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Discover 103 research papers published on
1st May, 2011 starting with "Z"

Zeros, Quality, and Space: Trade Theory and Trade Evidence
Zinc stimulates osteoblastogenesis and suppresses osteoclastogenesis by antagonizing NF-κB activation.
Zinc oxide nanoparticle induced genotoxicity in primary human epidermal keratinocytes.
Zonally symmetric changes in the strength and position of the Southern Westerlies drove atmospheric CO2 variations over the past 14 k.y.
Zircon geochronology, geochemistry and origin of the TTG suites of the Rio Maria granite-greenstone terrane: Implications for the growth of the Archean crust of the Carajás province, Brazil
Zebrafish Fukutin family proteins link the unfolded protein response with dystroglycanopathies
Zircons in the Shenglikou ultrahigh-pressure garnet peridotite massif and its country rocks from the North Qaidam terrane (western China): Meso-Neoproterozoic crust–mantle coupling and early Paleozoic convergent plate-margin processes
Zoonotic linkage and variation in Cryptosporidium parvum from patients in the United Kingdom
Zebrafish for the study of the biological effects of nicotine.
ZnT2-overexpression represses the cytotoxic effects of zinc hyper-accumulation in malignant metallothionein-null T47D breast tumor cells
Zymosan-mediated inflammation impairs in vivo reverse cholesterol transport
Zeeman splitting of 6.7 GHz methanol masers On the uncertainty of magnetic field strength determinations
ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles for ferrofluids: A combined XANES and XRD study
Zebrafish deficient for Muscleblind-like 2 exhibit features of myotonic dystrophy.
Z ' model for the CDF dijet anomaly
Zebrafish limb development is triggered by a retinoic acid signal during gastrulation.
Zirconium nitride nano-particulate reinforced Alon composites: Fabrication, mechanical properties and toughening mechanisms
Zero-order release of 5-fluorouracil from PCL-based films featuring trilayered structures for stent application.
Zipf rank approach and cross-country convergence of incomes
Zinc induces disorder-to-order transitions in free and membrane-associated Thellungiella salsuginea dehydrins TsDHN-1 and TsDHN-2: a solution CD and solid-state ATR-FTIR study
Zona pellucida glycoprotein 3 (pZP3) and integrin β2 (ITGB2) mRNA and protein expression in porcine oocytes after single and double exposure to brilliant cresyl blue test.
ZEB1 is estrogen responsive in vitro in human foreskin cells and is over expressed in penile skin in patients with severe hypospadias.
Zwei Dodekahydro‐closo‐Dodekaborate mit Lone‐Pair‐Kationen der 6. Periode im Vergleich: Tl2[B12H12] und Pb(H2O)3[B12H12]·3H2O
Zooplankton spatial and diurnal variations in the Changjiang River estuary before operation of the Three Gorges Dam
Zn2+ selectively stabilizes FdU-substituted DNA through a unique major groove binding motif
Zum Ansatz eines kritischen Chloridgehaltes bei Stahlbetonbauwerken
Zircon effect alone insufficient to generate seawater Nd-Hf isotope relationships
Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Sieb and Zucc. Extract inhibits growth and induces cell death through G2/M-phase arrest and activation of apoptotic signals in colo 205 human colon adenocarcinoma cells
Zinc‐blende (cubic) GaN bulk crystals grown by molecular beam epitaxy
'Zoonoses? Not sure what that is...' An assessment of knowledge of zoonoses among medical students in India.
Zinc(II)‐selective ratiometric fluorescent probe based on perylene bisimide derivative
Zone Tillage Impacts on Organic Carbon of a Clay Loam in Southwestern Ontario
Zoonotic onchocerciasis in Hiroshima, Japan, and molecular analysis of a paraffin section of the agent for a reliable identification
Zalypsis has in vitro activity in acute myeloid blasts and leukemic progenitor cells through the induction of a DNA damage response
Zerocrossing-based nonuniform sampling to deliver low-frequency fine structure cue for cochlear implant
Zeranol Induces Cell Proliferation and Protein Disulfide Isomerase Expression in Mammary Gland of ACI Rat
Zooplankton as natural live food for three different fish species under concrete ponds with mono-and polyculture conditions
Zero entropy versus infinite entropy
Zur Wirksamkeit von Umweltzonen: Design einer Studie zur Ermittlung der Schadstoffkonzentrationsänderung für Staubpartikel (PM10) und andere Größen durch Einführung von Umweltzonen in 20 deutschen Städten
Zur Steigerung der Wirkung passiver Absorber: Schall in Raumkanten schlucken!
Zero Dipole Formation at HfGdO/SiO2 Interface by Hf/Gd Dual-Sputtered Method
Zeolite and Hucalcia as Coating Material for Improving Quality of NPK Fertilizer in Costal Sandy Soil
Zwitterionic-Type Molten Salt: A Mild and Efficient Organocatalyst for the Synthesis of 3-Aminoalkylated Indoles via Three-Component Coupling Reaction
Zollinger–Ellison Syndrome: Still a Diagnostic Challenge in the 21st Century?
Zinc recovery from an effluent using Ionquest 290: From laboratory scale to pilot plant
Zementitnachweis zur Unterscheidung von Bainitstufen in modernen, niedriglegierten Mehrphasenstählen
Zur psychosozialen Belastung exzessiver und abhängiger Computerspieler im Jugend- und Erwachsenenalter
Zirconium oxide-based compounds as non-Pt cathode for polymer electrolyte fuel cell
Zmiany impedancji elektrod u użytkowników implantów ślimakowych
ZnO epitaxy on SiC( 0 0 0 1̄) substrate: Comparison with ZnO/SiC(0 0 0 1) heterostructure
Zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes based on 2-(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-6-(4-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine-4-carboxylic acid: Synthesis, structure and luminescence
ZBLAN supercontinuum generation — Detailed comparison between measurement and simulation
Zero-effective-phase bandgaps in photonic multilayers: analytic expressions for band-edge frequencies and broadband omnidirectional reflection
ZnO Nanopowders by a Microwave Hydrothermal Method - Influence of the Precursor Type on Grain Sizes
ZP1848, a Novel GLP-2 Agonist, Provides a Wide Window of Therapeutic Efficacy in the Experimental Crohn's Disease Model
Zur Verwendung von Interaktionsdiagrammen beim Nachweis axial‐zyklisch belasteter Pfähle
ZOOM: a genetic screening study of Niemann-Pick disease type C in adults with neurological and psychiatric signs
Zilver PTX randomized trial of paclitaxel-eluting stents for femoropopliteal artery disease: 24-month update
Zwitterionic (E)-1-[(4-nitro­phen­yl)iminio­meth­yl]naphthalen-2-olate
Zosteriform cutaneous metastasis of renal cell carcinoma.
Zeitaufgelöste 3D3K Geschwindigkeitsfeldmessungen mit der fernmikroskopischen Astigmatismus PTV zur Analyse der elektrochemischen Kupferabscheidung
Zebrafish As a Tool to Study Autism
Zn-Al-Mg alloy hot dip galvanized steel sheet and producing method therefor
ZnO Thin Films Deposited on Sapphire by High Vacuum High Temperature Sputtering
Зелений шлях відкритого доступу. Репозитарії та їх роль у науковій комунікації: перші двадцять років
Zelluläre Immunantwortbei der Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion: Rolle undklinische Relevanz der CD154-Expression
ZipfAllocation: an algorithm for static allocation of movies in a cluster of video servers
Zur Antinomie von "weiblichem" und "männlichem" Glück in Lessings Minna von Barnhelm
Zosteriform venous malformations with an atypical presentation.
Заболевания кожи и слизистых оболочек у больных с ВИЧ-инфекцией
重複閱讀及文章難度對閱讀之影響The Effects of Repeated Reading and Text Difficulty on Fifth Grade Reading Performance
Zinc oxide has developed a case of acne (A perspective on the article, “Nanostructure Growth-Induced Defect Formation and Band Bending at ZnO Surfaces”, by T. A. Merz, D. R. Doutt, T. Bolton, Y. Dong, and L. J. Brillson)
Zinc Modulation Of The Innate Immune Response Via Regulation Of A20
Zukunftsfähige Wasserwirtschaft - kosteneffizient und energiebewusst
Zahntrauma: Klassifikation, Terminologie, Risikofaktoren und Verhalten am Unfallort
Zephyr™ – A Novel “Aircushion” Patient Transportation System for Transferring Brachytherapy Patients for Imaging and Treatment While Minimizing Risk of Applicator Displacement
Zhivago's children: the last Russian intelligentsia, by Vladislav Zubok, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 453 pp. + illustrations, US$35.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-0674033443
Ząbkowanie – fizjologia czy istotny problem pediatryczny wymagający interwencji terapeutycznej?
Zola: Colorist, Abstractionist
Значение гибкости в тренировочной деятельности дзюдоисток
Zum Einfluss von Ernährung und Aktivität auf die Knochendichte perimenopausaler Frauen – die Perimenopausale Knochendichte und Ovulation (PEKNO)-Studie
Zeno all-optical switching in a silicon ring resonator using inverse Raman scattering
Zur Interdependenz von Regulierung und interner Unternehmensrechnung — Netzübergänge im Rahmen der Anreizregulierung
Zeyneb Hanoum: Turkish Traveling Pioneer in 19th Century Paris
Zola's Philosemitism: From L'argent to Verite
Zombie language: The parody of newspaper columns in Quim Monzó's radio commentaries
Zainichi Korean Identity and Ethnicity . By David Chapman. London and New York: Routledge, 2008. x, 182 pp. $170.00 (cloth); $39.95 (paper).
Zn-Doped Palygorskite Loaded TiO2 for Visible-Light Active Catalysts
Zwischen Science und Fiction
Zakażenia przestrzeni głębokich szyi w materiale klinicznym Kliniki Otolaryngologii w Krakowie
Zufriedenheit psychosomatischer Reha-Patienten mit der Musiktherapie
Zeno or anti-zeno: Which is more useful ?
Zastosowanie spektroskopii magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego w celu oceny mózgowego stężenia fenyloalaniny u chorych na fenyloketonurię
Zirconia : What Consequences with Its Use for Dental Restorations
Zjawisko podwyższonej funkcji względnej nerki u dzieci z rozpoznaniem jednostronnego wodonercza w renoscyntygrafii 99mTc-EC
Zur Protophysik der Zeit: Antwort auf die Vorgebliche Widerlegung von H. Andreas nebst einer Anmerkung über die Tragweite protophysikalischer Begründungsansprüche
Zinc Oxide Thin Films Grown on Nanostructured Al Thin Layer/Glass Substrate by RF Magnetron Sputtering
Zum Lehren und Lernen von Phraseologismen im DaF-Studium. Überlegungen zu Inhalten und Methoden ihrer Vermittlung anhand eines Unterrichtsmodells