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Discover 150 research papers published on
1st June, 2017 starting with "Y"

Young adult outcomes in the follow‐up of the multimodal treatment study of attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder: symptom persistence, source discrepancy, and height suppression
‘You will like it!’ using open data to predict tourists' response to a tourist attraction
YY1 Haploinsufficiency Causes an Intellectual Disability Syndrome Featuring Transcriptional and Chromatin Dysfunction
Yield and quality responses, plant metabolism and metal distribution pattern in aromatic rice under lead (Pb) toxicity
Yolk–Shell Nanostructure: An Ideal Architecture to Achieve Harmonious Integration of Magnetic–Plasmonic Hybrid Theranostic Platform
Yearly, monthly and weekly seasonality of tourism demand: A decomposition analysis
Youth Arrested for Trading Sex Have the Highest Rates of Childhood Adversity: A Statewide Study of Juvenile Offenders:
YC-1 induces G0/G1 phase arrest and mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in cisplatin-resistant human oral cancer CAR cells.
Yield, water and nitrogen use efficiencies of sprinkler irrigated wheat grown under different irrigation and nitrogen levels in an arid region
Young people and UK labour market policy: A critique of ‘employability’ as a tool for understanding youth unemployment:
Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer: Earlier Diagnoses or Increasing Disease Burden?
Yolk–shell-structured (Fe0.5Ni0.5)9S8 solid-solution powders: Synthesis and application as anode materials for Na-ion batteries
Yeast models of Parkinson's disease-associated molecular pathologies.
Yielding Self-Perception in Robots Through Sensorimotor Contingencies
Youth Disciplinary Identification During Participation in Contemporary Project-Based Science Investigations in School
YWHAE-rearranged high-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma: Two-center case series and response to chemotherapy.
YAP1 negatively regulates chondrocyte differentiation partly by activating the β-catenin signaling pathway.
Younger patients have less severe radiographic disease and lower reported outcome scores than older patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty
Your brain on bikes: P3, MMN/N2b, and baseline noise while pedaling a stationary bike.
Yttrium-90 Radioembolization as Salvage Therapy for Liver Metastases From Colorectal Cancer
Young and turbulent: the early life of massive galaxy progenitors
Yet Another Proof of the Entropy Power Inequality
Ytterbium-doped oxyfluoride nano-glass-ceramic fibers for laser cooling
Yardstick Regulation of Electricity Distribution – Disentangling Short-run and Long-run Inefficiencies
Yeast and bacteria from ensiled high moisture maize grains as potential mitigation agents of fumonisin B1.
Young men in post-apartheid South Africa talk about masculinity and suicide prevention:
Yb3+,Er3+,Eu3+-codoped YVO4 material for bioimaging with dual mode excitation.
Younger-onset versus older-onset type 2 diabetes: Clinical profile and complications.
Young children's experiences of living with a parent with bipolar disorder: Understanding the child's perspective
Younger and older adults' associative memory for social information: The role of information importance.
Yb^3+-doped silica glass rod with high optical quality and low optical attenuation prepared by modified sol-gel technology for large mode area fiber
Yoga reduces the brain's amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in patients with early psychosis results of a randomized controlled trial
Yield and phenological responses of bt cotton to different sowing dates in semi-arid climate
YM155 induces apoptosis through proteasome-dependent degradation of MCL-1 in primary effusion lymphoma
Young people with higher social anxiety are less likely to adopt the perspective of another: Data from the Director task
Yield of screening echocardiograms during pediatric follow-up in survivors treated with anthracyclines and cardiotoxic radiation
Young children’s number sense development: Age related complexity across cases of three children
Yield-aware sizing of pipeline ADC using a multiple-objective evolutionary algorithm
Yellow and green luminescence in single-crystal Ge-catalyzed GaN nanowires grown by low pressure chemical vapor deposition
Young children display an increase in prosocial donating in response to an upwards shift in generosity by a same-aged peer.
Yeah yeah yeah: The sixties screamscape of Beatlemania
“You’re Really Just a Gay Man in a Woman’s Body!”: The Possibilities and Perils of Queer Sexuality
You talkin' to me? Communicative talker gaze activates left-lateralized superior temporal cortex during perception of degraded speech.
You Fill My Heart: Looking at One's Partner Increases Interoceptive Accuracy.
Young people with type 1 diabetes mellitus: Attitudes, perceptions, and experiences of diabetes management and continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy.
Yellow Fever Virus Modulates the Expression of Key Proteins Related to the microRNA Pathway in the Human Hepatocarcinoma Cell Line HepG2.
Yield, product quality and energy use in organic vegetable living mulch cropping systems: research evidence and farmers’ perception
Young adult cancer survivors’ follow-up care expectations of oncologists and primary care physicians
Years of Life Lost After Complications of Coronary Artery Bypass Operations.
Young, active radio stars in the AB Doradus moving group
Youth friendly health services in a rural community of Lagos, Nigeria: are the youths receptive?
You’ve Been Tricked! A User Study of the Effectiveness of Typosquatting Techniques
Your paradigm or mine? Navigating the varied landscapes of osteopathic practice, research and education
Yield analysis as a function of stochastic plant architecture
Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretiminde yazma eğitimi bağlamında yazım ve noktalama
YANG Data Model for Key Chains
요양병원 간호사의 감정노동, 직무 스트레스 및 전문직 삶의 질
YAFA-SOA: A GA-Based Optimizer for Optimizing Security and Cost in Service Compositions
YBS heuristic for routing and spectrum allocation in flexible optical networks
Youth Unemployment and Violent Mobilization in Kebbi State
Yin and yank? Public opinion in Europe toward the U.S. and China
Yenidoğanlarda Ağrı ve Ağrı Yönetiminde Hemşirenin Rolü
“You Too Can Compose”: Ruth Crawford’s Mentoring of Vivian Fine
You have a Message from Illi! : The Mobile Diary in Researching Children’s Daily Experiences
Yield Potentiality of Maize as Relay Crop with T. Aman Rice under Different Agronomic Management
Yeni̇ bi̇r turi̇zm çeşi̇di̇ olarak elektroni̇k spor turi̇zmi̇
Your Child’s First Cell Phone
Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care: International Research, Policy and Practise Philip Mendes and Pamela Snow (Eds) (2016). London: Palgrave McMillan. ISBN 978-137-55638-7, 430 pages, $144.91 (e-book).
You know what I mean
Yttrium-90 Radioembolization for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Outcomes by Number of Lines of Therapy
Yaw Rate Control and Actuator Fault Detection and Isolation for a Four Wheel Independent Drive Electric Vehicle
Yemen poverty notes
예비유아교사의 그릿 군집유형에 따른 성격 5요인과 자기효능감의 차이
Youth Sports and Physical Activity: Innovative Perspectives on the Role of Health Care Professionals.
Yay - an open-hardware energy measurement system for feedback and appliance detection based on the arduino platform
Yield and weed density of Blackgram (Vignamungo (L.) Hepper) as influenced by weed control methods
養育・しつけが反社会的行動に及ぼす弁別的影響 —適応性を考慮した社会的情報処理による媒介過程—
영남권 물류센터 입지 선정 최적화에 관한 연구- 프랜차이즈 a社 사례를 중심으로 -
Yetişkin femur cisim kırıklarında genişleyebilir intramedüller çivi uygulamasının sonuçları
You Have to Feel a Sound for It to Be Effective
Yellow-crowned Elaenia Myiopagis flavivertex, new to Colombia
Yield losses caused to potato plants by potato tuber worm, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) and its economic levels at Qalyubyia Governorate
Young Married Women’s Perceptions On The Maeanings And Motivations For Their Husbands’ Opposition To Their Modern Contraceptive Use In Malawi
Yellow Colon: A Case of Cryptosporidium Colitis.
Yükseköğretimde Öğrenci Sadakâti Ölçeği: Uyarlama, Dil Geçerliği ve Faktör Yapısının İncelenmesi
Yb valence state in Yb5Rh4Ge10
Youth activism, engagement and the development of new civic learning spaces
Youth Friendly Service Utilization and Associated Factors Among Preparatory School Students in Sodo Town, Southern Nations, Nationalities And Peoples Region, Ethiopia
양육미혼모의 삶의 질에 관한 연구 :성격강점을 중심으로
Yenidoğan Stres Ölçeği'nin Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
Yenilik Ekosistemlerinin Desteklenmesine Yönelik Kamu Politikaları: Kamu-ÜniversiteSanayi İşbirliğinde Üçlü Sarmal Modeli İncelemesi
Yehicle-to-grid technology assisted microgrid in Ghana: Opportunities and challenges
융합 단백질을 이용한 재조합 인간 혈관내피세포 성장인자의 정제공정 개발
영아의 정서조절 유형과 영아-어머니 정서적 가용성의 양상 및 관계
영유아 이유식 브랜드 이미지가 브랜드 관계의 질과 재이용의도에 미치는 영향
Yield mapping at different scales to improve fertilizer decision making in the Australian sugar industry
Ytterbium doped tantalum pentoxide nanowire waveguide lasers
Yongnian Zheng and Lance L. P. Gore, Eds., China Entering the Xi Jinping Era
Year One Summary of X-energy Pebble Fuel Development at ORNL
Yahudilerin II. Abdülhamid Döneminde Filistin’e Göç Girişimleri ve Oliphant’ın Siyonist Koloni Talebi
Young people’s citizenship activity in times of war threat: Case of Ukraine
Yields of three acids during simulated fermentation of inulin and xylo-oligosaccharides enhanced by six exogenous strains
의료사회복지사의 직무요구가 직무만족, 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
Yeni düzenlemeler çerçevesinde meslek edinilmiş ödünç (geçici) iş ilişkisi
영적 재탄생을 위한 역치의 상징: 죽음
Youth violence: a questionnaire based study in “misr university for science and technology”
Yoga practice improves sleep quality of people living with HIV on ART
Yarı ıslatmalı sulamayla patlıcan yetiştiriciliği
Yield Envelopes and Spectrum Response from Foundations Applied to Wind Turbines in Marine Soils
YY Sex: a Polar Candidate
yBRIEF: A study of non-Gaussian Binary Elementary Features
Your Country, My Country: A Unified History of the United States and Canada, by Robert BothwellBothwellRobertYour Country, My Country: A Unified History of the United States and Canada New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. 432pp. $38.50 (cloth) ISBN: 978–0–19–544880–1
‘Yassaba’ or the Fear of Being Abandoned: Adapting Health-promotion Messages to Incorporate Local Meanings in Guinée Forestière
Yapı-Temel-Zemin Sismik Etkileşim Probleminin Adapazarı Bölgesi İçin Empedans Fonksiyonları Yardımıyla Analizi
Yabancı dil / çeviri eğitiminde karşıtsal çözümleme: biçim-işlev-anlam üçlüsü
YoRoad: A Monitoring Service for Ride Sharing Systems
Yerel İşletmelerin Markalaşma Sürecinde Sosyal Medyanın Rolü: Burhaniye ve Edremit Yerel Zeytin/Zeytinyağı İşletmeleri Örneği
유아 행복의 차원 구조 및 원형 구조: 어머니의 인식을 중심으로
Yerli Kara Düvelerde Farklı Süperovulasyon Protokolleri ile Elde Edilen Cevapların Araştırılması
Yoga and Ayurveda : Concomitant preventive therapeutics for some important lifestyle disorders
유아기 수면문제, 실행기능 및 사회적 행동 간의 관계
유치원 교원능력개발평가의 현황과 과제
Youth violence: The “warning sign” for our society
Young sea ice electric properties estimation under non-optimal conditions
Ytringskultur for fremtidens forskere
Yb-fiber-pumped high-repetition-rate picosecond deep-infrared optical parametric oscillator
Yersinia enterocolitica 2/O:9 – kantojen karakterisointi MLST-menetelmällä
유아인성교육에 대한 유아교사의 인식 연구 : 중요도와 실행도를 중심으로
Yerfıstığı (Arachis hypogaea L.)’nda bazı kalite özelliklerinin Yakın Kızılötesi Spektroskopi (NIRS) ile belirlenmesi
Yayla koşullarında domates yetiştiriciliği yapılan sera topraklarının verimlilik durumlarının belirlenmesi:Elmalı yöresi örneği
유아 사교육 시작 시점의 결정요인과 시작 시점이 이후 학업성취에 미치는 영향검증: 혼합생존분석의 확장
Yield, nutrient and water use efficiency and economics of maize as influenced by levels of irrigation and fertigation
腰部巨大粘液線維肉腫(Myxofibrosarcoma)の 1 例
YHWH Religion and YHWH Temple of Jewish People in Elephantine Island of Egypt: Was only YHWH worshiped in Elephantine Island?
유엔 지속가능개발목표(Sustainable Development Goals)의 의미와 유아교육의 과제
유치원 교사의 정서노동과 직무만족도의 관계에서 교사탄력성의 조절효과
Yield of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome and No Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease.
You Can Clinically Diagnose "Bursitis": You Probably Don't Need to Order That Ultrasound or MRI to Do It
一過性全健忘を呈した左帯状回から脳梁膝部にかけての脳梗塞の1例(Transient global amnesia associated with an acute infarction in the left cingulate gyrus)
Young Male With Shoulder Mass
Yonder: Adolescence, vaccination, leadership, and fashion models.
Young Boy With Unilateral Facial Flushing.
Young Voices at the Ballot Box: Lowering the Voting Age for Local Elections in 2017 and Beyond
Yerel kavun (Cucumis melo L.) genotiplerinin bazı morfolojik özellikleri