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Discover 119 research papers published on
1st October, 2011 starting with "Z"

ZnO/montmorillonite for photocatalytic and photochemical degradation of methylene blue
Zombie economics: how dead ideas still walk among us
Zeolite films and membranes. Emerging applications
ZCN8 encodes a potential orthologue of Arabidopsis FT florigen that integrates both endogenous and photoperiod flowering signals in maize
Zhang Neural Network Versus Gradient Neural Network for Solving Time-Varying Linear Inequalities
Zinc Finger Protein5 Is Required for the Control of Trichome Initiation by Acting Upstream of Zinc Finger Protein8 in Arabidopsis
Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf-O isotopes and whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic geochemistry of granitoids in the Jinshajiang suture zone, SW China:Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean
Zernike-Moment-Based Image Super Resolution
Zigbee in Wireless Networking
Zinc Signaling in the Hippocampus and Its Relation to Pathogenesis of Depression
Zinc absorption and zinc status are reduced after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a randomized study using 2 supplements
Zinc and iron concentration and SOD activity in human semen and seminal plasma
Zinc-doped dentin adhesive for collagen protection at the hybrid layer.
Zinc-finger transcription factors are associated with guanine quadruplex motifs in human, chimpanzee, mouse and rat promoters genome-wide.
Zinc recovery from franklinite by sulphation roasting
Zaditen (Ketotifen), as mast cell blocker, improves sperm quality, chromatin integrity and pregnancy rate after varicocelectomy.
Zotero: A bibliographic assistant to researcher.
Zinc deprivation inhibits extracellular matrix calcification through decreased synthesis of matrix proteins in osteoblasts.
Zoonotic ascariasis, United Kingdom.
Zinc complexes with guanidine-pyridine hybrid ligands - guanidine effect and catalytic activity
Z -Pin Composites: Aerospace Structural Design Considerations
Z-ligustilide isolated from Radix Angelicae sinensis ameliorates the memory impairment induced by scopolamine in mice.
Zinc monotherapy from time of diagnosis for young pediatric patients with presymptomatic Wilson disease.
Zinc homeostasis and gut function in children with celiac disease
Zinc-graphite composite coating for anti-fouling application
Zinc, Vitamin A, and Micronutrient Supplementation in Children with Diarrhea: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Combination Therapy versus Monotherapy
Zero-Valent Iron: Impact of Anions Present during Synthesis on Subsequent Nanoparticle Reactivity
Zeolite synthesis from Brazilian coal fly ash for removal of Zn2+ and Cd2+ from water
Zootoxic effects of reduviid Rhynocoris marginatus (Fab.) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) venomous saliva on Spodoptera litura (Fab.).
Zero Energy Building
Zeolitic-type Brønsted-Lowry sites distribution imaged on clinochlore
"Zeus" a new oral anticoagulant therapy dosing algorithm : A cohort study
Zimbabwean farmers in Nigeria: exceptional farmers or spectacular support?
Zone-divided and energy-balanced clustering routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
Zygosaccharomyces bailii inactivation by means of UV light and low-frequency ultrasound treatments.
Zeolite metastability as a function of the composition of the surrounding solution: The case of faujasite and zeolite omega
Zeros of nonpositive type of generalized Nevanlinna functions with one negative square
Zigbee performance during severe interruptions in electric power systems
Zinc opposes genotoxicity of cadmium and vanadium but not of lead.
Zobellella aerophila sp. nov., isolated from seashore sand, and emended description of the genus Zobellella.
Zeit- und Einkommensarmut von Selbständigen als Freiberufler und Unternehmer – Ein Beitrag zu interdependenter multidimensionaler Armut und zu den „working poor“
Zur Bildungsbeteiligung ausländischer Schüler an Förderschulen – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der spezifischen Staatsangehörigkeit
Zero power consumption visual curvature sensor by flexible interferometer
Zero-order bows in radially inhomogeneous spheres: direct and inverse problems
Zinc and cancer
Zimbabwe's Land Reform: Myths and realities
Zeta potential of organic soil in presence of calcium chloride, cement and polyvinyl alcohol
Zero-cross-correlation properties of asymmetric ZCZ sequence sets
Zoning for Conservation Easements
Zwischen Care und Career
Zosteriform cutaneous metastasis: a primary manifestation of carcinoma breast, rare case report.
Zunehmende Einkommensungleichheit und wachsendes Armutsrisiko während des letzten Jahrzehnts
Z drug zombies: parasomnia, drug effect or both?
Zylinderkopf mit einem integrierten abgaskrümmer für eine brennkraftmaschine und verfahren zur herstellung eines gussbauteils, insbesondere eines zylinderkopfs für eine brennkraftmaschine
Zinc and eye diseases.
Zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Stahlkonstruktionen für regenerative Energien
Zwei deutsche Lastenausgleiche – Eine kritische Würdigung
Zur Frage eines europäischen Allgemeinen Teils des Strafrechts
Zenith Low Profile AAA endovascular graft and global pivotal clinical trial.
Zinc Base Assisted Aminationof 2-Chloropyrimidines by Aniline Derivatives at Room Temperature
Zero-Feedback, Collaborative Beamforming for Emergency Radio: Asymptotic Analysis
Zero-energy Majorana modes in spin ladders and a possible realization of the Kitaev model
Zoneamento ambiental aplicado à conservação do solo e da água
Zveřejnění nekontrolních podílů v rozvaze
Zero-crossing distortion analysis in one cycle controlled boost PFC for Low THD
Zero Tolerance Policies and Terroristic Threatening in Schools
Zur Sicherheit kritischer Infrastrukturen unter außergewöhnlichen multiplen Gefährdungen
Zonage en aires urbaines 2010 : le centre se densifie, le périurbain s'étend
Zonal Flows Driven by Small-Scale Drift-Alfven Modes
Zinc deficiency in a breast-fed baby.
Zwei-skaliger Ansatz zur Aktualisierung landwirtschaftlicher Referenzkulissen (LPIS)
‘Zie, denk, voel, vraag, spreek, hoor en verwonder’: afstand en nabijheid bij geschiedenisonderwijs en erfgoededucatie in Nederland
(Z)-Methyl 3-(2,4-dichloro-phen-yl)-2-[(2-formyl-phen-oxy)meth-yl]acrylate.
ZnO thermal neutron scintillators designed for high sensitivity and gamma-ray discrimination
Zero discharge fermentation plant design
Zooplankton Diversity in the Water Resource Area of the Mid-Line Project of South to North Water Division
Zielgerichtete Therapie für Patienten mit Schilddrüsenkarzinom
Zipper tape and zipper stringer
"Zion's Self-Engulfing Light": On Gershom Scholem's Disillusionment with Zionism
Zwischen Können und Tun liegt ein großes Meer und auf seinem Grunde die gescheiterte Willenskraft
Z dziejów ochotniczych straży pożarnych w gminie Szadek
Zinc Ammonium Chloride
ジシランの逐次的なSi-H, Si-Si結合活性化を利用した白金-ケイ素クラスターの合成
Задачный подход как средство развития технологического мышления студентов технического ссуза
Zoledronic acid in early-stage breast cancer.
(Z)-Methyl 2-[(4-bromo-2-formyl­phen­oxy)meth­yl]-3-o-tolyl­acrylate
Zur Dialektik von Verdinglichung und Freiheit
Zróżnicowanie flory roślin naczyniowych w uroczysku Rzepiszew
Zoledronic acid (Reclast) prescribing information to list renal dysfunction as contraindication
ZnO-SnO 2 core-shell nanowire networks and their gas sensing characteristics
Zinc Electroplating Industry Effluent Residue on Growth, Biochemical Characteristics and Yield of Lady’s Finger Abelmoschus Esculentus
Zur Bewertung von Bodengüte und Ertragspotentialen in Agrarlandschaften
Zahnheilkunde bei Kaninchen und Nagern - Lehrbuch und Atlas
(Z)-Methyl 2-bromo-methyl-3-(2-chloro-phen-yl)acrylate.
Zirkulierende Vorläuferzellen: Von der Zelle zum Gefäß
脂肪酸,コレステロール,dhaなど脂質の臓器や細胞での取り込みと排泄機構に関する最新情報 (特集 生物機能における脂質の重要性)
Zensur und Bibliotheken : historische Reminiszenz oder Dauerthema?
Zoospore production in relation to temperature for current P. infestans genotypes
ZIELGRUPPE UNTERNEHMER 50PLUS: Ruhestand versus Neustart
症例 腹腔鏡補助下に切除した小腸muco-submucosal elongated polypの1例
主要國家中小企業創新研發計畫(SBIR, Small Business Innovation Research)推動趨勢與對我國借鏡之探討
中学生の問題行動動機と問題行動の関係 ―〈規範文化の低い学校〉と〈規範文化の高い学校〉の比較からの検討―
Zero Point Energy from the Viewpoint of an Alternative Concept of Space According to the BSM-Supergravitation Unified Theory
Zero partial-period correlation zone sequence sets for MIMO channel estimation
ZnO film preparation by reactive sputtering method
Zero duality gap for convex programs: a general result
Zooplankton Diversity from Godavari River Water (Maharashtra)
Zur Aussagekraft von Frühindikatoren für Staatsschuldkrisen in Europa
Ziggurats and rotation numbers
Zur Dynamik prosozialen Verhaltens in einem asymmetrischen sozialen Dilemma: ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Spieltheorie The Dynamics of Pro-social Behavior in an Asymmetric Social Dilemma: A Behavioral Game-Theoretic Approach
Związki pomiędzy wysklepieniem podłużnym stóp a wybranymi cechami morfologicznymi studentów wybranych uczelni Podkarpacia i Podbeskidzia / Correlations between the longitudinal and chosen morphological characteristics in students of colleges in Podkarpackie Province and Podbeskidzkie Region
Zero Error Analysis and Compensation of No-Beat Time Division Multiplier
ZnO Nanostructures and Field Emission Properties on Cu Substrate Achieved by Electrodeposition Method
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