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Discover 139 research papers published on
1st October, 2013 starting with "Y"

Young students using iPads: App design and content influences on their learning pathways
Yeast Nop2 and Rcm1 methylate C2870 and C2278 of the 25S rRNA, respectively
Yoga and social support reduce prenatal depression, anxiety and cortisol
Yield of molecular and clinical testing for arrhythmia syndromes: report of 15 years' experience
Yield and size of oyster mushroom grown on rice/wheat straw basal substrate supplemented with cotton seed hull
Young infants have biological expectations about animals
Young Innovative Companies: the new high-growth firms?
“You Need to Stop Talking about This!”: Verbal Rumination and the Costs of Social Support
YabA and DnaD inhibit helix assembly of the DNA replication initiation protein DnaA.
Young children's mapping between arrays, number words, and digits.
Yield, chemical composition and nutritional quality responses of carrot, radish and turnip to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Yttrium-90 Microsphere-selective Internal Radiation Therapy With Chemotherapy (Chemo-SIRT) for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases: An In Vivo Double-Arm–Controlled Phase II Trial
Young people as partners in research: experiences from an interactive research circle with adolescent girls:
You can't stop the music: Reduced auditory alpha power and coupling between auditory and memory regions facilitate the illusory perception of music during noise
You scratch someone's back and we'll scratch yours: Collective reciprocity in social Q&A communities
You spy with your little eye: People are “blind” to some of the ways in which they are consensually seen by others
"You're just one of the group when you're embedded": report from a mixed-method investigation of the research-embedded health librarian experience.
Yerba-mate (Ilex paraguariensis) extract prevents ethanol-induced liver injury in rats
Ya he diagnosticado el estilo de aprendizaje de mis alumnos y ahora ¿qué hago?
Yellow fever revaccination guidelines change – a decision too feverish?
Yeast Reveal a ‘Druggable’ Rsp5/Nedd4 Network That Ameliorates α-Synuclein Toxicity in Neurons
Young adults' recreational social environment as a predictor of ecstasy use initiation: findings of a population‐based prospective study
Yellow Fever outbreak in Darfur, Sudan in October 2012; the initial outbreak investigation report
Young viscous flows in the Lowell crater of Orientale basin, Moon: Impact melts or volcanic eruptions?
Yearly update : exascale projections for 2013.
Young adults of ethnic minority background on the Norwegian labour market: The interactional co-construction of exclusion by employers and customers:
Yeast and bacterial diversity along a transect in an acidic, As–Fe rich environment revealed by cultural approaches
Yield and quality of tomato grown under organic and conventional nutrient management
Yemeni women's perceptions of own authority during childbirth: what does it have to do with achieving the Millennium Development Goals?
Young People Who Have Been Maltreated: Different Needs—Different Responses?
Yönetim kurulu ve üst yönetimde yer alan kadınların finansal performansa etkisi: Türkiye'ye ilişkin bulgular
Yield and nutrition of sunflower fertilized with sewage sludge stabilized by different processes
You cannot gamble on others: Dissociable systems for strategic uncertainty and risk in the brain
Young Lives Working Paper 103. Teacher Training and Development in Ethiopia: Improving Education Quality by Developing Teacher Skills, Attitudes and Work Conditions
Youth development programs in Central Australian Aboriginal communities: A review of the literature
Yield and Grain Quality of Hulless Spring Barley in Field Trials Under Different Nitrogen Management Conditions
You get what you select for: better swarming through more flagella.
Yield performance and pest resistance among peanut genotypes when grown without fungicides or insecticides
"You Can Tell Just By Looking": And 20 Other Myths about LGBT Life and People
Yarrowia lipolytica as Normal Human Flora: A Case Series of 24 Patients With Positive Cultures and No Attributable Disease
Yom Kippur and Jewish public culture in Israel
You Can't Put God in a Box: Thoughtful Spirituality in a Rational Age
Young Friesian horses show familial aggregation in fitness response to a 7-week performance test
Young Children's Understanding of Beliefs about Moral and Conventional Rule Violations.
열간압연 클래드강의 맞대기용접부 내식성 및 용접성 평가
Youtube traffic content analysis in the perspective of clip category and duration
Yield analysis of a novel wafer manipulation method in 3D stacking
Young Physicians' Recall about Pediatric Training in Ethics and Professionalism and Its Practical Utility
Young Lives Working Paper 101. Decomposing MultidimensionalPoverty Dynamics
Yeast hEST1A/B (SMG5/6)–Like Proteins Contribute to Environment-Sensing Adaptive Gene Expression Responses
Young Lives Working Paper 105. Living in Urban Areas due for Redevelopment: Views of Children and their Families in Addis Ababa and Hawassa
Yellow palms and soles: A rare skin manifestation in diabetes mellitus.
蘊涵句型分析於改進中文文字蘊涵識別系統 (Entailment Analysis for Improving Chinese Recognizing Textual Entailment System) [In Chinese]
Young stars in the Galactic center
Year 3 of Implementing the Common Core State Standards: Transitioning to CCSS-Aligned Curriculum and Assessments for Students with Disabilities.
유근피 가루를 첨가 한 머핀의 품질 특성
Young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) assemblage sampling as a tool for assessing the ecological quality of running waters
Yogic Identities: Tradition and Transformation
여성결혼이민자의 사회적 지지와 관련 변인 메타분석
Young people's perceptions of computing careers
You Know Nothing of My Work: (Mis)Reading Philip Roth and Woody Allen
Your Right to Look like an Ugly Criminal: Resolving the Circuit Split over Mug Shots and the Freedom of Information Act
"You Can't Film Here": Queer Political Fantasy and Thin Critique of Israeli Occupation in the Bubble
Yield and mode of diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 3 or cancer among women with negative cervical cytology and positive high-risk human papillomavirus test results.
Yves Lugrin, Impardonnable Ferenczi. Malaise dans la transmission
Young Children's Self-Regulated Learning: A Reflection on Pintrich's Model From a Microanalytic Perspective
연기금의 주식투자 장기성과 분석에 대한 연구
研究・実務に役立つ!リーガル・リサーチ入門 第13回 外国法情報の世界
You are what you read: Text selection and cultural capital in the (globalising) English classroom
Young stellar disks formed by the collision of a molecular cloud with a circumnuclear disk at the galactic center
'You kiss in Westerns': cultural translation in Moustapha Alassane's 'Le retour d'un aventurier'
Yield elements of sweet corn in different population densities
Young biostatisticians in Spain: career or race?
You Can Have Your Trust and Calculativeness, Too: Uncertainty, Trustworthiness and the Williamson Thesis
Yield tables for teak (Tectona grandis L.) in the state of Campeche
Young children's difficulty in disregarding information from external features when matching unfamiliar faces.
연변 지역 한자어 접두사의 의미 기능에 대하여
“Yes, Novels”: Evelina, Cecilia and Belinda, or, the Beginning of the Novel of Manners, Revisited
Young adults' perceptions of their school years: Gaining insights into the complexities of identified factors related to future academic choices
Yellow book writers
Yabancı Marka İsimlerinin İnternet Tüketicisinin Satın Alma Davranışları Üzerine Etkisi: Teknolojik Ürünler Üzerine bir Araştırma
Yvonne Knibiehler, maternité et féminisme
의사위성을 이용한 광역보정정보 전송시스템
유연 프로펠러의 제작 정도가 단독성능에 미치는 영향
Youth Militias and the Militarisaton of the Niger Delta: Interrogating Institutional Mechanisms
Youth, Society and Mobile Media in Asia
Young Lives Working Paper 104. Should Parents Work Away from or Close to Home? : The Effect of Temporary Parental Absence on Child Poverty and Children’s Time Use in Vietnam
유아교육기관별 유아체육의 운영실태, 문제점 및 활성화 방안
Young Non-Smokers' Insights into Graphic Health Warnings on Cigarette Packaging: An Application of ZMET
YONGSAN ZENG, WEIMIN YE, JIANGHUA HUANG, CHANGHUI LI & ROBIN M. GIBLIN-DAVIS (2013) Description of Schistonchus altissimus n. sp. (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae), an associate of Ficus altissima in China. Zootaxa , 3700 (4), 561–572.
유치원 교사의 소진과 이직의도의 관계
유산소운동이 비만청소년의 혈장 Apelin과 사이토카인 수준 및 인슐린저항성에 미치는 영향
Young Lives Working Paper 106. Moving to Condominium Housing? Views about the Prospect among Children and their Families in Addis Ababa and Hawassa
연구논문 : 부모의 긍정적 학습관여 행동과 자기결정성 동기, 학업 자아개념, 인지적 자기조절학습전략 간의 관계
You are what you eat.
You child is just wonderful
의료인을 위한 직무 스트레스 관리 프로그램 개발 및 효과
Young athlete with sudden cardiac arrest treated with therapeutic hypothermia
Yuchi Indian Histories Before the Removal Era
의료용 wban 환경에서 경쟁 기반의 mac 프로토콜을 위한 우선순위 기반 채널 접근 알고리즘
You are not what you eat during stress: an isotopic evaluation of human hair from belleville, ontario
열매유 보일러 내부화재에 따른 온도 및 속도분포 해석
医療安全から見た小児rapid response systemの評価
예비 어머니의 산전애착과 배우자 지지, 부모효능감 간의 관계
Yabancı dil öğretmeni yeterliklerinde kültür öğesi: Türkiye ve Çin karşılaştırması
양방향재하시험에서 재하장치 위치 선정에 관한 연구
역4차식 곡선근사에 의한 판재 성형한계변형률의 결정
유해대기오염물질 배출원 관리의 변천과 개선방향
York Mason procedure to repair iatrogenic rectourinary fistula.
용사법에 의해 제조된 Al/SiC 복합재료의 마모거동 (2)
蓮根의 신경 보호 효과 및 기전연구
유방암 환자의 항우울제 처방 현황 및 영향요인 연구
유동가시화를 이용한 혼-타의 간극유동 차단장치 효과에 관한 실험적 검증
Your Eyes Don't do the Math: Effect of Temporal Display Protocols on Perceived Brightness
의정평가 기준에 관한 시론
역방향 가시빈도 분석에 의한 조망점의 유효성 평가
유도전압합성기를 이용한 고전압 펄스발생기 설계
양극성 자기유도센서의 성능 향상을 위한 퍼지 추론 시스템
Yarı Rijit Birleşimli Çelik Çerçevelerin Kat Öteleme ve Birleşim Dönmelerinin İncelenmesi
용접변형 고정도 예측을 위한 지배인자의 특정
語料庫導向之方位短句於固定框架的共現概念統計分析 (A Corpus-driven Pattern Analysis in Locative Phrases: A Statistical Comparison of Co-appearing Concepts in Fixed Frames) [In Chinese]
以狄式分佈為基礎之多語聲學模型拆分及合併 (Multilingual Acoustic Model Splitting and Merging by Latent Dirichlet Allocation) [In Chinese]
Yes, what about prions?
용접이상화에 의한 용접부정의 예측과 정도
Yes, we can define an infant's need from the composition of human milk as long as the breastmilk derives from mothers with healthy lifestyles
양안에 발생한 급성 황반 신경망막병증 1예
유리 로트만의 ‘수행적’ 주체: “일상행위의 시학” 다시읽기
Young stellar objects close to Sgr A
여성용 골반 교정 좌판의 효과 분석
용접변형의 고정도 예측을 위한 지배인자의 정당성 검증
염료 감응형 태양전지에서 시간의 경과에 따른 셀의 특성 저하 연구
Yard Bay Allocation Method for Twin 40ft Container Terminal-Oriented
Yochai Benkler. El Pingüino y el Leviatán. Barcelona, Ediciones Deusto, 2012, 218 págs.
연구용 Ka-band 구름레이더와 천리안위성으로 관측된 운정고도 비교
Yamuna Body Rollingが筋弾性と運動能力に及ぼす影響
유치원 교사의 소진과 이직의도의 관계 :사회적 지지의 조절효과
열수추출조건이 동결건조 오미자의 추출 및 항산화 특성에 미치는 영향
영상에 종속적인 매개변수를 갖는 이동 선형 보간법