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Attitudes to smoking addiction? 

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Attitudes towards smoking addiction vary among different groups. Public understandings of smoking cessation often emphasize individual choice, motivation, and willpower over medical interventions . Patients with mixed addictions, including nicotine, show a strong association between addiction to psychoactive substances and smoking . Children's concepts of smoking addiction influence their attitudes towards smoking experimentation, with some believing they can avoid addiction by controlling their intake . Lay beliefs about the permanence of addiction can impact behavior change, highlighting the importance of mindset in addiction treatment . Addiction educators view substance abuse as a coping mechanism rather than a moral failure, with varying beliefs on individual efficacy towards recovery and post-treatment social use .

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Participants with a growth mindset showed higher motivation to quit smoking, commitment, self-efficacy, and attributed quit failure to insufficient effort rather than lack of ability.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
C. Wang, N. Henley, R. J. Donovan 
22 Citations
Children's attitudes to smoking addiction vary; some fear immediate addiction and vow not to smoke, while others believe they can control addiction by smoking less or not enjoying it.
Public attitudes towards smoking addiction emphasize individual choice, willpower, and mixed views on the effectiveness of unassisted quitting, with pharmacological aids commonly mentioned alongside behavioral strategies or counseling.
Patients with mixed addictions, including psychoactive substances and internet, show a strong association with smoking addiction, indicating a prevalent attitude towards smoking among this group.

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