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Discover 468 research papers published on
1st May, 1910

Composition of sea waters near beaufort, north carolina.
Rock Glaciers in Alaska
The Glacial Lake Missoula
Studies in the Late-Quaternary history of Southern Sweden
The functions of the skin
An experimental comparison of transplanted tumor and a transplanted normal tissue capable of growth.
The principles of pathology
A Textbook of Mental Diseases
On the relation of combined intoxication and bacterial infection to necrosis of the liver, acute yellow atrophy and cirrhosis.
The relation of the myotomes to the ventro‐lateral musculature and to the anterior limbs in Amblystoma
The sensory functions attributed to the seventh nerve
Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Adsorption und Giftigkeit
Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen zur Frage der „toxischen” Tuberkulosen der Haut
The Electric Strength of Air
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Regeneration des Epithels der Cornea unter normalen Verhältnissen und unter therapeutischen Massnahmen
IV. The Pathology of the Gall-bladder and some Associated Lesions: A Study of Specimens from 365 Cholecystectomies.
A Sponge with a Siliceous and Calcareous Skeleton
On the Sequence of Strata within Southern Gotland
The qualities of merit in teachers.
Localization and regeneration in the neural plate of amphibian embryos
Der Reflexcharakter der Adaptationsvorgänge, insbesondere der Dunkeladaptation, und deren Beziehungen zur topischen Diagnose und zur Hemeralopie
The Cause of Arteriosclerosis
Ductile Tungsten
Observations on a new species of epidermo‐phyton found in tinea cruris
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von künstlicher Atmung, Herzmassage, Strophantin und Adrenalin auf den Herzstillstand nach temporärem Verschluß der Aorta und Arteria pulmonalis, unter Bezugnahme auf die Lungenembolieoperation nach Trendelenburg
The psycho-analytic method of treatment
The complication experiment and related phenomena.
A Review of Some Recent Criticisms of the Restorations of Sauropod Dinosaurs Existing in the Museums of the United States, with Special Reference to that of Diplodocus Carnegiei in the Carnegie Museum
Stomatolepas, A Barnacle Commensal in the Throat of the Loggerhead Turtle
Zur Frage der Eisenreaktion kalkhaltiger Gewebe, insbesondere des Knochens
Surgery of the Brain and Spinal Cord
LXXIX. Measurements in the extreme infra-red spectrum
Über die GattungenChiloscyphus undHeteroscyphus n. gen
Ueber experimentelle Milchauslösung und über das Verhalten der Milchabsonderung bei den zusammengewachsenen Schwestern Blažek
The staining of fats in epithelium and muscle fibers
Buildings for Music
Additions to the Lichen Flora of Southern California
The Stratigraphy of the Silurian strata of the Visby district
A method of implanting ovarian tissue in order to maintain ovarian function.
The Genus Crataegus, with Some Theories Concerning the Origin of Its Species
On the Correlation of Death‐Rates
Die Theorie des Haftdrucks (Oberflächendrucks) und ihre Bedeutung für die Physiologie
Über geformte eiweißartige Inhaltskörper bei den Leguminosen
Physiological Aspects of Fertilization and Hybridization in Ferns
The Teaching of Sociology
Zur Kenntnis der Muskelkrämpfe peripheren Ursprungs und verwandter Erscheinungen
Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie der progressiven neurotischen Muskelatrophie
Über den Cholingehalt tierischer Gewebe
A comparison of the reactions of a species of surface isopod with those of a subterranean species. Part I: Experiments with light
Über funktionelle Anpassung bei Regenerationsvorgängen
The quantitative changes in the proteins in the blood plasma of horses in the course of immunization.
A study of the phenolsulphonic acid method for the determination of nitrates in water. [second paper.] the composition of the yellow compound.
Studies on water drinking : ii. the metabolic influence of copious water drinking with meals.
The determination of dominance and the modification of behavior in alternative (mendelian) inheritance, by conditions surrounding or incident upon the germ cells at fertilization
Some colloid-chemical aspects of digestion, with ultramicroscopic observations.
Academy of Physical Education
III.—Sedgwick Museum Notes. New Fossils from the Dufton Shales
Die Duodenalstenose durch Füllung und Peristaltik radiologisch erkennbar
Sphaerocarpos Hians sp. nov., with a Revision of the Genus and Illustrations of the Species
Abnormes Längenwachstum bei ungenügender Entwicklung der Genitalia
Survival of engrafted tissues : i. (a) ovaries and (b) testicles.
Über die Permeabilität der normalen Darmwand für kleine Körperchen
Über das Scutellarin
The Cost of Crime
The Relation of Life Insurance to Public Hygiene.
Quaternary Sen-bottoms in Western Sweden
The North American Mucorales—I: Family Mucoraceae
The Determination of Small Quantities of Iodine, with Special Reference to the Iodine Content of the Thyroid Gland
LXVI.—Descriptions of new African moths
Miscellaneous Bird Notes from the Lower Rio Grande
The exact determination of sulphur in soluble sulphates.
The Basis of Social Solidarity
LXXVII. The question of the homogeneity of γ-rays
On the nature of chemical stimulation and on the influence of neutral sodium salts on various forms of chemical stimulation
Studies in Pyrophilous Fungi—II: Changes Brought about by the Heating of Soils and their Relation to the Growth of Pyronema and Other Fungi
Über das Verhalten des Glykogenes im Eierstocke der Frösche zu den verschiedenen Jahreszeiten
Les rites de passage.Arnold Van Gennep
The Terminal Velocity of Fall of Small Spheres in Air
The chromosomes in the parthenogenetic and sexual eggs of phylloxerans and aphids
Anatomical Characters in the Evolution of Pinus
Zur Theorie der Kaltvulkanisation
The Etiology of Beri-beri
Additional notes on the alkali and alkali earth amalgams.
Potential Stresses in Dielectrics
Judgments on the sex of handwriting.
The Decline in Trade Union Membership
Explorations in Bolivia
Über die Staubinhalation bei Kindern
The Mutation Theory. Experiments and Observations on the Origin of Species in the Vegetable Kingdom
Hybridization in a mutating period in Drosophila
Zur Bewertung der Resectio opitico-ciliaris : Klinische und anatomische Befunde
A text-book of diseases of the ear
A History of Botany
On the refractive indices of solutions of certain proteins i. ovomucoid and ovovitellin
The Magic Square of Sixteen Cells. A New and Completely General Formula
Über das Verhalten des Knochenmarkes bei verschiedenen Erkrankungen des Kindesalters
Notes on Carex-VI
The Exact Determination of Sulphur in Pyrite and Marcasite.
The Prices of American stocks : 1890-1909
British Columbia Coast Names
The origin of the brown pigment in the integuments of the larva of Tenebrio molitor
Notes on the Geology of Carrizo Mountain and Vicinity, San Diego County, Cal.
The Psychological View of Society
The fundamental law for a general theory of solutions.1
Ein Fall von neurotischer Mnskelatrophie mit bulbären Veränderungen
The wassermann and noguchi complement-fixation test in leprosy
VII. An Operation for Umbilical Hernia.
Religion and the Mores
The British Minimum Wages Act of 1909
Ueber Adsorption und Kolloidfällung
The Absorption Spectrum of Sulphur Dioxide
Origin of the Pegmatites of Maine
Studies in edema vi. the influence of adrenalin on absorption from the peritoneal cavity, with some remarks on the influence of calcium chloride on absorption.
Congenital Word-Blindness as a Cause of Backwardness in School Children; Case Associated with Stuttering
Further studies on the influence of the ductless glands on the pancreas
Über die Darstellung der Prostatahypertrophie im Röntgenbilde
The Determination of Sodium Chloride in Milk.
The biological significance of the Sertoli cells
Disruptive Strength with Transient Voltages
Some Recent Developments in Exact Alternating-Current Measurements
The Fifteenth Amendment
The Glycogen Content of Beef Flesh.
Dielectric Strength of Oil
A case of trichinosis, with recovery of parasite from the blood and muscle
Japanese in Hawaii
On the oxalates of hydrazine.
Tendon transplantation in flat-foot
Amphibian Footprints from the Mississippian of Virginia
Über die Lage der für die oberen und unteren Extremitäten bestimmten Fasern innerhalb der Pyramidenbahn des Menschen
The Origin and Prevalence of Typhoid Fever in the District of Columbia
The Rôle of Magic
The antitryptic activity of human blood serum: its significance and its diagnostic valve
Über einen Fall von Mischgeschwulst (Gliom plus Epitheliom) des Rückenmarks, zugleich als Beitrag zur Lehre von den Beziehungen zwischen Trauma und Geschwulstbildung
LXIV.—A preliminary note on the Alciopinæ, Tomopteridæ, and Typhloscolecidæ from the Atlantic adjacent to Ireland
Some Recent Changes in the Course of the Trent
Zur Klassifikation der Idiotie und zur Pathologie ihrer selteneren Formen
Klinisches zur menschlichen Tetanie im Anschluss an 41 Fälle
The Sala mine
The elimination of caffein in the bile.1
Über die Grösse der mit der Haut eben wahrnehmbaren Bewegungen
A case of infantilism with absence of thyroid and tumor of pituitary
I.—Relics of the Great Ice Age in the Plains of Northern India
Ein Fall von Parotistuberkulose als Beitrag zur Frage der Genese der tuberkulösen Riesenzellen
Physiologically Arid Habitats and Drought Resistance in Plants
Desert Sand-Dunes
Constants of Chinese Wood Oil.
Zur Kenntnis der Früchte des Jahrganges 1909
Contributions to the geology of the Grand Canyon, Ariz; the geology of the Shinumo area
A Bibliography of Ptolemy's Geography@@@Ptolemy's Geography: A Brief Account of All the Printed Editions down to 1730
Über den Nachweis von Palmfetten in Butter und Schweinefett sowie von Schweinefett in Butter
LXXVI. Earth-air electric currents
The bacteriology of acute infections of the respiratory tract in children, with especial reference to influenza
Die Keratitis parenchymatosa eine echtluetische Erkrankung
Über den Nachweis von Quecksilber und Quecksilberverbindungen in toxikologischen Fällen
A Disease of Sheep in Tasmania.
Scope and Functions of the Stock Market
A new ocular for use with the petrographic microscope
Glykogen im Froscheierstock: Bemerkungen und Ergänzungen zu der vorstehenden Arbeit des Herrn Dr. Kan Kato
Learning to telegraph.
Über Lupus-Karzinome
A New Species of Celithemis (Order Odonata)
Eine Bildungsweise von Dimethylpyron
Atlo-axoid Fracture Dislocation
II.—The Geology of the Dolegelley Gold-Belt, North Wales
Über den Einfluß strychninhaltiger Nahrung auf Insekten
V.—Organic Remains in the Trias of Nottingham
Erwiderung an O. Frank
Zur Anatomie der Streifenbildung nach Netzhautabhebung
The Sociological Stage in the Evolution of the Social Sciences
Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung der angeborenen Gliederstarre (Littlesche Krankheit) mittels Resektion hinterer Rückenmarkswurzeln (Foerstersche Operation)
The development and function of the heart in embryos without nerves
Vector Power in Alternating-Current Circuits
Examination of Candelilla Wax.
A Cult of the Homonades
Weitere Beiträge zur Untersuchung von Käse
Die Entwicklung der Molluskenfauna in dem Kalktuffe bei Skultorp in Wästergötland
The Social Marking System
Spencer's Formula of Evolution
Zur Kenntnis der Korksubstanz
Jordanus Nemorarius and John of Halifax
The Advantages of Limited Sex Segregation in the High School
Earthquakes in Brazil
Alleged rhythm in phototaxis synchronous with ocean tides
Determination of Absolute Wave-Lengths with Objective-Prisms
The Längban mines
I. The Relation of Trauma to Cancer Formation.
Zur Frage des sogenannten benignen Miliärlupoid (Boeck-Darier)
A new aleyrodes on bearberry
A new petrographic microscope
Zur Histologie der Narben
A Simple Criterion for the Detection of Anomalies in the Orbits of Spectroscopic Binaries
The Ohio Powdery Mildews
Incineration of Municipal Wastes with Utilization.
The Early Religion of Palestine
A new subspecies of Clawless Otter Aonyx capensis congica from Lower Contro
The Travels of a Botanist in South-West Africa
Small Holdings and Agricultural Co-operation in England
La vita della ricchezza
Forced Feeding of Political Prisoners
An attempt to discover the cause of the specific dynamic action of protein
Untersuchungen über die schwefelhaltigen Verbindungen in Allium cepa
The Position of the Anti-Suffragists:
A Difference in the Photoelectric Effect caused by Incident and Divergent Light
Bibliography On Securities and Stock Exchanges
Über das Verhalten des Dreibildphänomens bei Reizung des Sehorganes mittels zweier bewegter verschiedenfarbiger Lichtquellen
The Olive Warbler (Dendroica olivacea) in Southern Arizona
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Scharlach R auf das Epithelwachstum3)
Über Ursprung und Verlauf des Türckschen Bündels
The Individual Study of the Young Criminal
Metal Filament Lamps
Die experimentellen Grundlagen des Elektrokardiogramms1)
A new pancreatic extract for the treatment of diabetes
The precipitation of diphtheria antitoxin by means of precipitins
The specially trained obstetric nurse-her advantages and field
The General Election of January, 1910, and the Bearing of the Results on Some Problems of Representation
Grimmia olympica a New Species
A modified method for the clinical estimation of pepsin
Lehrbuch der klinischen diagnostik innerer krankheiten
II. Skeletal Carcinomatosis: With Report of a Case.
Über einen Fall von Kalkinkrustation der Lungen mit Fragmentation der elastischen Fasern
The infinitesimal contact transformations of mechanics
The Philosophy of Schelling
The Solųtion of Gold in the Surface Alterations of Ore Bodies
Eine neue quantitative Fällungsmethode für Aluminium, Chrom und Eisen
On the estimation of the intensity of acidity and alkalinity with dinitrohydroquinone.4
Ueber die Gelatinierung der Kieselsäure
Über Jododerma tuberosum; nebst Bemerkungen zu mehreren den Jodismus betreffenden Fragen
Concerning the Relative Magnitude of the Parts Played by the Proteins and by the Bi-Carbonates in the Maintenance of the Neutrality of the Blood
Monascus Purpureus in Silage
Helminthiasis in children
Uebersättigung und Unterkühlung als grundlegende Ursachen des dispersen Zustandes der Materie
Symbolae AntillanaeSymbolae Antillanae seu Fundamenta Florae Indiae Occidentalis. I. Urban
Tumors of the acoustic nerve: their symptoms and surgical treatment, with report of a case of complete recovery
Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Fremdkörpereinheilung im Herzen (im Herzen eingeheilte Nadeln)
The complement binding test in rabies
Bill to Establish a Criminological Laboratory at Washington
Grenzen der Kobragifthämolyse
The Outlook for American Statistics
Analysis of some bolivian bronzes.1
Municipal Charter Revision—Colorado Springs.
Additions to the Pleistocene flora of Alabama
Diet in Typhoid Fever
The fate of the amino acids in the organism.1
Intrusive granites and associated metamorphic sediments in southwestern Rhode Island
Die sogenannten „Humussäuren“
Halley's Comet and Magnetic and Electrical Phenomena
Zur Kenntnis der Jacksonschen Epilepsie
LXXX. On the nature of the forces of attraction between atoms and molecules
Report of the Committee on Standard Methods for the Examination of Air
The Development of Methods in Teaching Modern Elementary Geography
Industrial Stocks as Investments
Preferred Stocks as Investments
a Study of the Multiple Reflections of Short Electric Waves Between Two or More Reflecting Surfaces.
Southern Chile@@@Censo Jeneral de Poblacion i Edificacion, Industria, Ganaderia i Mineria del Territorio de Magallanes, Republica de Chile
LIX.—Descriptions and records of bees.—XXVIII.
Nachweis von Saccharose und Zuckerkalk in Milch und Rahm
State Governmental Organization, Proposed Reforms in
The Treatment fo Gastroptosis
A Case of Tumor of the Medulla Oblongata.
How Airships are Likely to Affect War
Two new species of pentatomidæ from nebraska
The Woman Suffrage Movement in Great Britain
The reaction between hydriodic acid and bromic acid in the presence of a large amount of hydrochloric acid.
Congenital pronation of the forearms
Sur les propriétés thermo-électriques des alliages
A new cystid from the Clinton Formation of Ontario, Lepadocystis clintonensis
Vaccine therapy in colon-bacillus infection of the urinary tract
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der isolierten Lähmung des N. musculo-cutaneus
Fall von Kostochondralabszeß mit Bacterium paratyphi
A Previously Undescribed Symptom of Tetany
Congenital absence of vertebræ below the first sacral, and malformation of the lower cervical and upper dorsal vertebræ
The testing of rubber for electrical work
Die Bestimmung von Zink, Kupfer und Kobalt mit Hilfe von Ammoniak
Determination of Stellar Velocities with the Objective-Prism
Menstruation in Europeans, Eurasians and East Indians in India.
Vortrage der Gehe-Stiftung zu Dresden. Band II. 1910. Beruf, Gesellschaftliche Gliederung und Betrieb im Deutschen Reiche.
Diagnostik und Behandlung der Schädelbrüche. Klinischer Vortrag. I.
Rat-bite Fever
On the refractive indices of solutions of certain proteins
Zur Kenntnis der retrograden Veränderungen nach Durchschneidnng vorderer (event anch hinterer) Wurzeln
LXI.—Notes on some Palm-Civets
German Gymnastics Adapted to American High School Conditions
Notes on the Recent Census of Religious Bodies
Studies of the influence of various dietary conditions on physiological resistance i. the influence of different proportions of protein in the food on resistance to the toxicity of ricin and on recuperation from hemorrhage
Convertible Bonds and Stocks
Sources of Market News
Magnetic Deflection of β Rays
The Orbits of Meteorites
Scientific Books: Agricultural Bacteriology
Nachweis von Alkohol in toxikologischen Fällen
Über eine Thoraxdeformität bei lange bestehendem Anus praeternaturalis im Kindesalter
Interpoles in Synchronous Converters
A study of five hundred and fifty cases of typhoid fever in children
On Collecting Mosses
Notes on a few scolytidæ
An der Grenze der Philosophie : Melanchthon - Lavater - David Friedrich Strauss
The changes in the venous bloodflow on administration of amyl nitrite
Narkose und Sauerstoffmangel
The Logical Structure of Self-Refuting Systems: I. Phenomenalism
Ueber den qualitativen Nachweis kleiner Mengen von Gold und Silber
An epidemic of noma
Factors which Contribute to a Reduction in Mortality in Abdominal Surgery
Nachweis von Cocosfett in Butter und Schweinefett.
Paroxysmal arteriospasm with hypertension in the gastric crisis of tabes
A Plan for the Reorganization of Criminal Statistics in the United States
Saat oder Pflanzung
Control of Railroad Accounts in Leading European Countries
Die Vielgestaltigkeit der viszeralen Lues
Static foot error in private practice
Testing Steam Turbines and Steam Turbo-Generators
Zur Morphologie und Pathogenese der Naphthalinveränderungen am Auge
LXXXI. The relative motion of the earth and the æther
A case of huntingtonʼs disease
Inheritance of plumage color in poultry
Influence of Superstition on the Evolution of Property Rights
European intervention in morocco
The Wrongs and Opportunities in Mining Investments
Experimental determination of the relation of forests to stream flow
Ueber elektrische PhasengrenzkrĂfte
The School Nurse as an Aid to Medical Inspection of Schools.
Zur quantitativen Bestimmung und Trennung des Palladiums
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der OmTbrophilie und Ombrophobie der Pflanzen
Über zwei neue Fälle angeborener abnorm weiter Foramina parietalia
The Geographic Story of Kaskaskia
Vegetation Dynamics in the Desert
Über die Einwirkung von Benzylchlorid und Monochloressigsäure auf Aminoanthrachinone
Chemistry, and the conservation of our water resources
Neue Untersuchungen über das Schweben und die Ausflockung feinster Teilchen in wässerigen Aufschwemmungen
An examination of Fröhlich's theory of the treppe
A new polypore on incense cedar
LXIII.—Some remarks on the Teleostean caudal fin
LXXI. The effect of dust and smoke on the ionization of air
IV.—Petrology and Structure of the Pyritic Field of Huelva, Spain
The Liability of an Undisclosed Principal
Observations of Halley's Comet and Venus
Notes sur Auguste Comte par un de ses disciples.Deroisin
Ohio: The Legislative Session in.
Outline of a Theory of Social Motives
Einwirkung von Kalf auf Tannentrockentorf
The Normal Shape of the Stomach; Its Physical and Dietetic Therapy.
Repeaters in the Upper Grammar Grades
Zur Behandlung des habituellen Abortus
Discussion on ``Potential Stresses in Dielectrics''. New York, October 14, 1910
Personal Experience of Spinal Analgesia
Die kolloide Substanz von Tonen und ihre Messung
Studies on the venous pulse. i : a study of the diastolic waves of the venous pulse, with especial reference to the possibility of a wave due to the contraction of the venous region of the mammalian heart.
The Psychoneurosis, a Review of the Present Status of Hysteria and Neurasthenia.
The Determination of Copper in Blister and Refining Copper
Ein Beitrag zur Frage über kombinierte Narkosen
A Contribution to the Study of the Pathological Anatomy of Deaf-Mutism
On an integral equation with an adjoined condition
Economic Crises and Stock Security Values
Tungsten Lamps
Phosphorus in Flesh.
The Danish North-East Greenland Expedition, 1906-8: Provisional Results
Recherches sur l'effet photoélectrique de Hertz
The Modern Oil Switch with Special Reference to Systems of Moderate Voltage and Large Ampere Capacity
Some Late Spring Flowers
The Water Supply, Sewerage and Plumbing of Modern City Buildings
The Child and His Religion.
The German Excavations at Jericho
The Vernon Disputisoun Bytwene a Cristenemon and a Jew.
A Fatal Case of Cocaine Poisoning
Social Work as a Profession
Application of potassium ferricyanide in alkaline solution to the estimation of arsenic, antimony and tin
Ueber die Darstellung kolloider Metalle mit Hilfe von Akrolein
Zur Diagnose und Therapie der Blasensteine beim Kinde1)
Bestimmung des Lithiums im Wasser
Influences Affecting Security Prices and Values
The Logical Basis of Woman Suffrage
Approximation in Method Versus Approximation in Arithmetic
Variation and Correlation in Rays and Disk Florets of Aster fastigiatus
Facts About the "Lobster Pearl"
Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der äußeren und somit auch der inneren Bodenoberfläche
An experimental study of the epiphysis, with special reference to the retardation and stimulation of growth
Barometric Indices of the Condition of Trade
Zur Lokalisation und Histologie der systematisierten Naevi
Science and Education
Citizenship for the Porto Ricans
Treatment of Detachment of the Retina
The Income Tax Amendment
Ein Fall von Sporotrichose
Ueber psychische Ursachen geistiger Störungen
The Study of Homeric Religion
Über die Repräsentation der Sensibilität in der Hirnrinde: Erörterung eines Falles von dauernder isolierter Sensibilitätsstörung cortikalen Ursprungs
Methods of Asphalt Examination.
First year science
Age Problems in Industrial Hygiene.
Zum Nachweis von Formaldehyd in mit Formalin denaturiertem Alkohol
Ueber einen Fall von Kaolinbildung im Granit durch einen kalten Säuerling
Zur Genese der Leberzirrhose
Die Therapie der Pericarditis
The volumetric determination of cerium in cerite and monazite.
Laboratory Tests of Lubricants—Interpretation of Analyses.
A Difference in the Photoelectric Effect caused by Incident and Divergent Light
The Therapeutical Value of the Lactic-Acid Bacillus
Conservation of Water Powers
Studien über Brennstoffketten
VI. Retroperitoneal Hernia of the Pericaecal Type: Report of a Case with References to the Literature.
Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Orbitalphlegmone. Hochgradige Verbiegung und lakunäre Faserdegeneration im Optikus
III. A Tourniquet for the Control of Hemorrhage from the Scalp during Osteoplastic Resection of the Skull.
The fundamental conditions of surgical shock
Radiation and Absorption
An analysis of illumination requirements in street lighting
Malignant Degeneration of Benign Diseases of the Breast
Changes induced in the blood of rabbits by living in an atmosphere of water gas.
LXXIII. The change of resistance of metals in a magnetic field at different temperatures
Einige Farbenreaktionen des Pyrrols
Sociology and the State
Moss Flora of the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota
Die Bedeutung der Thymusdrüse für die Chirurgie
Über die Prognose der Studiennenrasthenie.
The Relief of Roaring in Horses by Excision of the Left Laryngeal Ventricle.
Regions et Pays de France
Sir Hubert Parry on Bach
Verhandlungen der Wiener dermatologischen Gesellschaft: Sitzung vom 26. Januar 1910
Recent Quantitative Studies on Variation in Social Insects
The Absorption Spectra of Certain Salts in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solutions
LXXV.Boltzmann's law of probability e-hx
The Carnegie Foundation and Some American Educational Problems
The Persberg mines
Rupture of Uterine Myoma, Due to a Fall, with Intraperitoneal Hæmorrhage.*
The influence of oils and of lecithin on the protein metabolism
The New York Exhibition of Independent Artists
East and Central Sumatra@@@Auf neuen Wegen durch Sumatra. Forschungsreisen in Ost- und Zentral-Sumatra, 1907
L'hélium dans l'air de Naples et du Vésuve
LXII.—Two new mammals from the Malay Peninsula
The Automatic Telephone in Relation to City Service
The Inadvisability of Woman Suffrage
Schilddrüsenschwäche und Zuckerhunger
The Old School and the New
Some experimental work with materials for plugging sinuses and bone cavities
Ueber die Bildung von kolloiden Goldlösungen bei der Selbstoxydation von Aurochlorid
The Problem of Ventilation.
Recent and Pending Constitutional Changes in England
LA “SALOMÉ” de Richard Strauss.
Retrobulbar Optic Neuritis Familiaris: Two Cases
Apparatus for drying flasks, etc.1
Ueber den Komplementgehalt des Blutes Krebskranker
The Subjective Element in the First Principles of Taxation
Die Bilharziakrankheit der Harnblase1)
The Secondary Radiation Produced by the Beta Rays of Radium
A Further Study of Retardation in Illinois.
Dry Air and Its Effect on Health.
Impure Manganese Di-oxide
The role of the foot and leg muscles in flat-foot
Journal of Our Mission to Fez
Studies on experimental arterial lesions in the dog
Über die Schädlichkeit und Brauchbarkeit unserer modernen Lichtquellen
Progress of Survey in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
The Great Open-Air Telescope
Azeton und Kreatinin
Die direkte Messung des osmotischen Drucks
Heterotypic Mitosis in Lilium
Discussion on ``Determination of Transformer Regulation Under Load Conditions and Some Resulting Investigations''. Jefferson, N. H., June 29, 1910
Bestimmung der flüchtigen Säuren im Weine mittels des Apparates von Bötticher
Cases of Acquired Deaf-Mutism due to Congenital Syphilis
The Salary Loan Business in New York City.C. W. Wassam
Electric Railway Catenary Trolley Construction
The blood-pressure in epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis
Beitrag zur Pathologie und Klinik der Darmokklusion
Norsk geologisk tidsskrift (Norwegian Geological Magazine), Vol. 1. J. O. Brögger
Über die Beeinflussung der Psoriasis vulgaris durch die Arsentherapie
Sexuality of the Rusts
American Telegraph Engineering-Notes on History and Practice
Headlight Tests
The Giant form of Primula sinensis
Secondary Growth in Monocotyledons