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Showing papers by "Koichi Hirata published in 1986"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Freshly harvested middle ear effusions were collected from children with otitis media with effusion and compared with transportability of the MEE on mucus-depleted frog palates to show there is a sharp increase in transport with increase in G′ up to 20 dyne/cm2, and at the higher value of G′there is a slow decrease in Transport with increasing G′.
Abstract: Freshly harvested middle ear effusions (MEE) were collected from children with otitis media with effusion. Both elasticity (G') and viscosity (eta') of the MEE were determined by an oscillating sphere magnetic rheometer and compared with transportability of the MEE on mucus-depleted frog palates. A maximum value of transport was obtained at G' of about 20 dyne/cm2 (at 1 Hz), and below this value there was a significant positive correlation between the transport rate and log G'. Above 20 dyne/cm2, the negative correlation between the transport rate and log G' was significant. This shows there is a sharp increase in transport with increase in G' up to 20 dyne/cm2, and at the higher value of G' there is a slow decrease in transport with increasing G'. A similar significant correlation between the transport rate and log eta' was observed.

34 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: 現 病歴:昭 和59年7月 下旬 ころ よ り,易 疲労感,食 思不 振,体 重減 少 が出�ell し,8月 初 旬 り全 身癌 痒感
Abstract: 現 病歴:昭 和59年7月 下旬 ころ よ り,易 疲労感,食 思不 振,体 重減 少 が出現 し,8月 初 旬 よ り全 身癌 痒感 も加 わ る.家 族 に黄疸 を指摘 され,8月24日 某病 院 を 受診.閉 塞 性黄疸 お よび糖 尿病 と診 断 され,精 査,治 療 を 目的 として 当科 を紹介 され,8月29日 入院 とな る. 現症:瘰 痩 を呈 し,栄 養 不良 で,貧 血.黄 疸 を認 め た.胸 部 に異 常所 見 な く,腹 部 は平坦 で軟 ,圧 痛 お よ び腫 瘤 を認 めず,肝 ・脾 ・腎は触 知 しな か った . 入院時一 般検 査所 見:赤 血 球303万/mm3 ,ヘ モ グ ロ ビン10.0g/dl ,ヘ マ トク リッ ト30.0%と 貧血 を呈 し,ま た総 ビ リル ビン19.8mg/dl ,直 接 ビ リル ビン19.5mg/ dlと 閉塞性 黄疸 を示 した(表1) .ま たGOT 47KUな ど軽度 の肝 細胞性 障害 も ともな った.膵 内分 泌機能 検 査 と して50g経 口糖 負荷 試験 を 行 った ところ,空 腹 時 血糖327mg/dlと 明 らか に高値 を 呈 し,負 荷 後 経 時 的 に血 糖 が上 昇す る,い わゆ る リニアパ ター ンを示 し, また内 因性 イ ンス リン定 量 にお いて もほ とん ど反 応 の ない,耐 糖 能低 下状 態 を認め た.膵 外 分泌機 能検 査 と してはPancreatic Function Diagnostant(PFD)を 施行 し,正 常値 を得 て いる.な お,血 清 お よ び尿 ア ミ ラーゼ値 はいず れ も正 常 であ った.胸 ・腹 部X線 所 見 に異常 は ない.

5 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is considered that the appropriate selection of operative procedures and self-control on the part of the patients are important factors in the development of the results of surgical treatment for chronic pancreatitis.
Abstract: Follow-up results of operative treatment for chronic pancreatitis were studied with reference to five indicators, i.e., body weight, effect on relief from pain, pancreatic exocrine and endocrine functions, and social rehabilitation, in 34 patients operated on from June 1974 to May 1984 in our institution. Surgical death did not occur in any cases. The interval observed after operation was at least one year in every patient. Increased body weight was observed in 8 patients (23.5%) especially in the group that underwent drainage operation for dilated puncreatic duct (60%). Some of the patients with alcoholic pancreatitis showed an increase when they avoided the use of alcohol. The effect on the removal of pain by surgical treatment in spite of difficulty with palliative control was significant, except for cystogastrostomy or cystojejunostomy. The decrease in exocrine and endocrine functions after surgical treatment was progressive, and those in the group with resected pancreas were the worst, of three patients whe did not achieve normal social rehabilitation, one had abdominal pain and the other two have continued to drink alcohol. It is considered that the appropriate selection of operative procedures and self-control on the part of the patients are important factors in the development of the results of surgical treatment for chronic pancreatitis.