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JournalISSN: 0098-5511

NLN publications 

National League for Nursing
About: NLN publications is an academic journal published by National League for Nursing. The journal publishes majorly in the area(s): Nurse education & MEDLINE. It has an ISSN identifier of 0098-5511. Over the lifetime, 920 publications have been published receiving 7153 citations.

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Journal Article
TL;DR: It is shown here how to identify the differentiating factors that contribute to the build-up of doubt in the case of a potential case of mistaken identity.
Abstract: Згодовування «Суміші кормової Сто Га» поросятам сприятливо впливає на показники їх резистентності та продуктивність в ранній постнатальний період і в перший тиждень після відлучення. Бактерицидна активність сироватки крові поросят 40-добового віку всіх дослідних груп вірогідно (Р <0,05 – Р < 0,01) перевищувала на 15,9, 11,3, 14,8% показники їх однолітків з контрольної групи. Лізоцимна активність сироватки крові поросят 2-ї, 3-ї, 4-ї груп 28-добового віку вірогідно переважали своїх однолітків 1-ї групи на 15,3, 11,7, 15,6%, у 40-добовому віці – на 19,0, 16,7, 19,8% відповідно. Інтенсивність фагоцитозу (ФІ) у поросят 16-добового віку 2-ї, 3-ї, 4-ї груп була вірогідно вищою на 16,5 (Р < 0,05), 12,9, 22,4% (Р < 0,01), у 40-добового віці – на 23,6, 20,1, 21,3% відповідно (Р < 0,05; Р < 0,01) порівняно з контрольною групою. За середньодобовим приростом поросята 4-ї групи в період з 31-го до 40-го дня життя перевершували поросят 1-ї групи на 58,3%, а за живою масою в 40-добовому віці – на 15,5% (Р < 0,01). Ключові слова: поросята, стрес, резистентність, загальний білок, імуноглобуліни, продуктивність.

496 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the safety, efficacy, and cost savings of early hospital discharge of very low-birthweight infants (≤1500 g) were evaluated and two groups of infants were randomly assigned to one of two groups.
Abstract: To determine the safety, efficacy, and cost savings of early hospital discharge of very-low-birth-weight infants (≤1500 g), we randomly assigned infants to one of two groups. Infants in the control group (n = 40) were discharged according to routine nursery criteria, which included a weight of about 2200 g. Those in the early-discharge group (n = 39) were discharged before they reached this weight if they met a standard set of conditions. For families of infants in the early-discharge group, instruction, counseling, home visits, and daily on-call availability of a hospital-based nurse specialist for 18 months were provided. Infants in the early-discharge group were discharged a mean of 11 days earlier, weighed 200 g less, and were two weeks younger at discharge than control infants. The mean hospital charge for the early-discharge group was 27 percent less than that for the control group ($47,520 vs. $64,940; P<0.01), and the mean physician's charge was 22 percent less ($5,933 vs. $7,649; P<0.01)...

342 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a game model for the relationship between the doctor and the nurse is presented in an interactional framework and the relationship takes on a new dimension and has a special quality.
Abstract: THE relationship between the doctor and the nurse is a very special one. There are few professions where the degree of mutual respect and cooperation between co-workers is as intense as that between the doctor and nurse. Superficially, the stereotype of this relationship has been dramatized in many novels and television serials. When, however, it is observed carefully in an interactional framework, the relationship takes on a new dimension and has a special quality which fits a game model. The underlying attitudes which demand that this game be played are unfortunate. These attitudes create serious obstacles in the path of meaningful communications between physicians and nonmedical professional groups. The physician traditionally and appropriately has total responsibility for making the decisions regarding the management of his patients' treatment. To guide his decisions he considers data gleaned from several sources. He acquires a complete medical history,

204 citations

No. of papers from the Journal in previous years