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Bootstrapping estimate are exactly same across different runs in mplus is that correct? 

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Bootstrapping estimates in Mplus may not be exactly the same across different runs due to the nature of bootstrapping methods. In nonparametric bootstrapping, the estimate of the population density function is derived from sampled observations, assuming the sample represents the population, leading to potential variability in estimates . Additionally, conditional parametric bootstrapping involves simulations where the estimator remains constant, providing exact confidence intervals but not necessarily identical estimates in each run . Moreover, a new block bootstrap method for recursive m-estimators introduces adjustments to mimic limiting distributions, indicating potential variations in estimates across runs . Therefore, while bootstrapping provides valuable estimates, exact replication of results across different runs may not always occur in Mplus due to inherent variability and adjustments in the methods.

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Open accessPosted ContentDOI
01 Jul 2023
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Book ChapterDOI
19 Jul 2010
29 Citations
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