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Showing papers by "Mehmet Oğuzhan Ay published in 2013"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the effectiveness of therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) in patients with intermediate syndrome (IMS) due to organophosphate (OP) intoxication was evaluated.
Abstract: Objective We aimed to determine effectiveness of therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) in patients with intermediate syndrome (IMS) due to organophosphate (OP) intoxication. Methods Patients diagnosed with IMS due to OP intoxication were included in this prospective study. Therapeutic plasma exchange procedure was performed with fresh frozen plasma as a replacement fluid via Fresenius-AS-TEC 204 device by Therapeutic Apheresis Unit to patients who developed IMS during follow-up. Samples were taken from patient's blood and waste plasma collected in the device before and after TPE procedure to be studied in laboratory for detection of organic phosphate and pseudocholinesterase (PChE) levels. In this study, SPSS 18.0 software package was used for statistical analysis of the data obtained. Level of statistical significance was taken as P Results Of all 17 patients, 4 (23.5%) were female, and 13 (76.5%) were male. A statistically significant decrease was detected in organic phosphate levels in the plasma of patients after TPE procedure (P = .012). A statistically significant increase was detected in PChE levels in the plasma of patients after TPE procedure (P = .014). Of 17 patients included in the study, 13 patients showed clinical improvement and were discharged after the TPE process. Conclusion In our study, it was observed that a significant decrease in the level of blood plasma OP and a significant increase in the level of PChE were achieved with TPE process in the early period of IMS due to OP poisoning. This study indicates that TPE is one of the effective treatment options for IMS due to OP intoxication.

19 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: Scales such as GKS and NIHHS, which evaluate the functional state of patients, are the best indicators for defining prognosis in daily practices, and a positive correlation between levels of CRP (C reactive protein) and prognosis is found and a statistically significant correlation between stroke volume and hospital stay time is found.
Abstract: BACKGROUND Many unknown risk factors play a role in the etiopathogenesis of stroke. The appearance of inflammatory cells within the damaged tissue after cerebral ischemia suggests that an inflammatory response may play a role in stroke pathogenesis. In our study, we examined whether an association exists between the acute-phase reactants and the levels of cytokines, the volume and diameter of the stroke, and short-term mortality in patients who were diagnosed as acute ischemic a stroke after admission to the Emergency Department. PATIENTS AND METHODS A total of 50 consecutive patients who applied to the Emergency Service with acute ischemic stroke were enrolled in the study. Their stroke volume were calculated and serum samples were obtained as soon as they arrived into the Emergency Service. The patients were evaluated according to the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). RESULTS There was no significant correlations between stroke volume and levels of cytokine and acute-phase reactants in dead patient group or in living patient group. A correlation and statistical significance was found between stroke volume and hospital stay time in living patient group. In addition, GCS and NIHSS scores were correlated with stroke volume and was found a significant statistically. CONCLUSIONS Scales such as GKS and NIHHS, which evaluate the functional state of patients, are the best indicators for defining prognosis in our daily practices. In addition, we found a positive correlation between levels of CRP (C reactive protein) and prognosis. However, we did not observe a statistically significant correlation between prognosis and other acute-phase reactants such as TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, fibrinogen, and leukocytes.

16 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Biz bu derlemede gunumuzde oldukca onemli toplumsal boyutu olan cocuk istismari ve ihmalinin degerlendirilme ve yonetimini son bilgiler isiginda gozden gecirmeyi amacladik.
Abstract: Cocuk istismari, ciddi yaralanmalara, sakatliklara ve hatta olumlere neden olabilen tibbi, hukuki, sosyal yonleri olan onemli bir halk sagligi sorunudur. Tekrarlayan istismarin erken evrede onlenmesi istismarin uzun vadeli etkilerini sinirlamak icin gereklidir. Ne yazik ki bu cocuklar siklikla acil servisi kullanmalarina ragmen acil serviste tani alamamaktadirlar. Biz bu derlemede gunumuzde oldukca onemli toplumsal boyutu olan cocuk istismari ve ihmalinin degerlendirilme ve yonetimini son bilgiler isiginda gozden gecirmeyi amacladik.

15 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Amac: Bu calismadaki amac acil tip klinigi" ne basvuran adli olgularin demografik ve epidemiyolojik ozelliklerini, duzenlenen adli raporlarin hayati tehlike icerigini, basit tibbi mudahale durumlarini ve acilde sonlanmalarini aciga cikarmaktir.
Abstract: Amac: Bu calismadaki amac acil tip klinigi" ne basvuran adli olgularin demografik ve epidemiyolojik ozelliklerini, duzenlenen adli raporlarin hayati tehlike icerigini, basit tibbi mudahale durumlarini ve acilde sonlanmalarini aciga cikarmaktir. Gerec ve Yontem: Geriye donuk yapilan bu calismaya acil tip klinigine 01.12.2009 - 31.12.2010 tarihleri arasinda basvuran ve kayitlarina ulasilan 18 yas ve uzeri eriskin adli olgular dahil edildi. Elde edilen verilerden kategorik olcumler sayi ve yuzde olarak, sayisal olcumler ise ortalama ve standart sapma olarak ozetlendi ve SPSS 17.0 paket programi ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: Calismadaki 5870 adli olgunun % 63.78"i erkek, % 36.22"si kadindi. Yas ortalamasi 33.75 ± 12.4 idi. Adli duruma sebep olan olaylardan, ilk uc sirada gorulen trafik kazasi (% 27.3), zehirlenme (% 23.4) ve darp (% 17.6) idi. Trafik kazalarinin en sik 26-33 yas grubu erkeklerde, zehirlenmelerin en sik 18-25 yas grubu kadinlarda goruldugu tespit edildi. En fazla yaralanmanin 2404 olgu ile ekstremite yaralanmasi oldugu goruldu. Acile basvuran adli olgularin % 73.3"u taburcu edilirken, % 26.3"u yatirildi. % 0.3"unun (19 olgu) acil serviste oldugu, % 0.1"inin (4 olgu) olu duhul oldugu belirlendi. Olum en fazla TK ve yuksekten dusmelerde goruldu. Vakalara duzenlenen adli raporlar degerlendirildiginde erkeklere duzenlenen raporlarin % 28.8"inin, kadinlara duzenlenen raporlarin da % 11.3"unun basit tibbi mudahale ile giderilemez seklinde oldugu goruldu. Adli raporlarda tum olgularin sadece 3336"sinin (% 56.8) hayati tehlike durumunun belirtildigi tespit edildi. Hayati tehlike durumu belirtilen olgularin % 21.1"inin hayati tehlikesi mevcut idi. Sonuc: Adli vakalar en cok erkek hastalarda, en cok 26-33 yas grubunda gorulmektedir. Tanilarin sikligi erkek ve bayan hastalarda degismektedir. Adli vakalarin % 26,3 gibi yuksek oranda hastaneye yatis gerektirmesine, % 21" inin hayati tehlikesinin olmasina ragmen, acilde mortalite orani % 0.3"dur. Adli raporlarda mutlaka belirtilmesi gerekli hayati tehlike durumu raporlarin yariya yakin kisminda yazilmamistir. Kisilerin hak kaybi ve gereksiz magduriyetini onlemek icin, hekimlerin yaraliyi iyi tedavi etmesinin yaninda, kanun ve kurallara uygun, acik, net anlasilabilir adli rapor yazma sorumlulugu da vardir.

8 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Most of the pediatric traumas occur due to falls or simple extremity injuries during the primary school period and the most common etiological factors in hospital admissions are falls.
Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the prognosis of the demographic characteristics, etiology, morbidity and mortality rates of the pediatric trauma patients admitted to the emergency department of a training and research hospital. Material and Methods: Pediatric patients who have been brought to the emergency department of a training and research hospital between 1st January-31 th December 2010 due to trauma have been included to this study. The demographic data of the patients, distribution by seasons and months, the etiologic factors that cause trauma, the way that patients have been admitted to the emergency department, conclusion figures of the patients in the emergency department, and data of the units where patients have been hospitalized, treatments, average hospitalization time, conclusion figures of the clinics where they have been hospitalized have been analyzed statistically. Results: Of the 18936 patients, 12096 boys and 6840 girls have been included to this study. The mean was as 8.11±5.19 in boys and 6.89±5.04 in girls. The most common age for trauma was 7-14 (36.15%) and it has been stated that the pediatric trauma cases have been mostly admitted in Spring and Summer months. Extremity injuries (42.40%) and falls (40.67%) were stated as the most etiologic causes. 815 of the patients have been hospitalized. 353 cases (43.31%) received surgical invention while 462 (56.69%) cases received only medical treatment. The causes of death in pediatric trauma patients were: 10 (47.62%) o due to traffic accidents, 5 (23.81%) due to falls, 5 (23.81%) due to burns and 1 (4.76%) due to drowning. It has been stated that 13 (61.90%) cases were male and 8 (38.10%) patients were girls of a total 21 cases resulting in death. Conclusion: Most of the pediatric traumas occur due to falls or simple extremity injuries. Traumas are mostly seen between the 7-14 age range during the primary school period. The most common etiological factors in hospital admissions are falls. The most common etiological cause of death in pediatric trauma is traffic accidents. (JAEM 2013; 12: 8-12)

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Amac: Bu calismada acil servisimize kafa travmasi nedeniyle basvuran hastalarin epidemiyolojik ozelliklerini, mortalite ve morbidite oranlarini belirlemeyi amacladik, gerec ve Yontem.
Abstract: Amac: Bu calismada acil servisimize kafa travmasi nedeniyle basvuran hastalarin epidemiyolojik ozelliklerini, mortalite ve morbidite oranlarini belirlemeyi amacladik. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu calismada, 01.12.2009 - 31.12.2010 tarihleri arasinda acil tip klinigi"ne kafa travmasi nedeni ile getirilen, ayaktan ve yatirilarak tedavi edilen 18 yas uzerindeki hastalar geriye donuk olarak incelendi. Hasta verileri standart veri giris formuna kaydedildi. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde SPSS 17.0 paket programi kullanildi. Tum testlerde istatistiksel onem duzeyi p < 0.05 olarak alindi. Bulgular: Calismaya toplam 5200 hasta alindi. Hastalarin yas ortalamasi 39.97±16.66 yil idi. Hastalarin 4682"si (% 90) acil servisten taburcu edilmisti. Acil servisten taburcu edilen hastalarin en sik basvuru nedeni dusme (% 41.81) idi. Calismaya alinan hastalardan 518"i (% 10) hastaneye yatirilmisti. Bu hastalarin 110"u kadin (% 21.24), 408"i erkek (% 78.76) idi. Bu hastalarin 256"si (% 48.35) trafik kazasi sonucu yaralanmisti. Yatan hastalarin BBT bulgulari incelendiginde 201 (% 38.8) hastanin BBT"sinin normal oldugu, 89 hastanin (% 17.2) travmatik subaraknoid kanama"si (SAK) oldugu tespit edildi. Hastalarda ek patoloji olarak en fazla lomber vertebra frakturu (% 12) saptandi. Kafa travmasi nedeni ile yatirilan hastalarin 75"i (% 14.5) eksitus olmus idi (Tum hastalarin %1,44"u). Eksitus olan hastalarda en sik rastlanan ek patoloji servikal vertebra frakturu idi (14 hasta, % 18.68). Ikinci siklikta ise toraks travmasi (13 hasta, % 17.33) saptandi. Sonuc: Acil servise basvuran kafa travmali olgularin cogu basit travmadir. Dikkatli ve tam bir fizik muayene sonrasinda basit tibbi mudahale ile bu hastalar acil servisten taburcu edilebilir. Hastaneye kafa travmasiyla yatirilan hastalarin cogu erkek, en sik basvuru sebebi trafik kazasi, BBT"de rastlanan en sik bulgu SAK"tir. Trafik kazalari olum sebeplerinde ilk sirada gelmekle birlikte atesli silah yaralanmalarinda olum orani daha yuksektir. Acil hekimlerinin kafa travmali hastalara yaklasimi ve klinik deneyimlerine katkida bulunmasi acisindan bu calismanin faydasi olacaktir. Yapilacak daha detayli calismalarla ulkemize ozgu acil travma protokolleri olusturulabilir.

5 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The evaluation and management of child abuse and neglect which has a very important social dimension, in the light of the latest information is aimed at.
Abstract: Child abuse is an important public health problem that can cause serious injury, disability and even death, and have medical, legal, and social aspects. Prevention of repeated abuse at an early stage is necessary to limit long-term effects of abuse. Unfortunately, these children often do not receive the diagnosis in the emergency department, despite using emergency service. We aimed at the evaluation and management of child abuse and neglect which has a very important social dimension, in the light of the latest information.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The lower rate of success in cardiopulmonary resuscitation showed the presence of defects in all stages of the chain of life, and suggests that some actions should be performed to correct them.
Abstract: Purpose: In this study, we aimed to determine the success rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed in the patients with diagnosis of cardiac arrest, and demographic characteristics of these patients. Material and Methods: The patients admitted to Adana Numune Education and Research Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine between 01.01.2011 and 31.12.2012, and who underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation were included to this study planned as retrospectively. The age, gender, status of judicial cases, causes and time of cardiac arrest, first observed arrest rhythm, the diseases prior to the arrest, means of arrival to emergency department, duration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, results of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the name of the hospitalised clinic, the existence of the operation, and outcome of the patients who underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation in accordance with current advanced life support protocols were recorded in standard data entry form. Results: A total of 290 patients with completely accessible data were included to the study. Most of these patients were men (65.2%). The mean ages were 61 ± 19 years for men, 67 ± 14 years for women (p = 0.018). The most common diagnosis were ischemic heart disease and heart failure according to the analysis of the patient's medical history. 92 patients (31.7%) were brought to the emergency department after death, and all of these patients were unsuccessful following to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 198 patients (68.3%) had cardiac arrest in the emergency department, and we determined that cardiopulmonary resuscitation application of 102 patients were successful. The most common causes of cardiac arrest were myocardial infarction and heart failure. Mostly first observed rhythm in the monitor was asystole. The response rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in patients with ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia was higher. Most patients were hospitalised to the coronary intensive care unit, and 11 of the 21 patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention were discharged from hospital in good health. Total 15 (5%) of all patients included to the study were discharged in good health. Conclusion: The lower rate of success in cardiopulmonary resuscitation showed the presence of defects in all stages of the chain of life, and suggests that some actions should be performed to correct them.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: SAPS-II, GCS, ferritin, albumin, aPTT measurements were determined to be used in the mortality estimation of the patients hospitalised in the intensive care unit and no significant relationship was found between mortality and leukocyte count, haemoglobin, PTZ, CRP, TNFalpha, IL-1,IL-6, Il-10 and APACHE-II score.
Abstract: Objective: In this study, we tried to determine the relationship between inflammatory reagents, acute phase reactants, GCS, APACHE-II, SAPS-II scores and mortality of the patients over the age of 55 hospitalised inthe internal medicine intensive care unit. Material and Methods: This study was planned as a prospective, randomized study and the patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit from the emergency medicine department were enrolled in this study following the ethics committee approval. A standard data collection form was prpeared to collect the data in a standard way. 48 (%65.8) male, 25 (%34.2) women and a total of 73 patients were included in our study. Blood samples were taken from each patient and white blood cell (WBC), hemoglobin, c-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-10 (IL-10), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), prothrombin time (PTZ), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), albumin and ferritin levels were studied in our laboratory. Glasgow Coma Scale, SAPS-II and APACHE-II scores were calculated for each patient. “SPSS for Windows version 18” package program was used for statistical analysis of the data. Chi square test was used to compare categorical measures between the groups. Mann-Whitney U test and T-test were used to compare quantitative measurements between the groups. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in mean age among patients who died and survived . Mean duration of hospitalization inthe patient group who died was less than for the survived patients group but there was no statistically significant difference between groups. A significant relationship was found between mortality and the high levels of ferritin, aPTT, SAPS-II and the low levels of albumin, GCS. No significant relationship was found between mortality and leukocyte count, haemoglobin, PTZ, CRP, TNFalpha, IL-1, IL-6, IL-10 and APACHE-II score. Conclusion: SAPS-II, GCS, ferritin, albumin, aPTT measurements were determined to be used in the mortality estimation of the patients hospitalised in the intensive care unit. (JAEM 2013; 12: 13-8)

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors investigated the relationship between electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, cholinesterase levels and mortality due to acute organophosphate poisoning.
Abstract: Aim: In our study we aimed to investigate the relationship between electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, cholinesterase levels and mortality due to acute organophosphate poisoning. Material and Methods: We planned to take patients who administered to emergency department with organic phosphorus poisoning randomized and prospectively for 2 years between 01.08.2009 - 31.08.2011 after approval by the Ethics Committee. The electrocardiograms of the patients were taken after admission to the emergency department, before the treatment (atropine and pralidoxime application). Blood samples were taken and studied in the laboratory of our hospital. ECG findings, cholinesterase values and the final situation of the patients were recorded at the standard data entry form. SPSS 18.0 package program was used for statistical analysis of data. The statistical significance level of all tests was p < 0.05. Results: The five of thirty nine patients (12.8 %) included in the study have died during the treatment. The electrocardiographic findings seen in patients in order of frequency; sinus tachycardia (48.7 %), prolonged QT interval (20.5 %), and right bundle branch block (20.5 %), ST-T wave changes (12.8 %), atrial fibrillation (7.7 %), right axis deviation (5.1 %), prolonged PR (2.5 %). There was no statistically significant difference between the ECG findings of the patient groups who died or discharged (p ≥ 0.05). The mean serum cholinesterase levels of the patients who died were statistically lower than the discharged patients (p = 0.006). Conclusion: There is not a significant relationship between ECG findings and the severity of organophosphate poisoning.There is a statistically significant relationship between mortality and low levels of serum cholinesterase due to severe poisoning. ECG findings and their effects to the mortality in organophosphate poisoning can give an opinion to the emergency physicians and contribute to their clinical experiences. However, more detailed studies are needed in this matter.

1 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the mortality and acute inflammatory markers, serum - erythrocyte cholinesterase levels in patients with organophosphorus poisoning and determined blood samples in Central Laboratory of Hospital of Balcali.
Abstract: Aim: In our study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between the mortality and acute inflammatory markers, serum - erythrocyte cholinesterase levels in patients with organophosphorus poisoning. Material and Methods: We planned to take patients who administered to emergency department with organic phosphorus poisoning prospectively for 2 years after approval by the Ethics Committee of Cukurova University. Patients with hereditary cholinesterase deficiency, liver disorders, malnourished, anemia, using cocaine, morphine, codeine, and medications such as succinylcholine were excluded from the study. A total of 39 patients were included in the study. Standard data entry form has been created. Blood samples were taken from all of the patients included in the study for use in study after diagnosis. White blood cell (WBC) and platelet counts, fibrinogen, ferritin, C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 10 (IL-10), erythrocyte and serum cholinesterase levels were determined from blood samples in Central Laboratory of Hospital of Balcali in Cukurova University School of Medicine. SPSS 18.0 package program was used for statistical analysis of data. The statistical significance level of all tests was p

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Most of the geriatric trauma patients constitute of traffic accidents and falls from height, which can lead to serious morbidity and mortality in elderly people, and these problems can be prevented significantly by giving information and education to family members and caregivers in terms of preventive measures.
Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study is to reveal the demographic characteristics, causes of trauma, physical examination findings, the presence of fractures and the status of the outcome of the geriatric trauma patients admitted to the emergency department of an educational research hospital. Material and Methods: This study covers all the cases over 65 years who were admitted to emergency department with trauma between September 1 2011-31 August 2012. The demographic characteristics of the patients such as, age, gender, date of application and as well as the causes of trauma, physical examination findings and outcome situation in the emergency department were evaluated. The study was performed prospectively. SPSS V.20 was used for statistical analysis of the data obtained. Results: Total 175 patients were included to the study, 74 were male (42.28%) and 101 were female (57.72%). The mean age of male patients were 75.01 ± 6.557 while the mean age of female patients were 76.10 ± 7.353. The most common cause of trauma in both gender was falls. This rate was 91.1% in female and 8.9% in male patients. 40.6% of the female patients and 27% of the male patients were admitted to the hospital before because of any trauma. The most common form of trauma according to exposed body localization in both gender was extremity traumas. It was seen in 51.5% of the females and 56.8% of the males. 30 female patients (29.7%) and 13 male patients (17.6%) had fracture in limbs. 78.3% of all patients were discharged from the emergency department and 21.7% of the patients were hospitalised. None of the patients were died in emergency department and none of the patients were referred to another institution from the emergency department. Total 38 patients were hospitalised, 32 of them were discharged, 2 of them were referred to another institution, and 4 of them were died. 26 of 38 hospitalised patients had undergone surgery while 20 of them were orthopedic surgeries. Conclusions: Most of the geriatric trauma patients constitute of traffic accidents and falls from height. These injuries can lead to serious morbidity and mortality in elderly people, and these problems can be prevented significantly by giving information and education to family members and caregivers in terms of preventive measures.

Journal Article
TL;DR: Tumor nekroz faktor-beta A329G polimorfizmi ile miyokard infarktusu arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir iliski bulunamadi, yonelik yapilan ilk calisma olmasi acisindan bu calisma onemlidir.
Abstract: Amac: Bu calismada; acil servise gogus agrisi sikayeti ile basvuran ve miyokard infarktusu (MI) tanisi konulan hastalarda tumor nekroz faktor-beta (TNF-) A329G gen polimorfizminin etkinliginin arastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Prospektif, randomize, kontrollu olarak yapilmasi planlanan calismamiza Cukurova Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Etik Kurulu’ndan onay alindiktan sonra baslandi. Calismaya onam veren hastalardan kan ornegi alindi. Alinan kan orneklerinin analizi Mersin Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Biyokimya Laboratuvari’nda calisildi. DNA izolasyonu, DNA izolasyon kiti (High Pure PCR Template Preparation kit, Roche Diagnostic, Germany) ile yapildi. TNF-β A329G gen polimorfizmi Light Cycler mutasyon belirleme kiti (Roche diagnostic, GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) kullanilarak Light Cycler cihazinda Real Time PCR ile saptandi. Verilerin istatistiksel analizi SPSS 11.5 paket programi ile yapildi. Tum testlerde istatistiksel onem duzeyi p < 0.05 olarak alindi. Bulgular: Bu calismaya miyokard infarktusu tanisi konulan 90 hasta (78 erkek, 12 kadin) ve kontrol grubu olarak 78 saglikli birey (28 erkek, 50 kadin) dahil edildi. Tumor nekroz faktor-beta A329G polimorfizmi ile miyokard infarktusu arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir iliski bulunamadi. Miyokard infarktus’ lu hastalarin % 42.2’sinde AG genotipi ve % 6.7’sinde ise GG genotipi saptandi. MI olan hastalarda kontrol grubuna gore LDL duzeyinin istatistiksel olarak anlamli derecede yuksek oldugu (p = 0.021), HDL duzyinin ise istatistiksel olarak anlamli derecede dusuk oldugu (p = < 0.001) saptandi. Sonuc: TNF-β A329G gen polimorfizmi ile Miyokard Infarktusu arasinda bir iliski olmadigi saptandi. Yuksek LDL ve dusuk HDL duzeylerinin MI icin risk faktorleri oldugu tespit edildi. Ulkemizde Turk toplumuna yonelik TNF-β A329G gen polimorfizmi ile MI arasindaki iliskiyi belirlemeye yonelik yapilan ilk calisma olmasi acisindan bu calisma onemlidir. Bu calisma, diger calismalara isik tutabilir ve tumor nekroz faktorun diger polimorfizmleri arastirilarak muhtemel olasi anlamli bulgular elde edilebilir.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Amac: Bu calismada minor kafa travmasi nedeni ile acil servise basvuran hastalarda travma sonrasi donemde ortaya cikan posttravmatik bas agrisi (PTBA) ve minorKafa traVmasi arasindaki iliskinin arastirilmasi amaclandi.
Abstract: Amac: Bu calismada minor kafa travmasi nedeni ile acil servise basvuran hastalarda travma sonrasi donemde ortaya cikan posttravmatik bas agrisi (PTBA) ve minor kafa travmasi arasindaki iliskinin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamiza prospektif olarak 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2010 tarihleri arasinda Acil Tip Klinigi"mize minor kafa travmasi ile basvuran hastalarin alinmasi planlandi. PTBA gelisen ve gelismeyen tum olgularin demografik ozellikleri, ayrintili risk faktorleri, kafa travmasi olus sekli, amnezi sureleri, ozgecmiste bas agrisi, psikiyatrik hastalik, ilac kullanma oykusu, basvuru aninda, taburcu olmadan once ve 3. ayda yapilan kontrol fizik ve norolojik muayene bulgulari, direk grafi ve BT bulgulari standart veri giris formuna kayit edildi. Agir kafa travmali, bilinc duzeyi stupor ve koma tablosunda olan hastalar, gebeler, 18 yas alti travma olgulari calismaya alinmadi. Calismada elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizinde SPSS 17.0 paket programi kullanildi. Tum testlerde istatistiksel onem duzeyi p < 0.05 olarak kabul edildi. Bulgular: Calismamiza alinan toplam 119 hastada en sik minor kafa travmasi nedenleri arac ici trafik kazasi (% 36.1) ve arac disi trafik kazalari (% 32.8) idi. Hastalarda sadece izole kafa travmasi sonrasi % 87, kafa + servikal travma sonrasi % 88.4, kafa + servikal + kamci ucu travmasi sonrasi ise % 93.3 oraninda PTBA gelistigi saptandi. PTBA olan hastalarda olmayanlara gore travma oncesi psikiyatrik hastaliga bagli ilac kullanim oykusu (p= 0.019), travma sonrasi fotofobi (p= 0.037), kusma (p= 0.029), bas donmesi (p= 0.019), uyku bozuklugu (p=