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Are lightning predictable? 

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Lightning prediction has been a subject of research aiming to enhance safety and mitigate damages caused by lightning strikes. Various studies have proposed methods for lightning prediction using different approaches. Machine learning techniques, such as long short-term memory (LSTM) models , have shown promise in predicting lightning occurrences with high accuracy. Additionally, the incorporation of aerosol features in machine learning models has improved the prediction performance significantly . These advancements in lightning prediction models have demonstrated the potential to provide timely alerts and enhance preparedness for lightning events. While lightning remains a challenging natural phenomenon to predict accurately due to its unpredictability, the development of sophisticated prediction systems utilizing machine learning algorithms and atmospheric data has shown promising results in forecasting lightning occurrences.

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Lightning can be predicted using electric field measurements during convective events at a tropical location, allowing for nowcasting with a high prediction efficiency and early warning capability.
Yes, lightning predictability is enhanced by a novel machine learning model incorporating aerosol features and satellite data, achieving 94.3% accuracy in predicting lightning occurrences.
Yes, lightning predictability is enhanced through a hybrid optimization-based deep learning model, improving accuracy and efficiency in nowcasting lightning occurrences within a 1 km diameter.
Lightning prediction using machine learning algorithms can enhance predictability by analyzing weather parameters, aiding in alerting personnel to protect broadcast equipment from potential lightning strikes.
Yes, lightning can be predicted using a novel method that analyzes atmospheric electric fields with a recurrent neural network, achieving an 88.9% success rate in lightning prediction.

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