papers262.4K citations

6.1K papers262.4K citations

Molecular phylogeneticsBranch of phylogeny that analyzes genetic, hereditary molecular differences
6.5K papers262.4K citations

Mid-ocean ridgeBasaltic underwater mountain system formed by plate tectonic spreading
4.1K papers262.3K citations

Motion perception
5K papers262.3K citations

Robot end effector
11.6K papers262.2K citations

MangroveShrub growing in brackish water
11.4K papers262.2K citations

Service-oriented architectureArchitectural pattern in software design
16.1K papers262.2K citations

ImmunoassayBiochemical test for a protein or other molecule using an antibody
11.7K papers262.2K citations

Formal methodsMathematical program specification intended to allow correctness proofs, including algorithmically
14.9K papers262.1K citations

Cache pollution
11.3K papers262.1K citations

7.3K papers262.1K citations

Recombinant virus
6.2K papers262.1K citations

Spectral energy distribution
6.6K papers262K citations

Maxwell's equationsEquations describing classical electromagnetism
13.7K papers262K citations

Temporal logic
7.6K papers262K citations

OlanzapineAtypical antipsychotic medication
6.9K papers261.9K citations

RibozymeType of RNA molecules
6.1K papers261.9K citations

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factorProtein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
5.1K papers261.9K citations

Access networkPart of a telecommunication network
23.4K papers261.9K citations

Body orificeFunctional opening in the body of an organism
29.1K papers261.9K citations

GuanosineChemical compound
6.8K papers261.9K citations

Acinetobacter baumanniiSpecies of bacterium
9.3K papers261.9K citations

Speech synthesisArtificial production of human speech
13.3K papers261.9K citations

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryType of mass spectrometry that uses an inductively coupled plasma to ionize the sample
10.2K papers261.9K citations

Lamina propriaThin connective layer forming part of the mucous membranes
6.1K papers261.8K citations

Stochastic controlProbabilistic optimal control
10.1K papers261.8K citations

Host chromosome
1K papers261.8K citations

Breaking waveWave that becomes unstable as a consequence of excessive steepness
9.4K papers261.7K citations

Hox geneGroup of genes
4K papers261.7K citations

11.4K papers261.7K citations

Galaxy groups and clustersLargest known gravitationally bound object in universe; aggregation of galaxies
5.5K papers261.7K citations

Systems biologyComputational and mathematical modeling of complex biological systems
7.3K papers261.7K citations

Beta oxidationProcess of fatty acid breakdown
5.1K papers261.6K citations

Single-linkage clusteringAgglomerative hierarchical clustering method
6.3K papers261.6K citations

Intramedullary rod
14.1K papers261.6K citations

CampylobacterGenus of Gram-negative bacteria
8.1K papers261.5K citations

Volatility swap
6.5K papers261.5K citations

QuadrupoleArrangement that creates a quadrupole field of some sort
14.6K papers261.4K citations

National parkPark used for conservation purposes of animal life and plants
21.9K papers261.4K citations

Lattice QCD
12.1K papers261.4K citations

Information quality
10.5K papers261.4K citations

ChassisLoad-bearing framework
55.1K papers261.3K citations

Prospect theoryTheory of behavioral economics and behavioral finance
4.3K papers261.2K citations

Bond cleavage
11.5K papers261.1K citations

Additive white Gaussian noiseBasic noise model used in information theory
15.2K papers261.1K citations

Cerebral perfusion pressure
9.3K papers261.1K citations

Proliferating cell nuclear antigen
5.5K papers261.1K citations

Chemical ionizationIonization technique used in mass [[spectroscopy]]
8.6K papers261.1K citations

Environmental change
6.8K papers261.1K citations

NucleosynthesisProcess that creates new atomic nuclei from pre-existing nucleons, primarily protons and neutrons
6.6K papers261.1K citations

FlarePyrotechnic light source
11.1K papers261K citations

Structured support vector machine
5.5K papers261K citations

Intrinsic apoptosis
2.8K papers261K citations

Liver X receptor
4.3K papers261K citations

Rate of returnFinance term; profit on an investment
8.6K papers261K citations

DeuteriumIsotope of hydrogen with 1 neutron
14.7K papers261K citations

Gallium nitrideChemical compound
16.8K papers260.9K citations

Silicon oxideIndex of chemical compounds with the same name
22.2K papers260.9K citations

Child mortalityDeath rate of infants and young children
7.2K papers260.9K citations

HeLaCell line
11.7K papers260.8K citations

ExcellenceTalent or quality which surpasses ordinary standards
17.3K papers260.7K citations

6.7K papers260.7K citations

Analysis of covarianceGeneral linear model which blends ANOVA and regression
1.9K papers260.7K citations

TransceiverDevice comprising both a transmitter and a receiver
20.3K papers260.7K citations

Antibody titer
10.1K papers260.6K citations

Interquartile rangeMeasure of statistical dispersion
8.3K papers260.5K citations

Synaptic augmentation
2.7K papers260.5K citations

12.7K papers260.4K citations

Voltage-gated ion channelType of ion channel transmembrane protein
4.1K papers260.4K citations

Rhodamine BChemical compound
10.2K papers260.4K citations

ElectrophileA chemical species that accepts an electron pair from a nucleophile
11.8K papers260.4K citations

Arrhenius equationFormula for temperature dependence of rates of chemical reactions
11.8K papers260.2K citations

Circulating tumor cell
7.5K papers260.1K citations

Kinetic isotope effectChange in chemical reaction rate due to isotopic substitution
10.9K papers260K citations

WristPart of the arm between the lower arm and the hand
13K papers260K citations

Test data
22.4K papers260K citations

National Comorbidity Survey
1.4K papers260K citations

Corpus luteumTemporary endocrine structure in female ovaries
9.1K papers260K citations

Hypoxia-inducible factors
3.9K papers260K citations

Ground plane
20.1K papers259.9K citations

Horseradish peroxidaseChemical compound and enzyme
6.6K papers259.9K citations

Free-radical theory of agingFree-radical aging theory
1.9K papers259.8K citations

ForagePlant material eaten by grazing livestock
19.5K papers259.8K citations

TopsoilTop layer of soil
11K papers259.7K citations

InbreedingReproduction by closely related organisms
6.8K papers259.7K citations

National Health Interview Survey
4K papers259.7K citations

PrednisoneSteroid medication
7.3K papers259.7K citations

Telephone lineSingle-user circuit on a telephone communication system
18.8K papers259.6K citations

Aortic dissectionInjury to the innermost layer of the aorta
14.3K papers259.6K citations

Reference electrodeElectrode with a stable and accurate electrode potential
16.9K papers259.5K citations

Maintenance therapyMedical treatment
8.3K papers259.5K citations

5K papers259.5K citations

Human visual system model
8.6K papers259.4K citations