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At what stage of the chick is the zeugopod determined? 

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The determination of the zeugopod in chicks occurs during early limb development. Research indicates that the basic morphology of the fibula, a zeugopod bone in the hindlimb, is established during development through the expression of Hox genes, specifically Hoxd11/Hoxd12 . Additionally, studies on limb development in chick embryos show that the fibula emerges from a region defined by a distinct combination of Hox gene expression, which influences the morphology of the zeugopod elements . This early determination of the zeugopod is crucial for the subsequent differentiation and growth of the limb structures. Therefore, the stage at which the zeugopod is determined in chicks aligns with the spatial and temporal patterns of Hox gene expression during limb bud development.

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The zeugopod in chick embryos is determined during the 6.5 to 8-day stage, as indicated by the effects of Vinblastine injection on limb development in the study.
Not addressed in the paper.
The zeugopod in chicks is determined around stages 23-25, as Hoxd11/Hoxd12 expression decreases before cartilage formation, influencing fibula morphology in the hindlimb.
The zeugopod in the chick embryo wing bud is determined at a stage anterior to the cranial boundary of the skeletogenous territory of the stylo-zeugopod.
The zeugopod is not addressed in the paper.

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