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Discover 140 research papers published on
1st May, 2017 starting with "Z"

Zero Voltage Vector Sampling Method for PMSM Three-Phase Current Reconstruction Using Single Current Sensor
Zinc effect on growth rate, chlorophyll, protein and mineral contents of hydroponically grown mungbeans plant (Vigna radiata)
Zinc enhances intestinal epithelial barrier function through the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in Caco-2 cells
ZnO-PLA nanocomposite coated paper for antimicrobial packaging application
Zealactones. Novel natural strigolactones from maize
ZnO nanostructure fabrication in different solvents transforms physio-chemical, biological and photodegradable properties
Zero-energy hydrogen economy (ZEH2E) for buildings and communities including personal mobility
Zircon Hf-O isotope evidence for recycled oceanic and continental crust in the sources of alkaline rocks
Zinc-Tin-Oxide Buffer Layer and Low Temperature Post Annealing Resulting in a 9.0% Efficient Cd-Free Cu2ZnSnS4 Solar Cell
ZnO/TiO2/Sb2S3 Core–Shell Nanowire Heterostructure for Extremely Thin Absorber Solar Cells
Zika Virus Infection in Pregnant Women and Microcephaly.
Zinc, nickel, and cobalt ions removal from aqueous solution and plating plant wastewater by modified Aspergillus flavus biomass: A dataset
Zinc complexes of diflunisal: Synthesis, characterization, structure, antioxidant activity, and in vitro and in silico study of the interaction with DNA and albumins.
Zein/tannic acid complex nanoparticles‐stabilised emulsion as a novel delivery system for controlled release of curcumin
Zinc: An element of extensive medical importance
Zostera noltii development probing using chlorophyll a transient analysis (JIP-test) under field conditions: Integrating physiological insights into a photochemical stress index
Zinc biofortification improves phytochemicals and amino-acidic profile in Brassica oleracea cv. Bronco
Zircon in amphibolites from Naxos, Aegean Sea, Greece: origin, significance and tectonic setting
Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic systematics of charnockite gneisses from the Ediacaran–Cambrian high-grade metamorphic terranes, southern India: Constraints on crust formation, recycling, and Gondwana correlations
ZnO‐Nanorods as an Efficient Catalyst for the Synthesis of 1,3‐Thiazolidine Derivatives by Aqueous Multicomponent Reactions of Isothiocyanates
Zur Entwicklung der ärztlichen Versorgung in stationären Pflegeeinrichtungen – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung
Zinc-rich oysters as well as zinc-yeast- and astaxanthin-enriched food improved sleep efficiency and sleep onset in a randomized controlled trial of healthy individuals
Zika Virus: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Human Disease.
Zwitterionic sulfamic acid functionalized nanoclay: A novel nanocatalyst for the synthesis of dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles and spiro[indoline-3,4´-pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole] derivatives
Zinc bioglasses regulate mineralization in human dental pulp stem cells
Zenith Bifurcated Iliac Side Branch Device: Mid-term Results and Assessment of Risk Factors for Intraoperative Thrombosis
Zeptomolar detection of Hg2 + based on label-free electrochemical aptasensor: One step closer to the dream of single atom detection
Zygomaticomaxillary suture maturation: A predictor of maxillary protraction? Part I - A classification method
Zoning effects on housing change vary with income, based on a four-decade panel model after propensity score matching
Zona pellucida gene mRNA expression in human oocytes is related to oocyte maturity, zona inner layer retardance and fertilization competence.
ZnO nanoparticles as an adsorbent in ultrasound-assisted dispersive micro solid-phase extraction combined with high-resolution continuum source electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry for determination of trace germanium in food samples
Zinc doped copper ferrite particles as temperature sensors for magnetic resonance imaging
ZnO/spiral-shaped glass for solar photocatalytic oxidation of Reactive Red 120
Zika virus: new emergencies, potential for severe complications, and prevention of transfusion-transmitted Zika fever in the context of co-circulation of arboviruses.
ZC4H2 deletions can cause severe phenotype in female carriers
Zinc finger protein X-linked promotes expansion of EpCAM+ cancer stem-like cells in hepatocellular carcinoma.
ZNHIT3 is defective in PEHO syndrome, a severe encephalopathy with cerebellar granule neuron loss.
Zebrafish models of non-canonical Wnt/planar cell polarity signalling: fishing for valuable insight into vertebrate polarized cell behavior
Zeylanicobdella arugamensis, the marine leech from cultured crimson snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus), Jerejak Island, Penang, Malaysia
Zinc oxide nanoparticle promoted highly efficient one pot three-component synthesis of 2,3-disubstituted benzofurans
Zirconium: The material of the future in modern implantology.
Zinc terephthalates ZnC8H4O4 as anodes for lithium ion batteries
ZipWeave: Towards efficient and reliable measurement based mobile coverage maps
Zoo foraging ecology: Preference and welfare assessment of two okapi (Okapia johnstoni) at the Brookfield Zoo
Zinc-Biofortified Wheat: Harnessing Genetic Diversity for Improved Nutritional Quality
Zonisamide in Brain Tumor-Related Epilepsy: An Observational Pilot Study
Zero-inflated spatio-temporal models for disease mapping.
Zircon U–Pb dating using LA-ICP-MS: Quaternary tephras in Boso Peninsula, Japan
Zika Virus Infection Associated With Congenital Birth Defects in a HIV-infected Pregnant Woman.
ZmDof30 Negatively Regulates the Promoter Activity of the Pollen-Specific Gene Zm908.
Zooming on all Actors: Automatic Focus+Context Split Screen Video Generation
Zn1−xSixO: Improved optical transmission and electrical conductivity
Zero potential method measurement error analysis for networked resistive sensor arrays
Zinc concentrations in human milk and infant serum during the first six months of lactation
Zika Virus Takes a Transplacental Route to Infect Fetuses: Insights from an Animal Model.
Zinc and Gastrointestinal Disorders: A Role for the Zinc Transporters Zips and ZnTs.
Zero-shot learning with a partial set of observed attributes
Zonotope-based set-membership parameter identification of linear systems with additive and multiplicative uncertainties: A new algorithm
ZK DrugResist 2.0
Zn-Ca-Al mixed oxide as efficient catalyst for synthesis of propylene carbonate from urea and 1, 2-propylene glycol
Zinc binding with l-dopa peptides
Zn-promoted synthesis of diphenyl carbonate via transesterification over Ti–Zn double oxide catalyst
ZnFe2O4 Containing Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Magnetic Properties
Zn 2+ reduction induces neuronal death with changes in voltage-gated potassium and sodium channel currents.
[Zn(dap)3][Zn(dap)B5O8(OH)2]2: A Novel Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Chain-Like Zincoborate Made of [B5O8(OH)2]3− Clusters and [Zn(dap)]2+ Linkers
Zur Biegung von Infraleichtbetonbauteilen – Werkstoff‐, Verbund‐, Trag‐ und Verformungsverhalten
Zero Helicity States in the LaAlO 3 -SrTiO 3 Interface
ZapDroid: Managing Infrequently Used Applications on Smartphones
Zebrafish connexin 79.8 (Gja8a): A lens connexin used as an electrical synapse in some neurons.
Zamazama – Livelihood Strategies, Mobilisation and Resistance in Johannesburg, South Africa
Zygomycotic infective endocarditis in pregnancy
Zero-Knowledge Identification Method Based on Block Ciphers
Zentrales Informationsportal über seltene Erkrankungen
Zero-bias true random number generator using LFSR-based scrambler
ZN graded discrete Lax pairs and Yang–Baxter maps
Zone of Passions: a Queer Re-imagining of Cyprus’s “No Man’s Land”
Zinc as a Contributing Factor in Lithogenesis: Not Yet Ready for the Clinic.
Zastosowanie technologii druku przestrzennego w budownictwie
Zincostrunzite, ZnFe3+2(PO 4) 2(OH) 2· 6.5H2 O, a new mineral from the Sitio do Castelo mine, Portugal, and the Hagendorf-Süd pegmatite, Germany
Zn Alloyed SnO 2 Nanomaterials Based Humidity Sensors
Ziggurat fringes are self-similar
Zealth: ZigBee-Based WBAN System for e-Health Monitoring
Zerzevan castle in the light of recent archeological researches
Zygoparity and sex steroid hormone profiles in bluemouth Helicolenus dactylopterus.
Zika Knowledge Among Pregnant Woman in an Inner-City Urban Hospital [10M]
Zinc Fractional Absorption from a Representative Diet in Young Chinese Men and Women of the Shandong Rural Region
[Zinc finger protein 521 suppresses osteogenic differentiation of rat mesenchymal stem cells by inhibiting the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway].
Zika virus infection in Taiwan: An expectation on possible asymptomatic cases and local transmission
ZrTiAlV alloy grain refining under high-pressure torsion and electric field-assisted heat treatment
Zkušenost z praxe s biologickou léčbou „jeden a půlté“ linie u pacientů s relaps-remitentní roztroušenou sklerózou
Zigzag nanowire arrays for high efficiency and low cost solar cells
Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanoparticles for Enhancement of Fastness Properties in Cationic Finishing
Zika Virus in a Non-Endemic Urban Population: Patient Characteristics and Ultrasound Findings [12M]
Zinc sponge protects rechargeable battery
Zaocys type II collagen regulates the balance of Treg/Th17 cells in mice with collagen-induced arthritis
Zasady stosowania komór inhalacyjnych u dzieci
Zircon Mineralogy and Trace Elements Composition of the Metallogenic Granites in the Nanshankeng Mine,Eastern Nanling
Zero-Shot Object Recognition Based on Haptic Attributes
Zustand und Entwicklung siedlungsnaher Wälder – Ergebnisse aus dem LFI
Zika Screening Beyond Brazil: Zika Madness and Cost of Reassurance? [15M]
Zika virus and pregnancy.
Забезпечення якості процесу формування здоров’язберігальної компетентності майбутніх соціальних педагогів у ВНЗ
Zinc Responsive Acrodermatitis in Nephrotic Syndrome.
Zinc intake and status in Austria in the light of different reference values.
Zielgerichtete Erstdiagnostik bei Typ-1-Diabetes
Zmiany stężeń waspiny i leptyny w surowicy u noworodków donoszonych z wrodzonym zapaleniem płuc
ZnS Nanoparticles Embedded in Novel Polyurethane and Their Sensing Property to Ni2
Zero tolerance discipline policies and school bus safety
Zika virus serene protease complex (ns2b-ns3) inhibition by 2-amino-5-{[(1z)-amino({[(z)-benzoyl]imino})methyl]amino}-n-(5-amino-7-{[carbamoyl(phenyl)methyl]amino}-6-oxoheptyl)pentanamide, in silico studies
Zahnärztliche Implantologie im Spiegel der aktuellen Leitlinien
Zygodactyly is strongly associated with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.
ZSW inspection system assures hydrogen quality for stations
Zelf testen op schimmelnagels
Zipper slider assembly structure and sliding components thereof
Zika: Preconception & Perinatal Opportunities in Los Angeles County (LAC) [21A]
Zanzu: An Internet-Based Approach to Improved Sexual Health for Migrants
Zum Beitrag von Werner Bohleber & Kollegen über die unbewusste Phantasie
Zentraler Venenkatheter – Schritt für Schritt
Zinc-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis of Trisubstituted Aziridines
Zaufanie i wiarygodność w komunikacji rynkowej jako podstawa budowania kapitału przedsiębiorstwa
Zircon U‐Pb dating, Geochemical Features of the Halunwusu Composite Granites at the Northern Edge of Southern Qilian, Qinghai
Zygomatic Arch Reconstruction With Miniplate of 2.0 System in Complex Fracture.
Zircon U-Pb age and geochemical characteristics of granodiorites from the western Qilian block
Zur Einheit von Theorie und Praxis in der Psychoanalyse – zugleich zur Einheit der Erwachsenen-, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie
Zarte und stämmige Babys tendieren später zu Fettleibigkeit.
Zanesville & Western: A Creative Dissertation
縦型トランジスタ構造を用いた階層積層型Fe-FET NAND/NANDアレイの提案とそのロジックLSIへの適用検討
Zika virus infection, immune thrombocytopenic purpura and antinuclear antibodies positivity
Z culling method, three-dimensional graphics processing method of z culling and apparatus threrof
Zusammenhang zwischen kindlicher Autismus und SSRI-Einnahme während der Schwangerschaft
Zahngesundheit in der Schwangerschaft – was Hebammen beachten müssen
Zahnerhalt bei ausgeprägter Osteolyse
Zero phonon line enhancement by Mie-type resonances of nanodiamonds with nitrogen-vacancy centers
Zinc mediated straightforward access to diacylpyrroles
ZG tracking controllers of types z3g0 and z3g1 for handling fractional power systems
Zone modelling coupled Monte Carlo Ray-Tracing method for the prediction of transient performance of metal reheatinwg
Zirconium-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of Carbon Dioxide and Epoxides
Zika virus: an emerging threat to human lives
Zum Vorgehen bei Candidurie und der Nitroxolin-Empfindlichkeit von Candidaisolaten
Zusammenspiel von Zellteilungsprotein GpsB und Zellwandsynthese