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Current safety integration in conceptual design process? 

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Safety integration in the conceptual design process is a current focus in research. The goal is to incorporate safety considerations from the early stages of design to mitigate risks effectively. Several papers emphasize the need for process engineers to have access to design degrees of freedom to address safety concerns. They propose the use of inherent safety assessment tools (ISATs) to analyze and assess safety aspects during conceptual process design . One paper suggests integrating the best safety practices with the design process to enhance the exploration experience for designers and provide additional value to customers . Another paper discusses the safety instructions and measures required for the design of a facility involving radioactive materials . Additionally, a new technique called systems-theoretic accident model and process (STAMP) is introduced to capture hazardous scenarios and undocumented assumptions during early concept development .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Cody Fleming, Nancy G. Leveson 
01 Oct 2015
10 Citations
The paper discusses the lack of effectiveness of existing analytical tools during early concept development and introduces a new technique called STAMP to integrate safety into the systems engineering process. It does not explicitly mention the current safety integration in the conceptual design process.
The paper discusses the lack of effectiveness of existing analytical tools for safety integration during early concept development and introduces a new technique called STAMP to address this issue.
The paper discusses the integration of safety in the design of the IFMIF-DONES facility, but does not provide specific details about the current safety integration in the conceptual design process.
The paper discusses the need to incorporate safety as a major component of process sustainability during the conceptual process design stage. It also introduces an integrated framework for coordinating the conventional process design workflow with safety analysis.

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