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Amelia etlinger the artist 

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Amelia Etlinger is not specifically mentioned in the provided contexts. However, the artist discussed in the contexts is Bracha L. Ettinger, an Israeli artist, author, and psychoanalyst, known for her matrixial theory and artistic works. Ettinger's artistic series, Eurydice, is based on a historical photograph from the Mizoch ghetto, depicting traumatic events. Her artworks aim to move viewers towards the traumatic experiences of others, blurring boundaries between past and present. Ettinger's art is deeply intertwined with her theoretical concepts, exploring themes of trauma, memory, and the gaze in matrixial psychoanalysis. Therefore, while Amelia Etlinger is not identified in the contexts, Bracha L. Ettinger emerges as the prominent artist discussed in the provided research papers.

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Not addressed in the paper.
10 Feb 2023
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Journal ArticleDOI
07 Jan 2022-CABI Compendium
2 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.

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