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Cannabis and life satisfaction 

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Cannabis use has been extensively studied in relation to life satisfaction. Research indicates that cannabis users tend to have lower life satisfaction scores compared to non-users, with estimates suggesting a significant annual cost in terms of lost wellbeing for current users of cannabis and other drugs . However, the association between life satisfaction and cannabis use is complex. While some studies suggest a negative relationship, others question the predictive value of life satisfaction in cannabis initiation, cessation, and severity, indicating that other factors like alcohol and tobacco use may play a role . Additionally, findings show that cannabis use among young adults may be motivated by coping with unsatisfactory life conditions, with a negative correlation between life satisfaction and cannabis use observed alongside associations with personality traits like conscientiousness and agreeableness .

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Cannabis Users reported significantly better quality of life and health satisfaction compared to Controls, indicating a positive association between cannabis use and life satisfaction.
Cannabis use was inversely related to life satisfaction among university students, as per the study. Religious coping was linked to reduced cannabis use.
Cannabis use is associated with lower life satisfaction, with never-users having over 0.5 higher satisfaction scores compared to current users, as per the study findings.
Cannabis use in young adults is negatively related to life satisfaction, indicating it may be a coping mechanism for unsatisfactory life conditions, as shown in the study.
Life satisfaction at age 21 was associated with cannabis initiation and severity at age 25 among young Swiss men, but not with cessation. Tobacco and alcohol use may influence these associations.

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What's life satisfaction?4 answersLife satisfaction is a crucial aspect of subjective well-being, reflecting an individual's overall assessment of their life based on various factors. It encompasses cognitive evaluations of one's life circumstances, encompassing physical, mental, social, and environmental aspects. Studies highlight the association between life satisfaction and positive outcomes, such as improved health, resilience to stress, and protection against risk factors like bullying. Factors influencing life satisfaction include socio-demographic variables, health status, social support, and environmental conditions. Notably, perceptions of safety, genetic determinants, and microstructural features of specific brain regions, like the frontoinsular cortex, play significant roles in shaping an individual's life satisfaction. Understanding and enhancing life satisfaction are crucial for promoting healthy aging, mental well-being, and overall quality of life across different age groups and populations.
What is life satisfaction?5 answersLife satisfaction refers to the assessment of one's own life in terms of self-perceived favourable qualities. It is an integral part of healthy and successful course of ageing. Life satisfaction is the degree to which a person positively evaluates the overall quality of life. It is the main cognitive component of personal well-being and is seen as a conscious assessment of one’s life. Life satisfaction is the result of comparing one's expectations with the actual situation. It is a cognitive and global evaluation of the quality of one’s life as a whole.
What is the impact of life satisfaction on wellbeing?3 answersLife satisfaction has a significant impact on overall wellbeing, including physical, psychological, and social factors. Positive changes in specific domains of life satisfaction, such as family life, non-work activities, financial situation, and income, are associated with better psychological outcomes. Additionally, some domains of life satisfaction are linked to specific physical health outcomes, health behaviors, and social factors. However, the measurement of wellbeing often lacks reflection on the underlying theoretical conceptualization, leading to different rating scales measuring different phenomena. It is important to note that while cross-sectional studies may suggest an increase in life satisfaction with age, longitudinal studies show a decline in life satisfaction as individuals age. Life satisfaction research provides valuable information about how people perceive their lives relative to what they care about, but it has limitations in accurately reflecting the subjective quality of people's lives.
How does stress influence life satisfaction?5 answersStress has a negative influence on life satisfaction. College students who experience higher levels of stress tend to have lower levels of satisfaction with life. This relationship between stress and life satisfaction is also observed in college students who have a friend or family member with eating disorder symptomatology. However, stress is not the only factor that affects life satisfaction. Emotional intelligence and adaptive coping strategies, such as plan coping, can have a positive impact on life satisfaction. Additionally, individuals who are more satisfied with their life display a cardiovascular response profile that signals challenge rather than threat during a mental stress task. This suggests that higher levels of life satisfaction are associated with a more adaptive physiological response to stress. Overall, stress can significantly influence life satisfaction, but individual factors and coping strategies also play a role in determining one's level of satisfaction with life.
What is life satisfaction?5 answersLife satisfaction refers to the evaluation and conscious assessment of one's life, comparing expectations with the actual situation. It is a multidimensional concept that is closely associated with personal well-being and subjective well-being. Life satisfaction is often used as a synonym for overall well-being and is influenced by various factors such as age, type of work, and sample characteristics. Different models and definitions of subjective well-being and happiness contribute to the understanding of life satisfaction, which is characterized by stability, complexity, and consistency. Individuals with mental disorders generally report lower life satisfaction scores, but treatment can lead to improvements. Personality traits, spiritual intelligence, and happiness are also related to life satisfaction in high school students.
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