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Showing papers in "Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica in 1980"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The parameters defining the triaxiality of the Earth, the Moon and Mars are discussed and up-to-date values recommended, as recently computed and submitted to the XVIIth IAG General Assembly (Canberra, December 1979).
Abstract: Parameters defining the tri-axiality of the Earth, the Moon and Mars are discussed and up-to-date values recommended, as recently computed and submitted to the XVIIth IAG General Assembly (Canberra, December 1979).

32 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors proposed a method to find the best solution to the problem of "finding the optimal solution" in the presence of "unknown factors" by using the "unknown factor".
Abstract: Дaюmся формулы ¶rt;ля mрaнсформuровaнuя сферuческuцх функцuŭ u рaссмamрuвaюmся uх своŭсмвa Форmулы nрuменяюmся к рещенuю некоmорых зa¶rt;aч mеорuu nоmенцuaлa u ¶rt;uнaмuческоŭ сnуmнuковоŭгео¶rt;езuu

26 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a new approximation of the velocity-depth distribution in a vertically inhomogeneous medium is suggested, which guarantees the continuity of velocity and of its first and second derivatives and does not generate false low-velocity zones.
Abstract: A new approximation of the velocity-depth distribution in a vertically inhomogeneous medium is suggested. This approximation guarantees the continuity of velocity and of its first and second derivatives and does not generate false low-velocity zones. It is very suitable for the computations of seismic wave fields in vertically inhomogeneous media by ray methods and its modifications, as it removes many false anomalies from the travel-time and amplitude-distance curves of seismic body waves. The ray integrals can be evaluated in a closed form; the resulting formulae for rays, travel times and geometrical spreading are very simple. They do not contain any transcendental functions (such asln (x) orsin−1, (x)) like other approximations; only the evaluation of one square root and of certain simple arithmetic expressions for each layer is required. From a computational point of view, the evaluation of ray integrals and of geometrical spreading is only slightly slower than for a system of homogeneous parallel layers and even faster than for a piece-wise linear approximation.

8 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors obtained basic palaeomagnetic data on Upper Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic sediments collected from the NW Bulgaria, laboratory stability tests were extended from A.C. and thermal treatments to studies of mineral phase changes and to investigations of changes of magnetic anisotropy during laboratory procedures.
Abstract: In order to obtain basic palaeomagnetic data on Upper Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic sediments collected from the NW Bulgaria, laboratory stability tests were extended from A.C. and thermal treatments to studies of mineral phase changes and to investigations of changes of magnetic anisotropy during laboratory procedures. Laboratory criteria were found which permitted to distinguish samples suitable for palaeomagnetic analyses from those representing rocks totally or almost totally chemically reworked during their history. Palaeomagnetic directions and pole positions derived from Stephanian, Lower Permian and Triassic rocks from the southern margin of the Moesian Platform are compatible with the values obtained for the tectonically stable North-European Platform.

8 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss the importance of the role of the user's interaction with the system, and propose an approach to improve the quality of the interaction between users and the system.
Abstract: Нa основе лaборamорных uссле¶rt;овaнuŭ можно обьясняmь ре uонaльные ео мa нumные aномaлuu nроuсхо¶rt;ящuе в¶rt;оль внещнuх Флыщевых Кaрnam кaк сле¶rt;сmвuе вознuкновенuя вmорuчно о мa неmuma nроявляюще ося nовыщенuем мa нumноŭ восnрuuмчuвосmu в nорuсmых осa¶rt;кaх uлu в вывеmренных рaно¶rt;uорumaх, нa коmорые влuяюm ре¶rt;укцuонные nроцессы uз-зa nрuсуmсmвuя у лово¶rt;оро¶rt;ов. Эксnерuменmы nокaзaлu, чmо элекmрuческaя nрово¶rt;uмосmь в nрuве¶rt;енных условuях maкже нaрaсmaеm. Былa nре¶rt;ложенa uнmерnреmaцuя aномaльных еофuзuческuх явленuŭ нa mеррumорuu восmочноŭ Морaвuu, ¶rt;е uсmочнuкu nовыщенноŭ нaмa нuченносmu u элекmрuческоŭ nрово¶rt;uмосmu мо уm вознuкamь нa лубuне несколькuх км кaк резульmam ре¶rt;укцuонных nроцессов в орных nоро¶rt;aх.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors propose a set of rules for the extraction of the most important parts of the information from the data, such as: оно со¶rt; ǫ. н.
Abstract: Пре¶rt;лaгaеmся уmочнumь nоняmuе nоля сuлы mяжесmu Землu в mом смысле, чmо оно со¶rt;ержum mоже nосmоянную чaсmь nрuлuвного nоля. Длягео¶rt;езuu uз эmого сле¶rt;уеm nользовamься m. н. сре¶rt;нuмгеоu¶rt;ом, коmорыŭ со¶rt;ержum nосmоянную ¶rt;еформaцuю оm nрuлuвного nоmенцuaлa Луны u Солнцa. Прu вычuсленuu высоmы эmогогеоu¶rt;a nо формуле Сmоксa необхо¶rt;uмо вво¶rt;umь nоnрaвкu зa эmо влuянuе.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, approximate expressions for elementary seismograms of seismic body waves propagating in media with small causal absorption are derived for modulated signals with a smooth envelope, for which especially simple formulae were obtained.
Abstract: Approximate expressions for elementary seismograms of seismic body waves propagating in media with small causal absorption are derived. Special attention is devoted to modulated signals with a smooth envelope, for which especially simple formulae were obtained. The derived expressions give a good picture of all important effects of causal absorption, viz., the frequency dependent exponential decrease of amplitudes, the velocity dispersion related to absorption, and the decrease of the prevailing frequency.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the spatial radiation pattern of P and Rayleigh waves for micro-tremors, produced in a seismoactive source by a suitable modelling technique, was investigated and the results indicate that the source simulates a strike-slip fault of finite dimensions slipping along the fault plane.
Abstract: The spatial radiation pattern of P and Rayleigh waves for microtremors, produced in a seismoactive source by a suitable modelling technique, was investigated. The results indicate that the source simulates a strike-slip fault of finite dimensions slipping along the fault plane.

5 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the effect of the low regions of the ionosphere (h < 100 km) was tested on the damping of the propagating wave and on the frequency-amplitude and polarization characteristics of the wave at the Earth's surface.
Abstract: Wave diagnostics of several alternatives of a constructed model of the daytime and night ionosphere of the mid geomagnetic latitudes were carried out in the ULF range of electromagnetic waves. The altitude profiles of local wave parameters of the ionosphere, the wavelengths and wave attenuation, were analysed at a fixed frequency. The frequency dependence of the amplitude and polarization characteristics of the total wave at the Earth's surface were also analysed in dependence on the frequency-amplitude spectrum of geomagnetic pulsations. The effect of the low regions of the ionosphere (h<100 km) was tested on the damping of the propagating wave and on the frequency-amplitude and polarization characteristics of the wave at the Earth's surface.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the electric conductivity of basaltic rocks of the final volcanic phase of the Alpine-Carpathian orogenesis was studied in the temperature interval of 200-1000°C.
Abstract: The electric conductivity of basaltic rocks of the final volcanic phase of the Alpine-Carpathian orogenesis was studied in the temperature interval of 200–1000°C. The results obtained are compared with the chemical and modal composition of the rocks and with the content of trace elements (Cr, Co, Ni, V). The statistical treatment of a set of 11 rocks types indicated that the electric conductivity is mostly affected by the modal composition of the rock in the temperature interval of 200–600°C, whereas the effect of trace elements can be seen distinctly in the interval of 600–1000°C.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors propose a method to use a modified version of the Lazy Susan algorithm, which is used in the context of online learning. But, their method requires a large number of participants.
Abstract: Дaеmся крamкuŭ выво¶rt; формул ¶rt;ля mермоуnругuх нanряженnuŭ u смещенuŭ, вызывaемых сmaцuонaрным mочечным uсmочнuком mеnлa в уnругом nолуnросmрaнсmве. Нa основaнuu вычuсленuŭ nокaзaно, чmо вознuкaющuе нanряженuя являюmся нanряженuямu рaсmягuвaющего muna u вызывaюm зaмеmные возмущенuя nоля лumосmamuческuх нanряженuŭ вб лuзu nоверхносmu nолуnросmрaнсmвa. Анaлuзuруюсmя некоmорыегео¶rt;uнaмuческuе сле¶rt;сmвuя воз¶rt;еŭсmвuя maкuх нanряженuŭ, в чaсmносmu: a) вз¶rt;уmuе лumосферы в эnuценmрaльноŭ облaсmu uсmочнuкa mеnлa; б) возможносmь вознuкновенuя конuческuх nоверхносmеŭ рaзломa u uх ролu nрu вознuкновенuu кaнaлов nронuкновенuя мaгмы к nоверхносmu Землu; в) обрaзовaнuе рaсmягuвaющuх нanряженuŭ в облaсmяхгеоmермuческuх aномaлuŭ, коmорые могуm nроявляmься в вu¶rt;е nовыщенноŭ сеŭсмuческоŭ aкmuвносmu верхнеŭ лumосферы в эmuх облaсmях.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors proposed a new method to improve the quality of the data collected by the data collection system, which is based on the information gathered from the data gathered by the users.
Abstract: Меmо¶rt;ом мamемamuческо о мо¶rt;елuровaнuя nосmроенa комnлекснaя еофuзuческaя мо¶rt;ель земноŭ коры ю a евроnеŭскоŭ чaсmu СССР В комnлекс включены ¶rt;aнные сеŭсмuческuх uссле¶rt;овaнuŭ, рaвuмеmрuu u mеnлово о nоmокa В резульmamе усmaновленa зaвuсuмосmь меж¶rt;у скоросmыо u nлоmносmыо в консолu¶rt;uровaнных nоро¶rt;aх земноŭ коры u нa ее основе сосmaвленa обобщеннaя лumоло uческaя колонкa nлamформенноŭ коры Сре¶rt;няя nлоmносmь мaнmuu оnре¶rt;еляеmся велuчuноŭ 3,3 /см3, nо¶rt; моло¶rt;ымu еосuнклuнaлямu u вna¶rt;uнaмu внуmреннuх мореŭ онa рaзуnлоmненa ¶rt;о 3,2 /см3 Поро¶rt;ы земноŭ коры nо¶rt; лубокuмu осa¶rt;очнымu бaссеŭнaмu оmносumельно уnлоmнены, в целом же сущесmвеннaя орuзонmaльнaя нео¶rt;норо¶rt;носmь хaрaкmернa лuщь ¶rt;ля верхнеŭ чaсmu коры

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a study of the mean stress field and its gradient in uniaxially loaded two-dimensional models of small thickness with respect to other dimensions, in which two inhomogeneities, e.g., a circular opening and a linear slit have been made, is presented.
Abstract: The paper deals with a study of the mean stress field (σM) and its gradient (δσM/δx) in uniaxially loaded two-dimensional models of small thickness with respect to other dimensions, in which two inhomogeneities, e.g., a circular opening and a linear slit have been made. Particular attention was paid to the stress field development in the treated models durin gthe change of the mutual geometric configuration of both the inhomogeneities in question. The problem was analysed theoretically by means of Muskhelishvili's potentials of the two-dimensional theory of elasticity. To compare the results of calculations, the schlieren method was used to visualize and record the studied gradients of stress fields in physical models. The results of the calculations were calibrated by laboratory tests. In this way the individual model situations were classified from the point of view of their resistance to the applied load.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the distribution of radioactive elements (Th, U, K) and trace elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Pb, Zr, Ti, Cu, Cr, Ni, V) of acid granulites from the south-east margin of the Bohemian Massif (SW Moravia) was under study.
Abstract: The distribution of radioactive elements(Th, U, K) and trace elements(Rb, Sr, Ba, Pb, Zr, Ti, Cu, Cr, Ni, V) of acid granulites from the south-east margin of the Bohemian Massif (SW Moravia) was under study. The investigated rocks are characterized by a great variability ofTh/U ratios andTh andU contents; a linear relationship between theTh andU values was observed. A close relation between theU and biotite contents with a statistically significant linear correlation coefficient of +0.85 was found. In agreement with geological and petrological investigations, the concentrations of radioactive elements correspond to the contents observed in the rocks with metamorphic intensity between the amphibolite and granulite facies. The investigated rocks have extremely lowSr concentrations distinguishing them from other acid granulites of the world.Rb contents are rather variable reaching, however, the highest values among the acid granulites of various granulite areas.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the importance of the role of the user's interaction with the system and propose a framework for the user to interactively decide whether or not to use the system.
Abstract: В сmamье uссле¶rt;уеmся влuянuе aсuммеmрuu выбрaнного скоросmного nоля в кuнемamuческоŭ мо¶rt;елu nочmu сuммеmрuчного ¶rt;uнaмо нa элекmромaгнumнуо связь я¶rt;рa с мaнmuеŭ Землu. Тaкже колuчесmвенно nокaзaно nрu nомощu naрaмеmрa сuммеmрuu e, кaкuм обрaзом влuяеm aсuммеmрuя скоросmного nоля нaгенерaцuю осево несuммеmрuческuх сосmaвляющuх мaгнumного nоля. В целом окaзывaеmся, чmо оmносumельное врaщенuе я¶rt;ро-мaнmuя a maкже оmклоненuе мaгнumноŭ осu Землu nрямо связaны с aсuммеmрuеŭ скоросmного nоля.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the effects of gender stereotypes on women's reproductive health, and propose a solution to the problem of gender inequality in women's breast cancer screening programs.
Abstract: Оnuсaн меmо¶rt; сnекmрaльно о aнaлuзa обрaзцов, ре uсmрuровaнных в mрёх комnоненmaх, коmорым оnре¶rt;елumся орuенmaцuя nолярuзaцuонноŭ эллunсы в nросmрaнсmве. Меmо¶rt; annлuковaн нa еомa нumные nульсaцuu Pi2 u Pc3 uз обсервamорuŭ Нuме к u Бу¶rt;ков. Иссле¶rt;овaн maкже суmочныŭ хо¶rt; nросmрaнсmвенных nолярuзaцuонных хaрaкmерuсmuк u uх зaвuсuмосmь оm общеŭ еомa нumноŭ aкmuвносmu.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present a set of criteria for evaluating the performance of a system, including the following: 1) ǫ 1.5 Ã 2 Ã 3 Ã 4 Ã 5 Ã 6 Ã 7 Ã 11 Ã 12 Ã 13 Ã 14 Ã 15 Ã 16 Ã 21 Ã 22 Ã 1.
Abstract: Иссле¶rt;уюmся uзмененuя nолного со¶rt;ержaнuя элекmронов вблuзu nересеченuŭ секmорныхгрaнuц межnлaнеmного мaгнumного nоля. Эmu uзмененuя срaвнuвaюmся с сооmвеmсmвующuмu uзмененuямu ¶rt;ругuх uоносферных naрaмеmров. Нaблю¶rt;aеmся рaзлuчuе меж¶rt;у uзмененuямu nолного со¶rt;ержaнuя элекmронов в невозмущенных u возмущенных условuях. Тaкое рaзлuчuе не нaблю¶rt;aеmся в nоглощенuu на чaсmоmе 245 кгц. Пре¶rt;лaгaеmся uнmерnреmaцuя некоmорых нaблю¶rt;aнных uзмененuŭ.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors describe the following types of entities: оmрaженнных волн nо naрaм ǫ mπ Ã Ã mπ д Ã n.
Abstract: Выве¶rt;ены nросmые формулы ¶rt;ля рaсчеma чaсmных nроuзво¶rt;ных о¶rt;о рaфов оmрaженных волн nо naрaмеmрaм слоuсmоŭ сре¶rt;ы.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss the importance of the role of the user's interaction with the system, and propose an approach to improve the system's performance, which is based on the concept of "interaction".
Abstract: Иссле¶rt;уеmся влuянuе высыnaнuя жлесmкuх элекmронов нa nо лощенuе рa¶rt;uоволн в ¶rt;невноŭ D-облaсmu uоносферы. Оно нaŭ¶rt;ено сущесmвенным nрu сuльных возмущенuях. Прuве¶rt;енa оценкa возмущaюще о энер еmuческо о сnекmрa u nоmокa жесmкuх элекmронов (20 ¶rt;о 150 кэв).

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, it has been proved that the formulae for determining the horizontal co-ordinates of the centre of gravity, derived by Gamburtsev in 1938 and adopted in many textbooks of gravimetry and other works, are not accurate.
Abstract: It has been proved that the formulae for determining the horizontal co-ordinates of the centre of gravity, derived by Gamburtsev in 1938 and adopted in many textbooks of gravimetry and other works, are not accurate. A method of estimating the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity of a disturbing body has been elaborated under the assumption that just the values of the vertical gradient of the disturbing gravitational potential in the xOy-plane are known.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present a survey of the state-of-the-art methods to deal with the problem of cyberbullying and cyber-bullying, including:
Abstract: Про¶rt;олженuе рабоmы [4]; ¶rt;аеmся ¶rt;оnолненuе оmносumелъно коварuацuонноŭ функцuu 2-ŭ nроuзво¶rt;ноŭ сuлы mяжесmu nо высоmе.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The statistical treatment of the dependence of monthly sums of global radiation on the monthly sum of sunshine at the stations of Hradec Kralove, Bratislava, Koliba and Hurbanovo is presented in this article.
Abstract: The statistical treatment of the dependence of monthly sums of global radiation on the monthly sums of sunshine at the stations of Hradec Kralove, Bratislava — Koliba and Hurbanovo is presented. The parameters of linear and quadratic regression are derived for the said stations and for the individual months of the year. Drawing on the statistical analysis of the initial data sets, the accuracy and reliability of the mentioned regression relations are critically evaluated.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the variations of the content of radioactive elements in pelitic rocks in dependence on the grade of metamorphism were studied in three regions of the Bohemian Massif with a different character and age.
Abstract: The variations of the content of radioactive elements in pelitic rocks in dependence on the grade of metamorphism were studied in three regions of the Bohemian Massif with a different character and age of metamorphism. The concentrations of Th, U and K were determined by gammaspectrometric method, the major elements Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Ca, K, P by the X-ray fluorescence method. An increasing mobility of radioactive elements was found with the help of variation diagrams in the higher stages of metamorphism, the migration being apparent especially for Th and usually starting in the garnet or biotite zone. A significant negative correlation of both Th and U content with the content of SiO2 was determined. It was found that the behaviour of Th and U during the metamorphic processes reflect a different character of metamorphism. In agreement with[1] the decreasing tendency of Th and U during progressive metamorphism was confirmed in the metamorphic sequences of the Barrovian type, whereas an opposite trend in sequence of periplutonic character was found.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The numerical properties of the low-frequency expansions for the reflection and transmission coefficients of SH-waves from transition layers, derived in this paper, are shown to be suitable for computations only when the thickness d of the transition layer is small in comparison with the wavelength λ of the incident wave (d≲0.5λ).
Abstract: The numerical properties of the low-frequency expansions for the reflection and transmission coefficients of SH-waves from transition layers, derived in [1], are studied. It is shown that the expansions are suitable for computations only when the thickness d of the transition layer is small in comparison with the wavelength λ of the incident wave (d≲0.5λ). For thicker transition layers, certain modifications of the method are suggested.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present a list of the top 100 most important words in the English language: "I.e., I.e." and "II.e.
Abstract: Меmо¶rt; оnре¶rt;еленuя элaсmuчных консmaнm Лaмэ μ u λ, основaнныŭ нa ¶rt;aнных о рaсnре¶rt;еленuu во¶rt;ных мaсс uскусmвенно о во¶rt;охрaнuлuщa u нa резульmamaх нuвелuрных uзмеренuŭ, uсnолненных вблuзu во¶rt;ных мaсс в nерuо¶rt; nере¶rt; нanолненuем во¶rt;охрaнuлuщa u nосле е о нanолненuя. Рещенuе uсхо¶rt;um uз nре¶rt;nоложенuя, чmо nрuблuзumельно ¶rt;еŭсmвumельнa nрямaя nроnорцuонaльносmь меж¶rt;у велuчuноŭ uзмененuŭ nревыщенuя mочек, выявленных uз рaзнuц резульmamов нuвелuровaнuя, u nоmенцuaлом сuлы nрumяженuя во¶rt;ных мaсс в эmuх mочкaх. О¶rt;овременно nре¶rt;nоло aеmся, чmо выявленные uзмененuя nревыщенuŭ зaвuсяm оm элaсmuчных консmaнm сре¶rt;ы (консmaнmы Лaмэ μ u λ). Эmоm меmо¶rt; был nрuменен в облaсmu во¶rt;охрaнuлuщa Кaрuбa нa реке Зaмбезu, a резульmuрующuе велuчuны μ=(0,69±0,03)×1011 Рa сооmвеmсmвуюm велuчuнaм мо¶rt;елu Булленa ¶rt;ля лубuн оm 100 ¶rt;о 200 км.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the dynamic focal parameters of a series of strong earthquakes, recorded by the FBV broadband velocigraph at KHC (Kasperske Hory, Czechoslovakia), are estimated.
Abstract: The dynamic focal parameters of a series of strong earthquakes, recorded by the FBV broadband velocigraph at KHC (Kasperske Hory, Czechoslovakia), are estimated. The influence of specific wave pattern features on the estimation accuracy is studied. Polarization analysis is used to demonstrate the complicated interference character even of record portions corresponding to a single teleseismic wave group. The values of the dynamic focal parameters do not depend significantly on the length of the analysed record portions and are sufficiently consistent with those reported by Riznichenko [2]. The possibility of estimating dynamic focal parameters from recording of standard classes B (intermediate band) and C (long-period) seismographs is pointed out.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss the effects of gender stereotypes on women's reproductive health, and propose an approach for gender parity in women's breast cancer screening. But they do not discuss women's sexual health.
Abstract: Рaсnре¶rt;еленuе бaллносmеŭ землеmрясенuя с 15-ого anреля 1979г. с очaгом в южноŭ Югослaвuu нa mеррumорuu Чехословaкuu.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present a survey of the state-of-the-art research work in the field of bio-medical data visualization, which includes the following topics:
Abstract: Оnuсaнa меmо¶rt;uкa u резульmamы uсnыmaнuŭ рaвuмеmрaGs 12 No. 129 нa вuбрaцuu в ¶rt;uanaзоне чaсmоm 0.02–30 ц. Нa основе uзмеренuŭ нa вuбрaцuонноŭ nлamформе с aрмонuческuм колебaнuем былu рaсчumaны naрaмеmры рaвuмеmрa кaк верmuкaлъно о сеŭсмомеmрa u оnре¶rt;еленa е о чувсmвumелъносmъ нa ¶rt;вuженuе фун¶rt;aменma с чaсmоmaмu менъuuе чем З ц.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors compared the A/T curve of the intermediate branch of the short period PKP waves recorded at Macedonian seismological stations from sources in the SW Pacific Ocean with theoretical seismograms, calculated under the assumption that the BC branch for distances over about 151° is due to diffraction at the inner core boundary.
Abstract: This paper compares the A/T curve of the intermediate (BC) branch of the short period PKP waves recorded at Macedonian seismological stations from sources in the SW Pacific Ocean with the A/T curves from theoretical seismograms, calculated under the assumption that the BC branch for distances over about 151° is due to diffraction at the inner core boundary.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the effect of different types of noise on the performance of the system and propose a solution to improve the performance: 1) основе лuнeŭнoŭντ.
Abstract: Нa основе лuнеŭно о uнmе рaльно о nреобрaзовaнuя выве¶rt;ен меmо¶rt; ¶rt;ля aнaлuзa временных ря¶rt;ов ео рaфuческuх велuчuн. В nреобрaзовaнuе вве¶rt;ен naрaмеmр Е, ¶rt;еŭсmвующuŭ maкuм обрaзом, чmо укaзaнное nреобрaзовaнuе ¶rt;елaеm уnор нa знaченuя aнaлuзuруемоŭ велuчuны в зaвuсuмосmu оm рaссmоянuя оm нaчaлa сuсmемы коор¶rt;uнam. Меmо¶rt; являеmся ¶rt;осmamочно селекmuвным ¶rt;aже nрu больщом знaченuu Е u являеmся очень эффекmuвным, maк чmо nрuменuм maкже нa мaлых ЭВМ.